Reviews from

in the past

Wonderful sequel, the books can be very hard to read at time but the story is very compelling. The puzzles are much more unique feeling here, probably just less copying of the riven stuff vs the myst stuff posthumously. Delightful :)

Love these games, they can make you feel really smart when you figure it out.

This I think might be the best adventure game ever made. What Cyan pulled off with Myst and Riven is nothing short of tremendous. There's no dying, no permanent fail state, no violence that occurs onscreen, and no HUD to speak of. There's nothing between you and the atmosphere of the world. And what a world it is! These graphics STILL look good, over twenty-five years after its initial release on the Mac. All the upcoming remake really needs to do is just polish up what's already here and put it in a higher resolution and it would still turn heads.

The story is equally compelling and remains mysterious even now. Be warned though, that it's told all through text. Make sure you can read cursive, or you might not be able to fully understand what's happening. And do not be afraid to use a walkthrough. Some editions of this game even included a hint book, because these are some of the trickiest logic puzzles ever put in an adventure game, but once you figure them out, it's simple. it's like they were built for inhabitants of the islands rather than for a game. Since you're an outsider, you have to learn all about the culture of Riven in order to complete the game, which requires you to be immersed in the world and the lore.

Truly, a gaming experience like no other. Make sure to take notes, and you'll find a desolate, contemplative experience like none other.

Monolithic. Might actually be the greatest game ever made.

Now this was the one I really got swept up by.
Edit: nah, I do miss the CD swapping, just a little bit. It's like you're popping whole islands into the computer.

honestly looks better than most modern games

I'd barely even played Myst when I discovered Riven. I took the plunge regardless and found an experience that still resonates with me decades later. It really has nothing to do with the story of Riven or any of the other Myst games. I simply lose myself in the atmosphere. I can picture that world as if it was a real place that I was wandering about. This is a game that I can feel.

finally puts (your) food on the table

For people trapped in books these guys build a lot of weird stuff

So well-designed, organic-feeling, and atmospheric. The puzzles are satisfying to figure out, with the stones puzzle being the standout. For me though, through a combination of my own impatience, a few gripes with the game itself, and some very unfortunate RNG, the whole thing was a more frustrating experience than it could have been. And I always got stuck on the silliest parts.

Gold standard for puzzle games. Incredible clue-based puzzle design, really unique and interesting visuals and animations, all combined with an interesting story that sees you through to the end.

i don't think i could have finished this game without being having someone back (and even at times front) seating me because holy shit are those puzzle games convoluted (but once you get what to do, they're actually cleverly simple)

but i believe you'd get a really good experience even without solving a single puzzle in this game because as cool as the story/progression is, the game's biggest strength is just how GORGEOUS it looks. i'm sure almost anyone will agree pre rendered backgrounds in games look awesome, and Riven is definitely up there in term of looking amazing. I can't count the number of times i've just been getting to a new screen only to go "wow this looks so awesome"; getting to a different island triggers a cutscene that looks so dope i only skipped it a few times because i was backtracking a lot, that's how good this game looks. Add to that a really atmospheric soundtrack and you've got a killer of a game where you could just explore around and feel satisfied, the puzzles and story are just the cherry on top

I had a buddy help me through this (thanks Loka) but man, this game makes you feel so damn smart when you're brainstorming and something clicks.

the only game that makes me feel so incredibly stupid and clever at the same fucking time. 10/10 absolute masterpiece

Based on watching others play this, I think the Golden Dome puzzle is, on balance, probably just a little bit too hard.

Not as strong as 'Myst'. The soundscape is cutting-edge, and allows for more sophisticated puzzles. The puzzle design is abstruse and the clues are disparate. Unlike the first game's five maps, 'Riven' is one big map, and so the gameplay is a bit less engaging as the scope of the puzzles is a bit overwhelming. The story isn't as involving or captivating as the first game either, and sometimes a bit confusing. Like fuck am I gonna read 30 pages of journals, not least with that shitty cursive handwriting.

My other favourite puzzle game, but this time it's incredibly natural puzzles where your task is to understand a society

I kept trying to convince people to play Outer Wilds because it's Riven in outer space. So, if it helps now that Outer Wilds blew up, it's Outer Wilds in... Not outer space. It nails its own liminal sense of atmosphere, and one contentious puzzle aside is an extremely enjoyable anthropological puzzler. Would probably recommend Myst for the relevant lore background bits.

The puzzles are still insane and the feeling of beating this without a walkthrough was wild.

A classic of worldbuilding. Even with effectively no interaction with other characters, Riven creates a living world that oozes character, history, and life. There's a very specific kind of enjoyment I get from learning how a new world works, and does this game ever deliver. The ecology of the islands, the living culture of the Rivenese, the dead culture of the D'ni, and the inner workings of the mind of a very evil man. Some puzzles admittedly suck, but so many more are well-integrated tests of your world knowledge and understanding, way better than usual adventure game fare.