Reviews from

in the past

The only purpose of this game is to watch Jesus pull a Christ Air

Megapark v2 better appear in Skate 4

One of my most played games of all time. I still love it and still play it to this day, 13 years later. Playing the demo endlessly because I couldn't afford this game for a year or so until finally I went to GAME with £20 and never looked back.

tony hawk so que fudido de dificil

It really makes you feel like a skater.

haha funny glitchy skate game. christ air.

I re-created the entire Breaking Bad cast. Just to make them Break their bones Bad™ hehe

Among my favorite games, comfort above anything. I feel happy playing this.

i have the most playtime on this game out of any and it’s for gooood reason

my friend in middle school borrowed me it for me to try he said it was really like cool and realistic but i didn't really get it it wasn't until years later when i found it for cheap on a used games shop and decided to give another go that it really clicked with me its not cool and realistic its goofy and and the physics are dumb but satisfying

EA please remaster I promise you'll make a gazillion dollars

Best skating game I've played. Physics are kinda weird sometimes, but it's really fun and have a great content.

Best skateboarding game I played.

Great but Tony Hawk's is better.

Nice gameplay, but the story doesn't really add much, doesn't really need to with this though.

One of my favourite games of all time.

wasn't Skate 2 but get er done bud

In hindsight it seems Skate 3 was not the best game to get into the Skate franchise with, but I still had some fun with this.

I've heard over the years that Skate 2 was the peak of the series, and would love to try it some day, but with Skate 3 being the only entry I've played it ended up being a pretty enjoyable experience for me.