Reviews from

in the past

Un jeu étrange qui sort d'un peu nulle part, j'ai l'impression
J'aime beaucoup son ambiance et son chara desing
Son gameplay à la Pikmin est super sympa.
J'ai malheureusement abandonné à cause d'un manque de temps, mais j'espère le continuer un jour !

Have yall ever had a game where like you constantly hear gassed up by your peers and despite trying in your entire power to like the game and be a part of the cool game enjoyers club it just doesn't hit? yeah... I've seen both people I personally know as well as internet randos pour endless amounts of praise into this title, and I've always been curious to see what was up, but after playing through this game naw man it just ain't for me.

On a vibe level, this game is immaculate. Given the developmental lineage of this game being done by ex-Love de Lic members, that should be obvious. Characters have their own unique wacky designs with their own goofy chopped-up gibberish voice clips, the various other boss characters have a lot of personality thrown into them, and the story has a ton of thought put into it. The game isn't afraid to explore themes of colonialization and hierarchal government structures, and it does so in a way that's subtle enough to not feel overtly preachy about its themes, yet still heavy-handed enough to make its messages obvious. It's a game where you as the newfound ruler of this kingdom, must overtake all the neighboring kingdoms in a conquest to take over the world. How did you become king? It just happened. Why do you need to take over the world? Because the military minister said so. Are the other kingdoms actively hostile? Not really. Do your subjects and countrymen like you? Sometimes. Tonally it fits right in with pretty much any other Love-de-lic game, and if there's anything that you can absolutely count on from the people that used to work there, it's that the personality of the game shines brighter than pretty much most other games in general.

THAT BEING SAID, its the act of playing the game (and really more of finishing it) that is where the problems truly become apparent. For better or for worse, there aren't many other games like Little King's Story. Essentially the gameplay boils down to managing a crowd of people to help explore a large map, overcome the many obstacles held within, and use the treasures collected from combat and exploration to build your kingdom and upgrade your troops. I've heard the game be compared to Pikmin, but if there's anything that this game has done, it's given me an immensely deeper appreciation for how thought-out the gameplay in Pikmin really is. In this game, you can only send troops out one at a time, in a straight line from where you are facing. Troops don't continue doing their tasks and come back to you if you move a far enough distance away from them, and there's no way to call back particular members, with the B button serving to call everyone back at once, regardless of what they are doing. It makes multitasking in this game neigh impossible at times as the gameplay is designed in a way that emphasizes singular interactions one-at-a-time. Which makes pretty much any encounter with multiple things an absolute hassle! There is a large variety of different jobs for the troops, with each job having their own unique skills and weaknesses, some being designed to get past specific roadblocks like builders building bridges or lumberjacks to cut down particular trees, and others being more niche with their functionality like chefs that only exist to OHKO any chicken enemies that show up. Considering the fact that there are only so many people you can take with you, there's a layer of strategy and decisionmaking for whether or not to spread your crew thin but be able to handle anything that might show up, or to focus on mostly combat grunts in order to ensure any potential fights can be handled comfortably. For me though, I mostly spent my time running with the wrong crew composition unknowing of what lies ahead, getting my shit kicked in for not being prepared, then begrudgingly having to start over with a more optimized team given the foresight of knowing what's ahead. The fact that the only way to manually edit your squad is buried within 3 submenus that the game doesn't even really tell you exists is the icing on the cake too! Even things like how the large crowd of troops creating difficulty in movement as people constantly fall off ledges/get stuck on corners and how there's only one button to cycle through class types in your squad which makes getting a particular class sent out more work than necessary. The gameplay as a whole just felt like it needed a second pass to really iron out the kinks, and it does make me all the more impressed at how Pikmin was able to pull off a similar concept with so much more user-friendly execution 8 years prior on their very first go.

and the bosses. oh my god the bosses. I don't know how they did it but they managed to make 7 bespoke encounters that are just as memorable and unique as they are absolutely infuriating. Like being overwhelmed with enemies? How about playing pinball with incredibly dodgy physics? Do you remember what gibberish voices are used for each of your NPC job classes? How's your Geography? Are you a fan of boss i-frames? I'll certainly give them credit for making them unique but there were too many times where a boss fight throws something completely out of left field that I either wasn't prepared for or had little to no control over that it felt like I was wasting time trying to deal with the games nonsense. It's just all a bit too much trial-and-error for my blood personally.

All in all, yeah. Despite me not having a very good time actually playing the game, I can certainly still understand why it's so beloved. I can imagine that the games quirky charm and personality could easily leave a lasting impression on people, especially if they played it in their youth where they can take in the vibes and enjoy the game at their own leisure unbeholden to the desire to actually see the game through to its end. Maybe it's just me being fixated on finishing games that was why I couldn't enjoy this as much as I honestly should have. The game was certainly an interesting and memorable experience (for better or for worse), and I'm glad I was at the very least able to see what the game was all about, even if it did bring a lot of frustration. The game is fucking, but the vibes are amazing.

Pretty good game! Has a very slow beginning comparative to later in the game, but that's only because the start of the game is good when the latter half of the game is REAAALLLLY good. Gets compared a lot to Pikmin, but I'd say they're really only similar on a superficial level, one similarity they do have though is that both are really fucking good. It's Pretty Good.

Cute little game mixing Pikmin style combat and day-night cycles with city building elements and a fun little plot.

Is there a term for like, a slightly obscure piece of media you consider to be a masterpiece, so much so that you tell all your friends about it for over a decade? Because i'm that babey

Pikmin meets highway robbery meets town manager meets me coming to your house holding up the case of this game at your window!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wish this was better. I enjoyed the game somewhat, scratches the Pikmin itch etc, but it doesn't play or control well.
The charm is there, and underneath everything is a fun game, but it doesn't quite cut it for me.
Also, the game ended up crashing for me after the 2nd UMA fight so, fate has decided I stop. (I was planning on dropping it anyway)

Starved for anything cing and love-de-lic-related, I decided to give this game a go. It's got a quiet and cutesy charm about its characters, dialogue and gameplay mechanics, and I was all about it for a while, got two or three bosses along. Loved hearing the renditions of famous classical pieces.

You've got to love watching your little army strutting about and micromanaging them, upgrading and expanding them. That's the be all end all for this game. Once I started tiring of watching them work, everything else went with it.

Also, that a game so adorable is so intrinsically about world domination is kind of nuts. Why am I hogging all these princesses? I guess I'm not fit to be a king. The nail in the coffin might have been when, during my last play session, I just couldn't get all my subjects up a small hill. I must've retried over twenty times, with growing frustration that something so simple can be so hard to compute. I guess it's the straw that breaks the camel's back.