Reviews from

in the past

O jogo é divertido, mas após algumas horas de gameplay fica um pouco repetitivo. Em algumas partes achei o jogo muito apelativo, mas nada que um pouco de estratégia não resolva. Se você está com vontade de matar pessoas de diferentes formas, esse jogo é para você.

Menos polêmico do que parece. Envelheceu mal em alguns aspectos de gameplay e é meio arrastado pro final, mas é bem divertido.

melhor e mais largado jogo da rockstar pqp genial

An amazing game and franchise that NEEDS to be revived, it is an INJUSTICE that the Camheds never made it to the full game.

piggsy freaked me the fuck out

Yep my 14 year old me love this game

The style is fantastic and the gameplay is pretty fun, but it gets waaaaayy too repetitive too quick

From what I played, there is a lot of man catchers in this game. I will play it again when I can sometime. When that happens I will update lol.

immaculate vibes, la segunda mitad del juego sobra

The atmosphere, the music, the presentation, the subject matter, maaannnn what a game, I love this one unique game here, it gets a bit stupid tough near the end but you can do ittttt. Either way I love this game a lot, it's very unique and has an unmatched vibe not even Manhunt 2 could capture. This is one of Rockstar's best and a must play for any R* fan or anyone interested I say.

This was the scariest thing ever back in the day. It's aged a bit but still holds up better than you'd think.

You're really getting me off, Cash.

Certified Classic. Wish rockstar had the balls to make games like this again. Something about carcer city just makes this game hit different. Brutal as fuck with great suspense.

Gritty, violent stuff. Just not for me. It must absolutely suck to live in Carcer City.

i dont know why i even played this when i was 7 on the family computer where said computer was in the living room for all to see


Incredibly frustrating and the gore/shock values dissipates by the end of the second level. Only good parts are starkweather's fantastic voice (i really gotta watch succession) and i guess the satisfaction of kills? besides that its clunky, has a terrible story, has gunplay that is worse than early ps1 games and just DRAAAAAAAAAAAAGS

Bu benim arkadaşımın başına geldi.

I am not sure why I like this game so much. The gameplay is fine at the beginning, but turns into garbage when guns are introduced. The story has an interesting premise but gets odd and loses the plot as it goes on. The executions are fun but you end up seeing the same ones constantly if you are going for high scores. But, for some reason, I have bought this game three times and have beat it a decent amount as well. Worth trying as a relic of Rockstar Games' past, but most people will stop having fun pretty quickly.


a world that’s dominated by kink and run by perverts, trying to figure out traumatic desires in the middle of suburbia hell, violence against human rendered so vivid it turns into a cyclic nightmare. as gorgeous and as entrancing as the first time i ever saw it. this is it, it’s dark now

After the Grand Theft Auto series, Manhunt was another acclaimed series of games created by Rockstar. Manhunt was released in 2003 and was an adult only action and stealth based game. The level of violence in this game surpassed that of the GTA games or any game you've ever seen before. The game's story revolves around illegal manhunts secretly organized in the United States.

Players take on the role of James Earl Cash, a criminal sentenced to death by lethal injection. Interestingly, the sentence was carried out, but the main protagonist didn't die and woke up in a room full of cameras. At this point, a wealthy man named Starkweather, a former director of gore and violent porn videos for anonymous clients, informs our protagonist that he must participate in a manhunt.

The game's action takes place in Carcer City, where the authorities are bribed by the likes of Starkweather and allow them to organize the aforementioned manhunts. On the streets of this corrupt city, players help James Earl Cash survive, fighting different gangs and "hunters". The main protagonist's actions are recorded by Starkweather's hidden cameras. The game offers realistic 3D visuals for the time and is very good at scaring players and making them feel trapped due to the gloomy surroundings of the city and certain buildings. The game's sound effects also add a good quality to the atmosphere.

Gameplay mainly revolves around sneaking through enemy locations, avoiding direct confrontation and eventually eliminating enemies that threaten the main protagonist. In order to succeed, you need shadows that give you the necessary stealth and sounds that can warn you of the incoming threat, shown as red blips on the radar. You need to pay attention to these.

Once you've decided to kill someone, you can do it in many different ways: slitting their throat, strangling them with a plastic bag, breaking their neck with a special hilt, cracking their head with a brick, and using a firearm you can find on the way. However, in the early stages of Manhunt players have to deal with all the threats with their own hands, using tools such as smashed bottles. Each murder presents the player with a level of brutality with three options to choose from.

Played around with it a bit. Kinda fun but very ps2

ха-ха бита делает бам-бам

Fun when it's an arcadey stealth game, not so fun when it's a really unbalanced third-person shooter. The atmosphere is incredibly bleak and the Riz-Ortolani-meets-Nine-Inch-Nails soundtrack is tremendous, so I'll cut its more frustrating elements some slack.

Piggy boss fight js like top 5 bosses of all time