Reviews from

in the past

Not a video game but a very cool experience. Highly recommend to any radiohead fan or people interested in a surreal virtual art exhibit

Not a game but also wouldn't be possible without video games as a medium. Perfect music and incredible art. I wish more things like this existed.

This feels like a tripy music video you can walk around in. Outside of some performance stutters, this is flawless, especially for a completely free experience.

isso foi uma das melhores experiências com arte interativa que eu já tive

Nossa, uma ótima experiencia sonora e visual.

They should make virtual art museums, like put the Getty on a disc with interesting interpretations of the works recorded and played back to the player. I'd pay a solid 20 dollars for that. Anyway this is basically that or a dxm vision, cool as fuck

as someone who has never properly listened to radiohead, this is nothing but a surreal walking sim.
seems rather silly epic gave an art exhibit as a "free game".

I’m pretty unfamiliar with Radiohead’s music but I had to check this out for myself after seeing it show up in Jacob Geller’s latest video, and having now played it: it rules. A wild audiovisual experience from start to finish.

walking simulators if they were awesome and for virgins

i was flabbergasted i dont even like radiohead like that

Clunky and full of bugs, but nice visuals, nonetheless.

thom yorke coded it all by himself, which is why it's so buggy. great job thom! you and the radioheads make great music

this was pretty cool
"got everything in this right place" stuck in my head for weeks

Awesome art exhibition, would love more artists to release things like this

This game made me feel things that most games don't but I don't know what you'd get out of it if you aren't a Radiohead fan.

this feels like a radiohead fever dream

I'm glad that so many people have gotten to experience this. We need more things like it

Yesterday I woke up sucking on Thom Yorke's toes

first time i almost threw up high. play it sober.

I went to the Radiohead musuem

foda pra krl e olha que nem gosto tanto assim de radiohead

If you're not a Radiohead fan you're not gonna know what any of this means. If you're an avid Radiohead fan you're still not gonna know what any of this means

I downloaded for the Fortnite rewards and got one of the most interesting virtual experiences of my life. as a guy who had never heard of Radiohead before, I am truly impressed

me quede atascado en el boss del nivel de idioteque necesito ayuda