Reviews from

in the past

played on and off for about a month. this game kicks ass i liked it about as much as both dooms

This is my villain origin story

I gotta be honest, boys, I don't like Quake very much, at least as a single player game. It's a massive technological step forward, and I appreciate the moodier direction, but I still don't think any of that really makes Quake into a great game.

The level design is solid, but the fact that only so many 3D models can be rendered means that only a certain amount of enemies can take part in a fight, which means that to compensate, they're was spongier, which in turn means many of the lesser weapons feel weak (their sound and animation doesn't help). Whether by choice or by necessity, I don't know, most of the levels infamously share the exact same color palette and a similar setting, which makes them go from atmospheric to just repetitive.

There were issues during Quake's development, which clearly led to a worsening of the quality in the last part of the game. The last missions are swarming with the universally despised Spawns, and killing the final boss is as simple as hitting a switch.

None of this makes Quake a bad game. The grenade and rocket launchers are amazing, the first parts of the game are still quite fun before the repetition sets in, and while I haven't played its expansion packs I've heard they alleviate its problems. I'm just saying this to justify why I've never been much into it.

Great game with cool atmosphere.

doom escuro, infelizmente, é isso

The first 3D shooter that kicks ass for all the ages to come.

Shambler's a fleshy abomination and his body looks veiny. If you think he's got fur then you must seek help. #FLESHAMBLERNATION

legitimately too scary to continue playing (I'm weak)

turn your brain off and kill some weird sex monsters

only major problem I have with this game is that everything feels so good to control that it gives me this false confidence that I can pull off some "speedrun strat" before lightning yeti immediately denies my spur-of-the-moment GDQ submission

It's just so much fun to play, one of my favorite FPS of all time.

a good time but i will never remember any of these levels

I don't get this game.

Well that was mostly kind of annoying. I liked how the game controlled and both the weapons and enemies were cool, but levels were usually just samey.

Half the game felt like it was underwater, and even unlike DOOM which came out way earlier, I struggle to remember specific levels. They were mostly just castles with moats, and the enemy count for each was like a dozen. If you see more on the counter, the level's just gonna have an additional dozen of fish and zambies.

There was a couple of years where Quake and it's expansive mods were the only game I played. Even played it competitively in couple of Team Fortress tournaments and thought I could make it as an e-sportsman.

Marek Sheikinski, fuck you.

One of the very few times I actually loved playing multiplayer. This game is a blast that has given many memories. Please give this classic game a try, you will not regret it!


Se referindo a mecânica é superior a DOOM, mas perde para Duke Nukem 3D que saiu alguns meses antes, gosto muito da ambientação aos moldes de H.P Lovecraft, a trilha sonora não é tão enérgica como DOOM, porque foca em ser muito mais sombria, é um jogo rápido, porém ao mesmo tempo lento por conta dos sistemas de chaves. Mesmo assim foi melhorado e MUITO em relação a DOOM, cenários são diferentes, e você se perde com muito menos frequência que DOOM.

Por mais que os gráficos obviamente por ser de um dos primeiros FPS inteiramente em 3D, não envelheceu muito bem, o 2D de Duke Nukem e DOOM ficam muito melhor, mas mesmo assim Quake tem seu charme, e claro, além do mérito de ser o pai dos FPS 3D na época, foi um dos primeiros grandes multiplayers competitivos (e também um dos primeiros jogos a receber uma comunidade de speedrun) gerando uma grande comunidade tanto no Multiplayer quanto nos Mods, que por sua vez virariam outros jogos. Então sim, um jogo de extrema importância, que vale a pena ser experimentado

~fps retrospective 6~
it's like doom but like way better, time for Duke Nukem 3d

this is fun doing coop with friendly fire on 😅

On certain days, I like it better than Doom

DOOM, but 3D. And you can jump.