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Why did i like this. This has no right to be good.

A fun, relatively simple strategy game. I feel like it was surprisingly good and exceeded my expectations going into it. Nothing in particular stands out, it is just a solid game.

This review contains spoilers

Copied from Instagram: 4/16/23

Last night I beat Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle for the first time!! I'd say it perfectly met my expectations! A very good time!

Started: September 13th, 2022
Playing: Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle
Console: Nintendo Switch

This game's flaws are easy to pinpoint and list off, while its strengths are a bit more tricky because it's really just, everything else. The game is just constantly fun and satisfying, barring the occasional moment of being screwed over by RNG haha! It's so colorful and full of life, the combat is tightly knit, using the abilities, enemies and gimmicks very well! It has a lot of dumb limitations too though that really baffle me sometimes on what the devs were thinking. But it's very clear the people working on it had a grand old time doing so!
First I'II list off my complaints and then go into what I like!!

I think my biggest complaint with the game is that it's shockingly... normal in tone... like, a crossover between Mario and the Rabbids? Oh well that's gotta be totally insane right? It's gotta be the most ridiculous thing ever! Not really unfortunately, I think the first world did a pretty good job at that, but even then. I struggle to call it tame, but compared to what you'd expect. I wish this game was like Pikmin 2, where it is just INFUSED with insanity, you are just constantly screaming going "WHAAT?!? WHAAAAAAT?!?" And there is the occasional moment like that where it gets REALLY FUN!! Those moments always feel like what the game should have been. The game is very strategical, which is really good, but I just feel like it doesn't fit the theme very well. The Rabbids almost feel like more of an oddity than this... threat I guess? I know a lot of people were relieved the Rabbids weren't in their face in this game, and DO NOT misunderstand me, I don't want the game to constantly go "HEY ARENT THESE SCREAMING RABBIDS FUNNY?!? DONT YOU LIKE THEM?!?" Which it certainly didn't, but there's a middle ground they should have strived for, something more witty and chaotic. If the game was more chaotic that would honestly make getting screwed over by RNG more fun, it would make it part of the experience, an excuse to rage and shout, which when done right like
Pikmin 2 is always fun.

There's this one level at the end that REALLY felt like what I'm talking about. It was SO00 chaotic and fun! It was the introduction of Bwario and Bwaluigi, the Rabbid counterparts to Wario and Waluigi. Ignoring those two which were FREAKING AMAZING, the level itself was very small, but had a LOT of enemies packed into it, making the most INSANE CHAOTIC experience ever, it was a BLAST!! Enemies were just pouring in Willy nilly and I had to
DESPERATELY try to keep track of them all. A big reason for this chaotic atmosphere was also the music they played for it. The normal battle tracks are so mellow, anytime special music was used it got SO MUCH MORE FUN!! The upbeat, fast paced music completely changes the mood of the fights and it's GLORIOUS!

Another complaint I have is that, they had a really good plot here, but it just feels like they were WAYYY too scared to actually use it. There's hardly a beginning once Mario shows up and like, NO ENDING! (I'm not exaggerating, you beat the final boss and like nothing happens) introductions to party members was mostly just them showing up.
Rabbid Mario and Rabbid Yoshi were more fun, I think the latter's was absolutely perfect given his personality. I was really looking forward to seeing why Peach would join your team since you meet her before then, but no she just randomly shows up before a boss fight. Also, Yoshi was unlocked WAYYYY too late. There was only like 4 chapters left.

The gameplay has a lot of DUMB limitations for seemingly no reason. Like, you NEED to have Mario in your team, which kinda sucks but like okay yeah he's the main character okay. But, you also NEED to have a Rabbid on your team, and since you can only have 3 party members, this means you can't have Luigi and Peach on the same team, or Luigi and Yoshi, or Peach and Yoshi. W- why?!?
This only takes away from the gameplay...
I really don't like how it forces you to lock onto an enemy when attacking. If they just gave you freedom to attack where ever you want that'd be so much better. But once again, only the tip of the iceberg. The game just cannot make up its mind if you can or can't attack an enemy behind full cover. Sometimes you can, sometimes you can't. This is REALLY awful when you want to destroy an enemy's cover but the game just randomly decides "no vou can't lol" Like, bruh what... You also can't stand directly in front of pipes which really messed me up once... just another weird limitation.

On a different note, it's hard and sometimes impossible to tell where an enemy can reach. The way it shows an enemy's range makes it so you can see where it can move, and where it can attack, but not where it can attack if it moves. You could calculate it yeah but cover is so unreliable in how it protects you that pffft good luck doing that (seriously what is up with the cover, it's almost random sometimes...) They should have just done the enemy range like how Fire Emblem handles it.

GUIs are kinda lackluster and were REALLY hard to learn for some reason. It's sometimes impossible to see if you can attack an enemy or not because the teeeeeny little pop up thing is under another bit of GUI, and the limited camera movement prevents you from seeing it otherwise. I will say though that both this and the problem I mentioned before got a lot better as the game progressed, so maybe I just got used to them. Still though...

I wish there were more Rabbid characters dressed like Mario characters. Besides the party members, there's only Pirabbid Plant, Rabbid Kong, and Bwario & Bwaluigi, all of which are absolutely the highlights. Where's the Goombwahs and the Rabbid Troopas? In face, besides Goombas, Chain Chomps and Boos, no other Mario enemies actually appear outside of references. Kinda weird, wonder if that's Nintendo's fault...

I'm not a big fan of the way the characters are rendered. They all look so plasticy and shiny. It reminds me of Smash bros Melee which is not a compliment believe me. Would it have been that hard to add a little more texture to them?
The backgrounds are textured wonderfully!!
I'm not sure how to fix this but gosh dang it, it is so freaking easy to misclick where you want to move someone. It consistently happened all throughout the game and always REALLY messed me up... it was the most frustrating thing...

Well that's all my complaints!!
This game makes me feel so smart and I really really love that. I always felt like the slightest mess up could end in disaster (good difficulty!!) so overcoming that by creating plans, using my abilities well, in the right order, always felt so freaking good. This game thrives on mixing your party together, using each and every ability with each other and gosh dang it is SO FREAKING FUN!! My favorite party is Mario, Peach and Rabbid Yoshi. I just feel like they worked really well with each other. Peach's heal jump is such a fun ability that makes healing a bit of a sacrifice, and something I need to really plan around. Rabbid Yoshi's speed made him so fun to use. Dashing every single enemy on the battlefield ALWAYS felt good. Super sight and cleansing jump are just genius ideas that add so much to the combat. No ability is useless! And the fact that enemies can use every ability you have to makes battles so fun, it makes the enemies feel like real, worthy, equal opponents, so taking them out doesn't just feel like taking out dumb, worthless flunkies. Oooh it's so good!! Enemy designs and functions are great, each one is unique and fun! Filled with personality too! Aw man, everyone is so expressive (all of the Rabbids anyway... Mario, Luigi and Peach aren't that expressive which sucks...)

The backgrounds in this game are REALLY impressive, not only are they just insanely detailed and beautifully put together but DANG!!!! SO MUCH OF IT IS LOADED IN AT ONCE!!! You can see $00000 much detail from REALLY far away. It's always so cool bring up really high, and looking down and seeing where you were before. Being able to see past levels in the distance makes the world feel so much more alive. Set pieces are really fun!! They have so much life in them. The first world in particular I just could not get over by how pretty it was to me. So bright and colorful, I love the aesthetic used throughout the game of there being giant household objects scattered around. The first world definitely did it best. I love the details of the occasional group of Rabbids scattered around, doing something stupid haha!!

The writing in the game was pretty good! Nothing spectacular but better than it needed to be and certainly more than what was expected out of a Rabbid game lol. It got laughs out of me every now and again. Weapon descriptions in particular were always great!!

The skill tree was always fun to fill up, added a lot of freedom in choosing how you spent skill points. I REALLY appreciate how skill points are shared across all party members so you don't need to worry about
ones you're not using falling behind.

I really love the Mario Rabbid characters. Rabbid Mario's
"cool" attitude even while doing stupid stuff was always really funny to me. It's like clearly he's a total idiot but he's also legitimately competent. Just a joy to watch. Rabbid Yoshi is freaking hilarious, he has no braincells and eats cement on a regular basis. The way he's introduced is amazing. He's kinda helping the midboss, and then as soon as it's defeated, he pulls out a freaking machine gun and shoots it to death and then just starts following you. Very sad he's not in the sequel, I hope he at least makes an appearance. Rabbid Kong is the most cursed abomination ever made and I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HE WAS SO FREAKING FUNNY I CANNOT GET OVER HIM I LOVE HIM SO MUCH.
Bwario and Bwaluigi were amazing, their designs, voices and fights were SO fun! I freaking love how Bwario is so small he has to stand up on a freaking chair to attack, that made me laugh so hard, it was such a pointless detail that added so much.
Oh and it'd be a crime to not mention the freaking
Phantom. His song was so freaking funny holy cow... I never expected something like that out of a Mario game, bro absolutely roasted Mario. Hearing him kinda singing throughout the whole fight was also such a joy. It was so funny having him holding a note and then attacking him, interrupting him. You gotta watch his song, it is to be experienced not explained. The Bowser Jr. Boss fight was amazing too, it really captured his personality well!! It was so funny just juggling him around in this circle because he was too immature to stop and think, though you yourself couldn’t get cocky because he could absolutely annihilate you if he caught you.

Alright! I think that's all I wanted to say! Just also wanted to highlight the music. Grant Kirkhope is an absolute legend, and while there were definitely tracks I felt were pretty lackluster, when the music got good, BOY did it get good! Sherbert Desert in particular had an amazing soundtrack.

Ultimately, this game unfortunately hasn't really left much of an impact. It was a joy from start to finish, I'm so glad I played it, and I'II definitely get the DLC and sequel at some point, but I feel like as soon as I post this review it's just gonna go out of sight out of mind, which is shocking to me considering how good it was...

I think the way the game was scared to explore its plot, and how it didn't fully commit to a zany atmosphere really hurts the memorability of the game. I'm sure I'll return to it at some point, there's still a bit of side stuff I never completed!! I also want to quickly say that I got this game for freaking $3. It was on sale for $10, and I had six something dollars in gold points, so it was ABSOLUTELY worth it, I'm glad I got an opportunity to play it!

The last thing I have written in my notes were:
Bye bye Mario + Rabbids! You didn't leave much of an impact but you were more than worth my time! Now onto my next batch of games!! Finally...


it still baffles me ubisoft made a good puzzle game

Very underrated strategy game that is sadly hampered by the rabbids but aside from that, very satisfying strategy system with fun maps and bosses.

How did this happen and why do I love it

I've never been more surprised by how much I'd enjoy a game. If this game was made without the Rabbids, I'd give it an 8/10. It's a 7/10

if this werent rabbids it would be so much more popular

Definitely well done, but just not my type of game. No interest in replaying

Un problema consistente con los títulos recientes de Ubisoft es que ninguno, por bueno que sea la premisa o el juego principal, es capaz de justificar su propia duración o de iterarse por si mismo de forma divertida.

Este juego está decente las primeras 4 horitas, pero luego repites esas mismas horas 4 veces más, y cada vez veia menos justificación de seguir jugandolo. Todo lo que no sea una sección de juego por turnos es un paseo, casi literal, donde consigues monedas y haces puzzles de empujar cajitas en modo automático, no tiene nada emocionante a la hora de navegar de un nivel a otro. A medida que la dificultad del juego incrementa, no se le proporciona nada realmente divertido al jugador para seguir adelante. El árbol de habilidades es seco y poco emocionante, y al final las armas que desbloquean se reducen a "hace más daño y tiene un efecto de estado" y listo, son más que nada para que el jugador se mantenga ajustado a las necesidades de los enemigos que vienen a continuación, que harán más daño y tendrán más vida.

No veo incentivo de seguir adelante con el juego que no me está dando realmente mucho con lo que experimentar y de cada vez se vuelve más cansino. La historia, bueno, la escribió una persona supongo.

Joguinho legal, mata o tempo legal, maneiro demais. Os rabbids e a história são insuportáveis, mas dá pra esquecer isso

Ignoring Ubisoft, honestly, this is my favorite video game of all time because of how much fun I have running through it, its sense of humor actually working for me, the gameplay being extremely fun, the incredibly experimental take on the Super Mario IP and the Rabbids IP this turned out to be. Not the best game I have ever played, but it's without a doubt, my absolute favorite.

one of the first switch games i bought. kinda mind boggling that this exists at all. not the best tactics gameplay i've experienced, but far from the worst

Got it on a whim. Honestly good game

literally like one level away from 100%

Also I forgot that Luigi dabs in this game and that basically broke the internet for a week

Legitimately cool take on XCOM mechanics but some mission types really turned me off.

I'll be the first to admit that I never expected this crossover to suit me that well, but I was totally wrong. Rather, I was impressed by the combat depth and replayability you'll find in this gem. It stands on its own in the turn-based tactics genre, even without the Mario buff.

Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle is a captivating fusion of RPG and strategy, offering players a multifaceted gaming experience. The meticulously crafted world immerses players with its excellent world-building, while the level design strikes a perfect balance between enjoyment and challenge. The witty writing injects humor into the narrative, enhancing the overall engagement. The Donkey Kong expansion elevates the game to new heights, introducing fresh content and extending the excitement. With its seamless blend of genres, exceptional design elements, and humorous storytelling, Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle stands out as a must-play title, with the Donkey Kong Expansion expanding and enhancing the gaming adventure.

when an ugly stranger calls you twin 😂😭 no bitch 🙅‍♀️✋

Phantom is amazing. The Mario roast was the best thing ever. The game is really good (and fun), way more than I expected to be frank.

No me esperaba nada y al final me acabó encantando, un buen reto sobre todo el jefe final y otros retos. Muy disfrutable y de duración larga

Tried it on Switch, but didn't like the game mechanics.

Never played this game but it looks and sounds uninteresting

It’s an authentic and loving homage to Mario as well, and coming from a third-party studio I’m surprised at how fantastic everything looks, in both the animation department and the words themselves. Even if you aren’t a Rabbids fanatic or a Mario fan, the fantastic battles alone have enough creativity in their mechanics to warrant a play-through. Davide Soliani and his team have done an outstanding job with Mario + Rabbids, as they’ve created an incredible tactics game that defies expectations.

Full Review: