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Miles Morales feels more like a DLC than a standalone title. Nothing about this game stands out over the original but still holds up as a good spiderman game.

Insomniac's Miles lacks any characteristics that made the animated film's Miles stand out. Here, he just feels too normal and too easy lacking the charm a spiderman needs.

Overall, I'm all for more Spiderman games

What is there to be said that has not been said already about Insomniac's Spiderman. Its a really good spiderman game with really satisfying swinging mechanics. The combat and narrative ties everything together so well.

Somehow Insomniac managed to make a game littered with big bad guys work without ruining the narrative. I personally love the variety and how well it links up together to piece both an amazing narrative and also fun creative boss fights.

As a narrative first player, I don't find the game resonating with me on an emotional level and I don't think its as strong as many other aspects of the game. That being said, I recognise that GoW is a strong title with big ambitions.

It is very satisfying to slash enemies in the game with the tools the game provides the player with. It does not become boring overtime as you get new abilities and even a new weapon as you play through the game. If anything this is the highlight and the reason I finished the game.

Narratively, its meh? The only thing I remember that I think is worth noting is Kratos slowly becoming more vulnerable around Atreus as they venture further and deeper which was heartwarming to say the least.

Overall, good game