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Not the biggest fan of this campaign, I found that Plague Knight just didn't control too well and it was too awkward to navigate the majority of stages. Shovel Knight was super tight to control and felt perfectly made for the levels - putting another character in there just wasn't working for me with these movement abilities.

The story is way better than main campaign though, and the characters are more interesting. Plague Knight is super cute!

plague knight is a fun character but it's a shame he didn't get a whole lot extra vs the other 2 dlc campaigns
very interesting mechanics but i found myself really only switching bomb parts to find the new "best" one for me and then not swap it again until i unlock more to test

I don't think I've ever had as much fun just moving around as a character as I have had when playing as Plague Knight. Playing as Plague Knight is weird at first, but once you get ahold of him, his movement is so fun. I also think I liked the story to this one better than the original (watching it happen side by side with the main campaign is really cool). It's kind of like the Super Luigi U to New Super Mario U.

The characters are really charming and cute, but this is the weakest campaign in treasure trove.

The level design feels too similar to shovel of hope for me and plague knight can be a little annoying to control at times. The characters really save this campaign and still make it worth playing through, but it's the campaign I revisit the least.

After the joy that is Shovel Knight, this took a bit to sink into. But Plague knight is such a hoot and worth sticking with.

Love the ideas. Hate the execution. Controlling Plague Knight can feel like a nightmare, and I never felt like I understood the core mechanic of mixing and matching different weapon aspects. Mona is cute as fuck though :)

I hold Plague Knight in so much higher a regard than Shovel Knight (or either of the other campaigns really) that its actually kind of wild. The gameplay is so novel and fluid here, Plague of Shadows lives up to the kinds of things people were saying about the base game for me.

Plague of Shadows features a whole new playable character with his own moveset and mechanics. However this just feels kinda sloppily integrated into the base game so while the new moveset is definitely more interesting than Shovel Knight's, the level's are really awkward and not as fun to traverse.

Gosto bastante da ideia do esquema das bombinhas e de como ele (acho que durante o jogo todo?) usa os literais mesmos níveis do Shovel Knight mas a movimentação única quebra completamente o level design dos níveis anteriores de um jeito interessante

Mas na prática, ficar trocando as bombinhas e os poderzinho no meio da fase, com umas 20 opções (sendo algumas delas meio essenciais pra movimentação) não é gostoso e quebra qualquer flow que esse jogo poderia ter tido pra mim.

O pulo mais longo é maneiro mas o timing é extremamente awkward também: até o final do jogo ainda tinha muitos momentos que eu esperava uma fração de segundo a menos e não funcionava. Tem umas partes do level design que é muito frustrante que vc, mesmo com o double jump, não consegue alcançar as plataformas por beeeeeeem bem pouco; parece até sacanagem.

Ele não anda e atacaao mesmo tempo também, o que pra mim foi um bônus negativo pro jogo que já é travadão pra cacete.


i have two issues with this DLC: the combat and the level design. the movement is still as buttery smooth as Shovel of Hope; i love the fact that Plague Knight's jump is shorter than Shovel Knight's so he has a double jump and chargup ability to balance it. the combat though isnt that fun, i mean its alright, but quite a downgrade from Shovel of Hope. also the level design is kinda boring, sure it was cool traversing pretty much the same levels but with a different character who has a different set of moves but they didnt change enough to really warrant it.

i love the art direction a ton more than Shovel of Hope in this one though; the goth aesthetic is right up my alley. some of the artwork of this one, for example the final boss, is just BEAUTIFUL

Plague Knight and Mona by beloved

Save me goth alchemist girl…

It’s peak btw I love experimenting with the kit so much and I used the arcana a billion times more than the og’s relics.

It's ok, but the level design doesn't always accomodate the moveset

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So, Plague of Shadows seems to be a pretty mixed bag overall. I'm not familiar with what the fanbase thinks of this one, but I felt that, although this DLC is still really good, it has more cracks in it than the base game. Perhaps that is to be expected; Plague of Shadows was the first DLC campaign and got released only a year after the base game. Still, I enjoyed my time with this one and I don't want to make it seem like I didn't.

The best way I can describe Plague of Shadows is that its a sort of "dark mirror" for Shovel of Hope. It has some original stuff, mainly through the bonus levels, but you will quickly notice that the level layout is mostly the same here as it was in Shovel of Hope. I especially noticed this in the latter half of the game, since Tinker Knight, Polar Knight, and Treasure Knight's stages felt virtually unchanged outside of small and infrequent additional segments, even though I found all the secrets in them. Both Tower of Fate levels are exactly the same as in Shovel of Hope, except for two extra bosses at the very end. On the other hand, the Explodatorium was considerably different and was easily the longest stage in my opinion, which...well, considering that it is Plague Knight's home turf from Shovel of Hope, perhaps that's to be expected. I think this mode still manages to stand out despite its similarities due to just how different Plague Knight feels to play. He has a weak jump, so to do most of the game's platforming you'll need to get into the groove of using a charge burst (hold B then release B) to propel yourself at an upward angle. It sounds frustrating, which it sometimes is, but you get used to it and it even starts to feel good to use once you do. Trust me, I hated this when I first started playing, and I distinctly remember Plague of Shadows was the only DLC I didn't beat (before King of Cards came around) because of it. Playing it now, though, Plague Knight feels refreshingly different, and I got so into the groove of playing him that I might have liked playing him more than I did Shovel Knight himself. Plague Knight being so slow and floaty is offset by him being a ranged fighter, chucking bombs to blow up his foes. As you can imagine, this makes melee enemies more annoying, but it's balanced since you can also blitz them down before they even touch you. Generally, Plague Knight's play style being so weird encouraged me to slow down, in contrast to my playthrough with Shovel Knight where I was complaining that he didn't have a run button and felt rather sluggish. Plague Knight also has a more expansive and considerably more interesting repertoire of tools for fights or even for help in platforming. There's a cool system involving modifications you can purchase for your bombs in which you can adjust the throwing arc, the powder (affects how many you can throw and the effects of the explosion), and your charge burst in various ways. Make yourself float gracefully whenever you charge burst, make your bombs prioritize going straight up instead of straight down, make the fuse shorter or longer, and SO much more. There's a startling amount of options that spices gameplay up if you swap between 'em. Plague Knight also doesn't use the Relics that Shovel Knight used, instead quite literally trashing them in favor of Arcana. The Arcana are pretty much the same idea as Relics, except they use a rechargeable meter instead of a limited resource; it seems Yacht Club didn't want another repeat of the Phase Locket, so you can actually experiment with different ones now that there is no one obvious best Arcana. Overall, I grew to really love playing Plague Knight, but the initial curve in learning how to play him is really rough, and I wish that this campaign didn't feel mostly like a copy-paste job of the original.

I think I got more to talk about with the story and characters here than I did with Shovel of Hope. The story for Plague of Shadows almost gives off a kind of Saturday morning cartoon villain vibe, with your own evil lair and your own entourage of evil minions to serve you. I thought it was really amusing how it flips certain aspects of Shovel of Hope's story on its head: Shovel Knight goes to the village and is not perceived as a threat, while Plague Knight has the aforementioned evil lair he gets into by blowing up some poor guy's house and traveling through the sewers. You get to really feel like a villain, with my favorite examples being Plague Knight destroying the Hall of Champions and defeating any guard in his path as well as the time Plague Knight raids the armorer village with his goons to conquer it for himself. There's also a running gag I found amusing that Plague Knight never truly defeats Shovel Knight; he will win a fight and then Shovel Knight breaks out of the stun and wreck Plague Knight. Its almost like Shovel Knight has some kind of plot armor because he can't canonically lose, or at least that's how I interpreted it. As for the main plot, Plague Knight is a member of the Order of No Quarter - the group of antagonist knights led by the Enchantress - but he decides to betray them because he wants to create a potion using the essence of each knight. This potion is said to contain the ultimate power. Its natural to assume that he's just doing it to take over the world in some generic, but still potentially fun, villainous plot, but, as the story goes on, his motives go into an unexpected route. While he is still a mischievous little miscreant who likes blowing stuff up and causing chaos, Plague Knight is actually trying to get this potion of ultimate power purely because he feels he needs it for fellow alchemist Mona to love him. She is his partner in crime that helps him throughout the game. The game's story makes it rather obvious they both have feelings for each other but are too awkward to confess, which is a rather cliché but still pretty cute dynamic. They even throw in some relationship drama, since the Magician (the same woman who gave you mana upgrades in Shovel of Hope) is also in love with Plague Knight and thinks he's trying to impress her. Mona leaves him after thinking he's gotten with the Magician, but Mona comes back at the very end once Black Knight explains to her that Plague Knight is actually not in a relationship with the Magician. Its too late, though, and Plague Knight has already made the potion. One boss battle after a freak accident later, and now that both Mona and Plague Knight know they love each other, Plague Knight decides to use the potion to blow up the Tower of Fate, claiming he doesn't need unlimited power anymore because he now has all he ever wanted. A sweet little ending, in which Plague Knight's villainous group becomes recognized as heroes and an adorable end credits scene of the two dancing the night away at the laboratory plays. I really liked this game's story; although its nothing special, its carried by the fun characters and that signature fun writing Shovel of Hope also had (though I'd argue its even better here). Who would've thought this silly villain just wanted the love of a tall goth girlfriend?

Overall, Plague of Shadows is great, but unfortunately does have some issues that Shovel of Hope didn't have. I'm especially disappointed that the levels are mostly the same, and, in some cases, almost (or quite literally) the exact same. Plague Knight's move set surely could have inspired more totally unique level design. Nonetheless, I enjoyed my time a lot with this one, and I suppose the fact that I had more to talk about with this one is worth something. A very solid 4.5 stars from me.

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Lo siento caballero que usa una pala, pero el doctor de plaga se queda con la gótica culona

To me, it's probably the weakest of the 4 playable campaigns in this game, but that's not to say it's bad. It's still great and would be rated higher if it wasn't for the other 3 being so good.

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the potion customizing system is seriously fun af, if you don't have any ideas for what combinations to do try the challenges. anyway i like the chemistry between mona and plague knight, but im kinda sad we didnt get any development with the magicist, the BEST character in the game GIMME THOSE HP POTIONS BAYBEEEE

Not as good as Shovel of Hope but it's still a great time. Plague Knight is my favorite protagonist in the series I love him

only slight miss out of all four campaigns. i generally enjoyed the game but the management of your abilities and weapon customization felt clunky to me and detracted from what i felt were the strengths of the original, its mechanical simplicity and level design. they definitely play around with the new mechanics in an interesting way, it just feels more cluttered, less focused, and overall, was just not my thing. most of the reason why i don't like this one as much is personal preference. it's pretty solid overall and i wouldn't say to skip it at all

The gameplay here isn't as good as the original but it's got charm dammit

I like this DLC. It adds a new campaign with a brand new playable character. He doesn't feel as cool as Shovel Knight, but I still like it.

An alternate story to Shovel Knight's campaign with new playable Plague Knight and level layouts?? Yes please! Plague Knight is such a blast to play as and the idea of having a love story as oppose to the epic tale of Shovel Knight was a welcome direction. Some of the level design feels awkward at times but its still a fun experience!

Sorry Shovel Knight, in the end the nerdy scientist gets the tall big booty goth girlfriend.

definitely my least favorite of the expansions. is it bad? no its great in fact. the only real problem is that the levels aren't changed that much so it heavily relies on plague knight being fun to play which he is. the new story is cool and i like how it takes place during shovel knights adventure in shovel of hope. pretty good and a must play if you already have treasure trove

Shovel Knight but quirky and goth.

Fun, liked it more than Shovel of Hope. Plague Knight's controls can be very fluid, if input correctly.
If not, you can find yourself falling to your death on occasion. The deaths aren't too punishing in this game so dying isn't a major setback.

despite the game featuring cool mechanics and ideas, i didn't enjoy this campaign as much. plague knight's slower and more complicated movement is fun once you get the hang of it, especially with the diagonal combat. however, i feel like the levels weren't adjusted well for this mechanic since shovel knight is much faster, making some parts feel a bit off. the bosses were way too easy thanks to plague knight's ranged combat. so, despite having a unique set of relics and skills, the bosses are so easy that you can finish them without buying anything.

Nota-se o capricho dos desenvolvedores no game, a gameplay não é tão fluída no entanto quanto o game original por isso vou tirar meio ponto.

a mona despertou coisas em mim

Al principio no me gustaba para nada el gameplay de Plague Knight, mientras fui jugando se mejoró mi percepción de él, pero aún no tengo razones para recomendar Plague of Shadows más que Shovel of Hope más que por completar todo el contenido de Shovel Knight XD Eso si, su trama está chida

Ngl it’s kinda too similar to Shovel of Hope compared to the others and I don’t really like the new mechanics but it’s still well designed and fun so can’t complain too much