Reviews from

in the past

Holy fuck this took forever. This game has now made me roguepilled.

very fun, beautiful artstyle, great characters and a nice story but the replayability aspects are kinda... not great, you can complete runs over and over again but the lack of new unique bosses (outside of some harder variants) doesnt help
cant wait for the second game though!


Esse game é sensácional em todos os quisitos. Entrega uma arte espetacular, uma trilha sonora FODA, level design muito bem feito, história boa demais, TUDO!

Passei bastante tempo preso só nesse jogo, também por ele ser difícil, mas também por ser muito divertido.

Apesar do game ser um roguelike, ou seja, voltar tudo quando você morre, ele não é nem um pouco repetitivo, pelo menos não senti isso, porquê toda vez que você volta, você evolui e descobre mais coisas da história.

Vale a pena demais jogar esse aqui, você não vai se arrepender. Agora estou a epera do Hades II.

Hades é um excelente jogo para o gênero roguelike, com uma gameplay extremamente fluida e divertida e uma historia interessante ate certo ponto, cheguei a chegar ao "final" duas vezes mas não tive paciência para fazer todas as vezes para chegar no true ending do jogo, infelizmente esse estilo de jogo talvez só não seja para mim, mas proporcionou algumas horas de entretenimento.

This game is PEAK but man I suck at it

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melhores cenas de sexo ja vistas

Epítome do gênero.
Uma mescla perfeita da estrutura aleatória dos Roguelikes com uma narrativa continuativa que incentiva o loop de gameplay e recompensa seu avanço.
Mecanicamente impecável e uma ótima porta de entrada pro gênero.
Obra Prima.

I don't like many rogue lites but Hades is one of the only I enjoy returning back to. It has a great story and very pretty artwork. It took me awhile to beat the game but I enjoyed getting to know all the characters! ദ്ദി・ᴗ・)✧

As a huge Binding of Isaac fan, people have been telling me to pick up Hades for a while now and I'm glad I did as I felt it was a very fun, intense, moving, and contained experience. I like how even when you lose a run, you still gain something in the form of permanent ability that carries over between runs. I also really liked how there was some sort of story and mystery to the game that is unfolded during and between runs. Once I finally beat Hades once, I thought the story would be finished, but when it is shown that there is more to uncover by winning ~ 10 or so times, that alone was the push I needed in order to really engage with some of the other aspects of the game. And to me rolling credits was very rewarding, but at a certain point it felt a little tedious. Most of the runs feel more or less the same after a certain point and once you have enough permanent abilities that carry over between runs, you're able to reach Hades with ease every time (whether you beat him or not is another story). Overall: fun roguelike, liked the story, but lacked a bit of variance between runs that a game like BoI really has that I was craving.

Um roguelike bem divertido e viciante, não consigo parar de jogar.

Fun and engaging rougelike, good story and conclusion overall

A unique blend of roleplaying, visual storytelling and roguelite elements executed to perfection, Hades will serve as a benchmark for future Indie games.

Boons are cool and differentiate between runs

There being only 4 main bosses seems a bit weak and repetitive, I get that the main replayability comes from the different weapons and adding extra heat after you get one completion, but still imo adding new bosses or changing things around after getting your first completion would make the game so much better, or maybe after five completions. At least until the main story is completed. Also I don't really find changing up the Fury sisters as being a fundamentally different fight than against Meg, it's basically just a different skin

You can really feel yourself getting more knowledgeable as you play the game knowing what to do in certain situations, which boons to take, etc. As Zagreus gets more powerful, you get more knowledgeable

Losing doesn't feel bad, you always feel like you're progressing and getting stronger even when you fail, which is very difficult for a game to do

Combat, characters, art design, sound design, voice acting, are all amazing. The amount of dialogue in this game is actually insane, somehow every time you talk to a character they have something new to say even after 30+ hours

Every run I made sure that my heat bar was filled and I was using whatever weapon gave the bonus to to the Nyx's mirror shards, and having to do so many runs to beat the game started to make the game feel like a drag. What was at first amazing turned, at some points, into tedium with you basically doing the exact same thing every run. It is true that stories continue to advance like with Orpheus but at the end of the day, 10 clears in order to "beat the game" is a bit much for me. For the game to truly have as much replayability as it's demanding there really needs to be different bosses at the end of each zone, as well as different mobs throughout each of the zones. Or maybe even having zone mechanics themselves change. Sorry, but fighting Lernie for the 50th time isn't engaging anymore even if I have a slightly different build, am using a different weapon than before, and have some extra challenge placed on me by the added heat. I get that that's part and parcel of roguelikes and many people may enjoy this aspect of doing the same thing over and over with slight variations, but for me at a certain point enjoyment is replaced with tedium. According to, the average playthrough of Hades for the 10 completions takes about 24 hours, I think it's safe to say that doing fundamentally the exact same thing with minor variations would get monotonous for almost anyone after such a time period. That being said, the fight against Hades was always awesome, and I learned to hate Thesus so much haha.

Some enemies are just frustrating to fight, looking at you shield shades in Elysium

This game is so close to a 9/10 for me considering the fluidity of the combat, art style and voice acting, but its repetitiveness with lack of new content as the game progresses ultimately hampers the replayability which is necessary for any roguelike By the time I finished 10 clears and beat the game, I was already ready to move on. I will likely come back and attempt to 100% this at some point, but it also seems likely that the game will be too repetitive and tedious for me to actually 100% it.

Overall while Hades is a fundamentally fun game with great action combat, amazing visuals and voice acting its lack of content, repetitiveness, and length drags down what would otherwise easily be a 9/10, if not 10/10 game. I'm moderately excited for Hades 2 and will likely give it a shot when it releases

BASTA ROGUE/SOULS LIKE!!!!!1111!!!!!1!1!

Un buen juego la verdad, lo probe y enganchaba, los niveles cambiaban y te daba ese gusanillo de " a ver hasta donde llego", muy bueno si señor.

One of the most fun and addictive games I have ever played. The arts style is nice and the music rocks. I enjoyed how Greek mythology was captured in the gameplay and story. Endless replayability. I am looking forward to the sequel this year!

not a big rougelike guy but this is addictive :)

doing the same thing over and over again isn't my jam.

Definitely a great rouge-like if you like them. Seems like I don't tho.

Gameplay, visuals, and sound/voice acting are amazing but I got tired of doing the same thing over and over. Might pick it up again in the future.

When it comes to Indie Developers, Supergiant games has been a criminally overlooked team for the longest time.
Their older titles, Bastion, Transistor and Pyre, have always been rather obscure titles, despite the immense amount of love and cure for details that had.

So has a big fan of these devs, I am glad Hades received the praise it got. This game takes all of the things that made the previous titles great, and is able ot expand upon it to create a rouge-like action packed experience that is able to appeal to everyone.

The Greek Mythology inspiration also lead to a really endearing story about a broken family, that is able to adorn and amazingly accompany the various attempts to escape the Underworld.

Everybody knows Hades it's great. Some may even consider it a perfect game..... and honeslty I will not disagree on that.

Eu nunca fui muito fã do gênero, mas esse jogo aqui é MUITO bom

The game of my life, eternal love.

You would think after 100 hours into the game and completing every single achievement, a line of dialogue would finally repeat... Nope, I keep getting new lines.

fico entre sea of stars e hades como indie favorito

esse jogo é tão lindo e tão gostoso de jogar que devia crime

Não curto rogue like, mas o jogo é bom.