Reviews from

in the past

Best vibe, but it's still just shooter missions underneath it all. I just wanted Metroid.

Atmosphere is real sad boy hours. Loses points for lack of true multiplayer, game died quick at release.

first ever game I got on xbox 360

I am infamously terrible at first-person shooters. I do not know why, but it might have something to do with the fact that I can't quite aim when it comes down to things. My inability to simply point, aim and click a button on a controller however has not stopped me from enjoying the Halo series, and ODST is no different. I will not be discussing gameplay much in this review, because the gameplay and my lack of skill at the genre isn't the reason I love this game whole-heartedly. It is not the reason this is one of my favorite games of all time.

The Halo series has always drawn me in with it's rich atmosphere, worldbuilding and it's music; ODST has all three in spades. The dreary, rainy, nighttime cityscape of New Mombasa is an incredible backdrop for this game, one which feels more reminiscent of a film noir movie than a first-person shooter, or even a Halo game. The music, marked by it's lonely saxophone, driving strings and the ever-present piano only amplifies this more. When I played ODST for the first time, which seems like a long, long time ago, I was enraptured and fell in love with this game's atmosphere. It was unlike anything I had ever played before, and I haven't found a game since that meets it.

I said I wouldn't talk about gameplay, but that was a lie. The sections where you play as the Rookie are devastatingly lonely, which the games music, backdrop and the lone patrols of Brutes, Grunts and Jackals add too. I always found myself waiting in nervous anticipation, looking at my mini-map or peeking around corners to see what would be waiting for me.

The Audio Logs also make this game special for me. The Audio Logs serve as the game's B-Plot and act in a manner similar to Breath of the Wild's memories, in that it tells a different, yet connected story to the one you are currently playing through. I found myself endeared to Sadie the more I learned of her story, and it all culminated in a satisfying ending when I had collected all of the Audio Logs and got to the end of the game, where the A and B-Plots met and connected with each other in such a satisfying way.

There is no game out there quite like ODST, and if there is, I have yet to play it. But I certainly look forward to it all the same.

Don't care much about Halo's stories, and even though they tried something different, it still didn't grab me.

The mechanics are the same from Halo 3, which is okay at first (not every game need to revolutionize the formula), but in terms of game design it kinda repeats most of the ideas from Halo 3, but a little worse.

A Halo spin-off that really deserved more. ODST is a great testbed for future games like it. Smaller scale stories about weaker protagonists that still feel impactful and engaging. ODST's shortcomings come from its short story, lack of replayability when compared to other games in the series, and less gameplay deviation from Halo 3 than there should've been.
While the 'open world' night missions as Rookie are nice when playing through the story as a whole, the game is lacking when you just want to play through some more action-based levels. There are only 7 or so missions that are actually combat focused. Granted, they are short and sweet with Uplift Preserve and ONI Black Site being the best of the bunch.
The other issue comes from ODST not feeling as 'ODST' as it should. You're effectively just a Spartan that can't jump as high and moves a bit slower. The fact that the game still lets you use super heavy weapons like the Gravity Hammer and portable turrets despite not wearing power armor further highlights this issue.
This is where modding and hopes for a sequel come in. Like with Halo Reach, ODST has a Realism Rebalance mod that makes you feel like the squishy human you really are. My idea for an ODST sequel would be to almost make it like an old school Call of Duty campaign where you feel like a vulnerable cog in the machine going to battle with other Marines and ODSTs. Give the animations the MW19 effect to make you feel more fragile and human compared to a Spartan and have bigger enemies like Brutes, Elites, and Hunters feel like actual bosses you have to exploit and fight

Great campaign, firefight is good fun

Great expansion also rookie is a nice protagonist

ODST is by no means bad, but it does feel quite forgettable. At the core it's still just more Halo 3, so it's fun to play, but compared to the games that flank it, 3 and Reach, ODST feels slightly underwhelming.

A very isolating and wistful entry in the series. Reach had a similar tone, which I'm sure isn't a coincidence considering that the beta was included with it. Loved this game. I remember playing this in a shed in my friends backyard on a tube tv. One of the best Halo games.

Despite not being chief this game is very raw and very depressing. Some of the best moments of halo are right here.

esse jogo foi minha infancia eu simplesmente amei quando eu era menor e ainda hoje ainda amo, isso aqui é facilmente aqueles memes de foto de quando voce era criança que mostra cod e foto de quando voce cresce ou adolescente sei la e ta uma foto de anime

Buen juego con buena atmosfera, lo unico es que en su epoca se vendia mas como juego unico y aunque la campaña esta bien hecha siempre le falto contenido, aun asi recomiendo probar el juego

For the young me this was a fun experience, but the reason my brother and I got this game was for the halo reach beta.

o halo mais diferenciado da franquia, e ironicamente o pior.

Gostei da direção que estava indo, mas como ja falei em outras reviews, o combate deixa muito a desejar

Halo 3 if the story was good.

That pistol felt so fkn good to shoot.

Cool atmosphere. Apart from that it's fine

The NieR Automata of 7th gen Shooters

I was mostly interested in this game for the Halo Reach Beta, but it ended up being one of my favorites in the whole series.

The greatest couch co-op vs mode in all of gaming.
"The Pit" is the best multiplayer map on this planet.

this game is like reach if it was boring, ugly, and every enemy had an annoying shield

Solid game, but doesn't really utilize its concept (not playing as a spartan) to its full potential.

Change of pace for a halo game. emotional story