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in the past

super charming and cute though its rather slow at times

I guess the biggest thing to say about this game is that Kirby's movement always feels a little slow, in a way that's nice when the levels are scenic but also often kinda frustrating. The visuals are great, the music is jammin, I just wish Kirby could get where he's going a little bit faster.

Fui jogar já sabendo que ia amar e zerar 100%, e dito e feito, o jogo é sensacional, virou meu segundo jogo favorito da série, ansioso pelo Amazing Mirror agora.

Música favorita: Factory Inspection
Personagem favorito: Adeleine

The best Kirby game, one of my favorites! Me and my best friend both play this one to this day when we need that hit of nostalgia and childhood memories.

Bunun tadını bilenler bi layk atsın

Nota 8

A ideia da gameplay é fundamentada em algo básico de mistura de poderes (que deixa o jogo fácil de se acostumar e curtir), más a inventividade das formas estéticas de cada poder é muito ampla! Cada habilidade além de divertida visualmente, é muito bem colocada no design da fase! As habilidades super roubadas vão acabar tendo desvantagens ou vantagens dependendo do mapa ou da localidade dos inimigos; que joguinho feito com criatividade!

O jogo é bem fácil nos chefes más me diverti demais com a gameplay sempre diferente a cada fase. Eu ficava indo e voltando as fases várias vezes só pra explorar as possibilidades que uma bola de chiclete pode humilhar os inimigos fofinhos.

Descompromissado e viciante nos seus aspectos técnicos ótimos para época e na gameplay simples más muito criativa.

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fat fuck 64: the crystal sharts

I don't expect a Kirby game to be as fast as, say, a Sonic game, but this game just felt sluggish.

One of the most huggable games ever made, but so fundamentally slow and clumsy that it works out to not being very good. Side objectives are tedious but no more difficult or engaging than the regular ones meant to be achievable for Literal Babies (no way I'm going through all those levels to get the second ending), movement is the most sluggish shit I've ever felt with a hilariously unresponsive double tap to run, powerup combinations are cool but often worse than their base forms, etc. There's a number of impressive setpieces but they're often held back by how incompetent they are at communicating depth and when hitboxes will be active, a problem that would have been understandable earlier in the generation but is absurd to see in a game released in the 21st century.

But I can't rate it lower. Kirby is just a lil guy, yknow?

not a fan of the art style of this generation and the mechanics are super clunky

Kirby with Darth Maul's lightsaber, enough said.

Solid and fun platformer with lots of charm and the usual Kirby shanenigans and aesthetic twists.

one of the best kirby games out there, though kirby feels too slow in my opinion

I didn't have time to go through this deeper than the quickest ending, but still a blast. Just so cute and charming.

Kirby é meio lento nesse jogo, em compensação a mecânica é bem legal, podendo misturar habilidades de cópia, conforme avança o jogo fica mais legal, porém acho esse jogo não tão bonito quanto merece, mesmo pra epoca sinto que tinha jogo bem mais caprichado, conker bad fur day e banjoo kazoie são exemplos bons, porém, ainda é um jogo muito divertido, e com muitas idéias bem doidas que funcionam bem até.

Peak kirby sidescrolling. Movement is a bit slow in the 64 system compared to the handhelds but this game slaps. Cool as hell to make a fire sword. Story is interesting to some degree and the worlds are varied.

La mécanique des pouvoirs combinés est très plaisante et le boss final est mythique.

Incredibly simple and easy, but still fun. Great music and an incredible final boss(es).

Why is every game from this era so wholesome and simple and fun but engaging and wwwonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Overlooked conclusion of the Dark Matter Saga! And what a great conclusion it is, I love this game, I don't play many N64 games but this is one I quite enjoyed, I love the unique abilities they utilized with this one, especially the swiss knife lol.

Kirby passa longe de ser uma das minhas franquias favoritas. Tendo crescido nos anos 90 com outros tipos de plataforma mais desafiadores, conheci a franquia já mais velho e sempre achei fácil demais, simples demais e num geral, mediano.

The Crystal Shards em comparação a outros Kirbies traz o interessantíssimo conceito de fusão de absorções, algo intrigante que infelizmente não é ensinado no decorrer do jogo, mas sim no encarte/manual. Se você não o ler, talvez termine o jogo sem saber dessa possibilidade que junto dos chefes é a melhor coisa da experiência.

Os níveis são interessantes. Há bastante verticalidade e curiosamente é um jogo ligeiramente mais difícil que outros jogos da franquia. Sem power-ups, o Kirby é bastante limitado e impotente e se em alguns jogos é possível "voar" pela fase inteira, aqui uma restrição impede que o jogador abuse da habilidade e evite ter de enfrentar inimigos e obstáculos.

É saudável retornar a fases já vencidas pra coletar cristais que o jogador talvez não tenha conseguido pegar, seja por uma falha em executar um desafio específico (manobrar em uma queda, explorar um cômodo específico), seja pela necessidade de ter um power-up específico pra conseguir determinado cristal. Mas o ritmo de jogo mais lento talvez seja um desincentivo, especialmente se você estiver experimentando o jogo pra conhecer a franquia, ao invés de investido em completá-lo 100%.

A fusão de power-ups dá toda uma dimensão de curiosidade e experimentação que diverte por um bom período até que seja possível ao jogador encontrar uma combinação que lhe traga conforto e a sensação de poder que lhe agrade. Mas aqui e acolá tem desafios que exigem uma combinação específica que acaba requerendo que o jogador retorne posteriormente com outros poderes pra conseguir coletar. Esse backtracking não é muito animador, porque é necessário descobrir qual é, onde pegar e só depois tentar. Esse processo pode consumir MUITO tempo e sinceramente, como dito anteriormente, a velocidade e ritmo do jogo não torna tão convidativa essa tarefa.

Eu me diverti um bocado, mas não consegui me motivar a ir até o fim.

Pink glutton needs to become 3D but in 2D and save the galaxy again?
It's actually so free.
Gone is Hamster Rick. Gone is being a fish on land.
Kirby will murder innocents and (GAMING ALERT) COMBINE ABILITIES???
This is awesome.

Some of the abilities are hype and have felt the best to use in any Kirby game thus far.

Cons: Kirby is slow as hell and collecting the crystals is kinda tedious. Would have been infinitely better without pleb-blocking progress through the use of combinations. The frost combo star in the volcano? Not liking that!
Additionally, Kirby ultimately looks much better in Superstars beautiful 2D graphics, but I like how this game plays more.

What if Kirby inhaled a burp and a fart at the same time to vcombine them??

It's hard to have a bad time with Kirby.

Shares a lot of issues with the other two Dark Matter games—namely, the arbirtarily hidden secrets required for the true ending—but a big step forward overall. The presentation and copy abilities were fun enough to keep me going until the end.

very good game if you remove aqua star (tbh Acro was fun boss)

Very nostalgic. My cousins and I would assign ourselvs as the characters. I was Waddle Doo. The ability mixing is super cool to this day. And the music is as Kirby as Kirby music gets.

O' Kirby 64, my pleasantly polygonal darling, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. This was one of my favorite games growing up, and was my introduction to the Kirby series. I think it was nice to have a more laid-back experience to come back to between bigger games. I never managed to 100% it and was really confused by the ending that I got - something that I remedied in recent years. And I really wanted to hold Queen Ripple's hand (lowkey still do). It's still one of my most fondly-remembered games from that time period.

The story: Dark Matter invades the far-off Ripple Star, a peaceful planet populated by fairies. The Queen of Ripple beseeches a young girl named Ribbon to flee to a safe place with the planet's crystal. However, Ribbon is attacked by Dark Matter before she can make good on her escape, and the crystal breaks apart into pieces that scatter across the solar system. She crashes into Pop Star - and Kirby - and entreats everybody's favorite sentient sphere to assist her in retrieving the titular Crystal Shards and freeing her people from Dark Matter's wrath. Kirby obviously agrees, and the two set off on their journey, supported by a few familiar faces.

Kirby 64's presentation is stellar, no pun intended. The simple, colorful art style combined with a clear understanding of the N64's strengths and weaknesses results in visuals that have aged much more gracefully than many of its contemporaries - which is to be expected for this series. The 2D gameplay is retained, but Kirby 64 makes use of 3D to give the world and characters more depth and detail than they've had up to this point. The music is fantastic, which is pretty much a given for Kirby. Some of the tracks have been living in my head rent-free for decades - listen to this and tell me you don't want to hum along after a while. And then there's what I consider one of the game's greatest strengths that I feel people seldom talk about: The game is dotted with several cutscenes that do a fantastic job of telling a story without a single word being spoken. It's not a particularly complex tale, to be sure, but the main cast are given so much life simply through how animated they are and how well their personalities are conveyed, along with the musical cues that tie it all together. This all succeeds at making Kirby 64 a very memorable experience, even if the gameplay itself is barely any different than the games that came before it. Run, jump and fly, swallow the baddies and steal their powers to wreak havoc on the rest of them.

But there is a wrinkle to the gameplay - a really good one, and one I'm sorely disappointed Nintendo hasn't properly revisited since. In 64, Kirby's signature copy abilities can be combined, resulting in brand new abilities that run the gamut from broken to laughable (or laughably broken). Combine Spark with Cutter to get a Darth Maul-esque laser sword, or mix Spark with Ice instead to turn Kirby into a refrigerator... That spits out health-restoring food items. One of my favorite parts of the game was mashing up the different abilities just to see what would come of it, and the added variety was a great boon to the overall experience. My only possible complaint is that a lot of other abilities from past games were absent - I would love to see a new implementation of this expanded to include as many as the devs can muster.

It's far from perfect, almost by design. Kirby's a little slow and awkward to control. It doesn't feel great to play, and because this is a baby game for babies (I'm babies), you can probably attribute most of your lost lives to how hard it can be to keep the pink puffball out of harm's way rather than due to any meaningful challenge. Levels are somehow even more linear than in past games, with very few opportunities to duck into secret rooms or alternate paths. The collectables you'll need to snag to see the full ending are, much like in Dream Land 3, sometimes barred by obtuse and poorly-communicated requirements, necessitating multiple runs through a level until you figure out what the game wants you to do. And yes, even though you can generally expect low difficulty from this franchise, this game is almost trivially easy at certain points. It's a great introduction to video games for younger players, and many others simply won't mind - but compared to other platformers of the time, it isn't exactly exhilarating.

Even so, Kirby 64 is an adorable little feelgood experience that you can complete in a single sitting. Those who want just a bit more out of the game can fill out the enemy list, and there's also a handful of surprisingly fun, if basic, multiplayer minigames if you have a few friends nearby. Compared to more modern Kirby titles, though, it is a bit light on content. I imagine the game won't blow anybody away today, but it's an understated gem of the N64 library that belongs in your collection. For my part, I like to revisit it every few years to have a cozy little afternoon, before kicking myself for ever having let go of my cart.