Reviews from

in the past

This game is absolutely amazing, the combat is so fun and the fact that in every run you start yourplay with other abilities made it even better, the story didn't have any crazy plot twists but it was just beautiful. and so is the level design

Story and characters kept me motivated when gameplay didn’t (and it did most of the time).

De las mejores de su tipo
Mas que nada por como usa muy bien su genero

Played it a shit ton when it first came out, and sank another 120 hours into it when I got a new pc. Perfect roguelike.

This game is insane. Seriously, that's all, go play, 7.7/8, Now Play, THAT’S AN ORDER

Now for the review: Hades is an amazing and captivating roguelike, and for a guy who never cared much for that genre, that's a lot. Gameplay is fast, intuitive and varied, with several weapons, Aspects and boons to choose from during your gameplay, it is impossible for you to have the same Run twice in a row. nothing to complain about the way the gods were represented, not only talking about their personalities, like Dionysus being a good party boy, Arthemis being Antisocial and shy and Theseus being a Dick, but their designs are Ridiculously good and creative, not to mention the script, which manages to be a mix of serious and emotional with Fucking Hysterical, Im Dead serious, Theseus' interactions with Zagreus make me laugh every time. And the replay factor is the best part, with so many objectives and Sidequests that I finished this game today and I still think it will take me about 5 months to finish everything.

É divertido no começo, mas depois fica bem repetitivo, entendo que é um "roguelike", e eu gosto desse estilo de jogo, mas o que quebra a vontade de jogar é ter sempre que começar do zero e fazer um run inteiramente nova; Por exemplo, em Rogue Legacy, se você morrer, voltará do zero, mas se matar um boss, não precisará matá-lo numa nova run, mas aqui em Hades, você terá que matar o mesmo boss em todas as runs, e isso é extremamente cansativo.
O estilo artístico é lindo, a gameplay de combate é boa e variada, mas mesmo isso não me prendeu, talvez um dia eu volte a jogar, mas fiquei levemente decepcionado

I’ve enjoyed this game quite a bit. When I first played it back in 2021 I was somehow unable to defeat the 3rd boss (Theseus and Asterius) and had only like 14 escape attempts. On my Switch it only said “played for 5 hours or more.”

I picked up the game 2 years later in 2023 and I now have 50 hours or more of play time with 46 escape attempts on a completely new file. I am amazed at how much dialogue is in this game and the fact that all the dialogue is voiced. This is sometime I really appreciate in games, and is one of the reasons why a game called Rune Factory 4 is one of my favorite games. Considering RF4 is one of my favorite games, it’s not a surprise I enjoy the friendship system as well.

The combat feels nice, and it’s fun to use all the weapons that are provided. It is fun to combine different boons and powers in each run. Even after you finish the game there are still so many things to do and discover.

The best soundtrack in any game, such fun gameplay, the variety of builds you can use makes running through the same few areas never get tiring or repetitive. Lovable characters and even 90 hours in I still get plenty of new dialogue. So good!!

i have enjoyed every single moment playing this game

HADES è stato una sorpresa. Un roguelite che si concentra molto più sulla trama e difficoltà proposta. Di genere qui si potenzia il personaggio di Run in Run per farlo partire più potente del solito e , nel mentre , sfruttare quello che la casualità ti offre per costruire il tuo personaggio. Rispetto alla concorrenza la varietà e il livello di sbroccataggine in HADES vengono un po' a mancare , ma il titolo si concentra sull'offrire una sfida sempre più ardua e il patto della pena , coi suoi modificatori per rendere più ostica la partita , ne è una prova. La trama coi suoi personaggi ben scritti sa catturare e a livello artistico ci ritroviamo di fronte a una gemma di gioco.

I'm not gay but why is Zagreus so goddamn hot.

Simplesmente meu jogo favorito.

Todas as mecânicas e progressão são feitas de uma forma que você pode jogar por mais de 100h sem ficar repetitivo ou enjoar.
A arte é absurda de linda e a história e os personagens são extremamente carismáticos. Apenas Kino

Had a lot of fun with this. If I didn't have such a deep backlog I would've tried to beat more runs, but had to stop at some point. Loved the characters and the combat.

Great time investment, great gameplay amazing everything. Supergiant at their cleanest and most streamlined but not their best. The game is just too safe, its a really bad way of explaining it but it really doesn't feel like Supergiant is taking any chances with this game. I love bastion because its unique and has that "studio's first game" charm. Pyre is the my favourite video game with amazing characters and story. Hades focuses the most on combat and story though that combat, which works really well. It also means that the characters have less room for development and the world is less interesting because its just Greek mythology. Not a particularly groundbreaking game but stellar nonetheless.

I mean listen I’ve beaten it but I still play it when I’m bored so that’s gotta mean something

A great rougelike with fantastic dialogue and story, hyped for hades 2

Didn't beat this game fully not because I didn't enjoy it though ! Loved the gameplay. The OST pretty much everything about it. Just got distracted and am hyped for the sequel.

Manhandled all of them fools in under 15 hours

Great art, great story, addictive gameplay.

Não sou um grande fã do gênero Rogue-like/light... mas depois de Returnal, Hades foi um título que me pegou de jeito.

A Supergiant é uma desenvolvedora que possui um zelo primoroso no que se refere ao game design de seus jogos. Hades não é diferente e suas mecânicas são bem trabalhadas, divertidas e sempre oferecem algo novo para o jogador.

A forma como o título amarra a história em torno do conceito roguelike de morrer várias vezes faz com que cada nova partida ofereça um diálogo novo, um novo personagem seja conhecido e novos eventos ocorram no palácio de Hades no submundo.

Cada arma oferece um estilo de jogo diferenciado e a variedade de habilidades e a forma como elas conversam umas com as outras permite flutuações épicas de poder.

Mais que dificuldade, Hades oferece uma aventura divertida e gostosa de jogar... onde cada morte não representa uma frustração, mas sim uma oportunidade de uma nova run.

This review contains spoilers

Supergiant Games's 4th game. Hades came along and showed every roguelite on the market how to do an effective story in a roguelite format. Stellar music, an amazing art style, and tons of customization wrap around every corner of this game.

Combat is fluid, varied, and as challenging as you want it to be. Characters are beautifully narrated and compelling individuals. At the end of a run, you'll think "just one more" and realize it's 4 in the morning. This game can entertain you for as long as you want it to.

100%: The infinite grinding system is purely cosmetic and has no impact on gameplay. Earning Skelly's second prize can be somewhat challenging - be sure to choose Heat modifiers you're comfortable with and have practiced. Reaching the epilogue and upgrading the Mirror of Night/Weapon Aspects is mostly just a matter of continued playing.

Uma AULA de como conectar a narrativa perfeitamente ao gameplay de forma consistente.

binding of Isacc but i wanna have sex with the characters

this game is not only sexy but also extremely fun

The sheer level of care put into each and every line of dialogue, each and every character design, each facet of the combat, the gameplay loop, the accessibility... it's astonishing that games can be this good