Reviews from

in the past

não sei bem como classificaria esse jogo mas recomendo pra qualquer pessoa

Fantastic game with an amazing soundtrack, addicting gameplay and beautiful visuals.

good soundtrack, probably one of my favourite looking games ever, sound design is immaculate, underrated as hell and i see no reason why everyone shouldn't give this a shot at least once

Amazing soundtrack and the gample plays like an album unfolding a story before your eyes.

Absoluto amor por esse jogo e sua música!!
O jogo anda automático no ritmo da música e você tem que desviar, pular os obstáculos e bater nos inimigos de acordo com a batida da música. É um estilo muito pouco utilizado nos jogos e acho que deveria ser mais explorado. A arte nos tons azul, roxo, rosa e branco são maravilhosos e não me cabem elogios pra eles.
Infelizmente o jogo acaba sendo muito curto, mas será uma aventura inesquecível

only music album that also happens to be a video game

¡Que absoluta chulada tío! ¡Que musicote y que subidón! De las mejores horas dedicadas a la música uqe he tenido en mucho tiempo.

Un cortito viaje musical visualmente impactante con una banda sonora cojonuda. Lo más cercano a un álbum de música jugable. Muy recomendado si tenéis un ratito.

If Annapurna is the A24 of video games, this is their Everything Everywhere All at Once.

stunning visuals and audio with enough gameplay twists to keep things interesting. great way to spend an evening.

This game is like being invited to an awesome dance party that you don't know any of the moves to. It's exciting and there's a lot of beautiful crazy stuff going on - but damn if you don't feel like an ass bumbling your way through the routines like your first day at a dancercise class.

The whole game is dripping with style, drawing on a mix of 60's style combined with a surreal dreamy glittering space theme. It works really well and the visuals are a treat from start to finish. It's a shame then that some of the levels are super short, it's a real mixed bag of song lengths.

Every stage gives you a certain level of freedom to move around, but has an expected path based on the strings of collectibles that are hard to follow and appear abruptly. The game does nothing to guide you it just kinda expects you to figure it out so you're sure to crash and ruin the songs multiple times.

Everything is scored to a space pop opera that never fails to be enjoyable while it lasts and levels have you zipping at high speed around dreamy scenes fending off against tarot card inspired antagonists. Once you've played it a few times you'll be dancing along with the music and scoring points but until then expect your first run through to be a sort of practice for the real thing.

Creative, stylish, and great sound track, but maybe a bit too much style over substance here? There's just a level of accessibility missing.

Esse jogo é lindo, visualmente, audivelmente e interiormente, é uma experiencia completa.


Este es uno de esos juegos que te hacen sentir cosas

Very stylish, jammin' beats and just beautiful gameplay

Si bien pronto el juego sacrifica la claridad visual por la espectacularidad, un arcade maravilloso, un disco agradable que te cuenta la historia de una persona desdichada en el amor.

cool audio visual experience. my fav song's gotta be begin again.

Let's pop! You've got Queen Latifah narrating a swooning ballad of broken hearts, divine arcana and electronic pop. You've got an imaginative phantasmagorical sequence of rhythm-based arcade gameplay that constantly keeps you on your toes as the control scheme changes with just seconds to react. You've got an album that is genuinely filled with bop after bop after bop! You've got polished presentation that oozes retro wave aesthetics, from the chapter select to the in-game cutscenes.

It takes roughly an hour of your time to enjoy the rhythmic euphoria of Sayonara Wild Hearts (I wish it was so much longer!). The cryptic Zodiac Riddles grant some replay value, as do the high scores. But even without those additions, the sheer musical charm on display is enough to warrant repeat playthroughs. Slap those tunes on and ride the feel good waves!

A damn fine game. Music is perfect, game play feels amazing and it proves to the video game indusrty that you can make a great 2 hour long game with insane replayability.


Pushing style to its limit and beyond in a endlessly enjoyable musical rhythm. Not every Annapurna published title I've played has rocked my socks off but this one did.


Fun visuals gamplay was a bit of an afterthought. music was good but nit quite my taste

ever wanted to play a techno album? well now you can

It's a playable version of those music videos you'd see if you ever go to a gym that got them goddamn TV's all over the place
It gets no points because the experience of it can be simulated by just watching a playthrough or listening to the soundtrack but that is not a negative thing in this case