Reviews from

in the past

certainly one of the games of all time

Casi me duermo jugandolo

What an absolute shit of a game.

Decent game for the genres it sits in, ending was spoiled and so I will take that against the game out of spite.

He jugado esta cosa más de 2 veces y ni siquiera sé por qué...

Super sad and amazing game, very good :)

I think I liked this way too much than I should have had.
It has effectively no gameplay but the mistery around the killer made me actually invested in this to the point I actually enjoyed it. I wasn't really expecting the origami killer to be who it turned out to be, like at all.
I will probably hate it if I replay it, so I think I will preserve my good memories and not touch the game ever again.

Sensacional, história maravilhosa e agoniante.
Você consegue sentir carisma por TODOS os personagens e se interessar cada vez mais pela história conforme o jogo avança.

I was really hooked throughout despite the rocky writing and storytelling. There were long stretches of the game that were absolutely amazing (convenience store, night club, car junkyard to name a few). Obviously your experience and satisfaction of the game largely depends on the type of story you go through, I was able to save almost every character, and despite having one of the "best" ends morally, it was really lackluster in the end (with honestly the "worse" endings having more exciting or powerful conclusions).

They really messed up by having almost all D-list Europeans voice stereotypically American characters, the inconsistent accents are wack and lead to some incredibly cringe delivery and wrong tones. Scott Shelby was a great performance though.

Ultimately, I enjoyed my time with this game even though I'm a little underwhelmed by the twist and the ending I got. This has me intrigued to go through some of the other quantic dreams games

Norman was cool and i unfortunately did not get to kill Blake. As for the rest, just an average David Cage game

really liked this as a young teen but then I grew up and a lot of its storytelling issues became glaring I still have enjoyment for it and I wouldn't mind giving it a go now as an adult it would be interesting

It's kinda wild some people think the story of this game is not dogshite.

What would you do if you were standing over your kid's grave, mourning him and reminiscing about the memories you have of him, and your new wife next to you says "I want you to cum in me and impregnate me". What would you say.

Actual review: Extremely sloppy story, for example why does Ethan have blackouts? Oh it's a cut story element! Leave the cutscenes in, make your bad story even more confusing because who gives a fuck! Characters are paper thin and talk to themselves CONSTANTLY (fuck you Cage for damning us with this trope). Madison is a journalist, apparently, but it's only mentioned once and then she's Ethan's sidepiece for the entire rest of the game.
The color palette ranges from a dark grey to grey-brown. Better enjoy that opening cutscene because they're the only vibrant colors you'll ever see in this dogshit game. Voice acting is mediocre, nobody can seem to pronounce origami right. Dialogue is terrible. Overall garbage game and I truly wonder how Cage was allowed to have a career after pushing out said piece of garbage and I immediately ignore the opinions of those who say this is good.

Очень смешная игра.

cmon it's not so bad

I don't want to say that I don't like this game really. It does have moments of quality. I love how they would use the controls in unique ways like having you do a lot of uncomfortable button combinations while you're trying to get through some electrical wires or whatever. But other than some unique ideas and a good presentation for the time I didn't really find myself enjoying it that much and I know that what you do effects the story but I just left the experience going "What on Earth was that???" because so much of it was just nonsensical to me. I can see why people like it but it's not for me.

bro puts pubes and worst story twist ever in his game

Zerei pelo youtube, altos plot twist.

This review contains spoilers

PC-Version had some Problems but Overall a very good Game. I loved the Fact that you switched between 4 Persons where everybody has a different Role. Ending was shocking. FBI-Agent and Private Detective died on me sadly. Will play it again on Console tho to get a different ending :D

absolutamente sensacional
mas que confesso que a legenda em português de portugal me quebra um pouco


heavy rains still has a pretty special place in my heart