Reviews from

in the past

Tried playing it through the emulator when I was about 12 years old, couldn't beat the story mode due to some problems with the controls and the game constantly crashing on me for some reason, of course I couldn't figure out why at that time.
But still, even if most of it can be done by button mashing certain cheesy moves, the game is mostly pretty fun.
And dont get me started on the sprites, they are gorgeous. They were also used for the Sonic RPG flash games, which were a HUGE part of my childhood.

Довольно специфичная игра про Соника в плане геймплея, сам по себе он неплох и играть не скучно, но всё одеяло на себя перекрывает хороший сюжет.

the amount of Fan made animated videos and OCs and FCs etc on YouTube, Newgrounds and Deviantart is so insane i couldn't even tell you in words. this is arguably a Top ten Sonic game hell top 5 just off the impact this game had on the Sonic community and im not joking

This is not the deepest fighting game but strangely enough it's one of the most entertaining in the entire series. The writing is so good that I'm kind of mad it was used for a little side game on GBA. The sprite work is unmatched, there will never be better sonic sprites than these in my opinion. Overall, extremely underrated and I think this is a must play for any sonic fan.

Sonic Battle is a game that shouldn’t be stuck on the GBA, as it has so much potential as a simple but fun fighting game.

I love the presentation, the jagged outlines and black borders give it a unique and striking look, and the way the sprites move are a fantastic evolution of the Advance sprites.

Combat wise it does work, every character has a few different options for special moves as well as their own basic attacks and movement. There’s also newcomer Emerl, who can copy other characters abilities through the games story mode, and he can become unbelievably powerful, something that would be fun to play against friends with their own emerls…

But what’s the likelihood of that happening now, you need link cables to play multiplayer and this game never got rereleased. Also levelling up Emerl takes forever, learning good skills is a nightmare, and equipping them requires so many skill points.

You also have to play this games story mode which… is awful. The story itself isn’t bad at all, it’s very similar in tone to the Adventure era, and I like how we see so many perspectives on the plot. But the structure kills it, as you repeat the same battles again and again and again. It’s incredibly tedious and I just can’t ever imagine completing this more than once.

It’s a shame because there’s tons of potential here, but Sonic Battle just ain’t there.

I have memories of playing this with my brother in hot summer days. 10/10 with bias, objectively though a decent 7/10.
Very surprising writing, and innovative gameplay. The only real flaw is the excessive padding the game's campaign has.

Emerl is literally the best fighting game concept I've ever seen and it is a travesty no serious game uses it.

Also, this is the only game that has ever made me cry real actual tears because of the ending. I was only like 9 but it still counts

A simple but fantastic little fighting game featuring my favorite character in the Sonic series, Emerl.

I wish there was some kind of competitive scene to truly see the ups and downs of this game.

This game would've been much better if it was a console game with a joystick because playing on original hardware doesn't cut it.

incredibly underrated sonic game with arguably the best story and characterization in the series, emerl ur my goat

it overstays its welcome and is abit tedious at moments but i enjoyed myself for the most part

I enjoyed when I was a kid, the game lacks of content but you can create your own move set with Emerl, the music is #ss but the gameplay has some potential.

Fighting game with a good story!?!?!?!?

The customizable moveset is impressive, as is the attempt at creating a developing story that ties itself to past Sonic lore (e.g., Emerl and Shadow). However that story campaign is insanely repetitive and boring, with barely any change in fights that can go on for ages from AI enemies. The fact you have to go through 8 story modes all with similar battles does not help at ALL.

Weirdly fun. Writing was consistently okay, but some characters like Shadow and Amy are really entertaining to watch. Amy’s completely unhinged in this game and I love it. Combat is a bit simple, but quite fun. However, although there are ways to speed it up, improving Emerl is painfully slow, and the AI can get pretty frustrating sometimes. Still a rather underrated Sonic game that I do recommend to any Sonic fan who hasn’t played it.

Very cool art and story but my god is it boring to play

Great art style and slightly fun at times, but boring for the most part.

Talk about a wasted opportunity. A fighting game with Sonic characters is such easy money, but this ain't it.

First impressions were all over the place. The art is out-fucking-standing, this is SUCH a good look for the gang, but I swear I felt my ears bleeding a little bit with that Mode Select BGM. Whoever decided to use that guitar sample for multiple tracks in the game, you have a special place in hell set aside for you. The soundtrack as a whole is pretty weak, with a couple exceptions (Holy Summit is so good, no wonder they brought it back for Advance 3.)

The writing is cheeky and fun, and the story itself was entertaining enough but good lord the progression here is absolute dogshit. How do you like fighting the same character twice(or more!) in a row, with more rounds each time? How about selecting a random building just for shits and giggles since it's your first time playing, only to be assaulted by Emerl clones because you dared to explore a little bit?
The moment I realized I could win most battles by either spamming normal attacks or special R attacks, you bet your ass that turbo button was on and the frameskip was rolling. While the combat system is interesting on the surface, it's just not very satisfying. Even when customizing Emerl with new skills, every fight feels like a slapfest, with everyone waving those foam spaghetti things in the air.

Uh, what else... Oh, it looks really good. Sonic's GBA entries always had beautiful sprites, and Battle brought so many great animations to the whole cast. I also love the 3D environments, always cool to see that on the GBA, even though I wished it was a normal 2D fighting game instead.

That really just sums it up. I wish this was a regular ass 2D fighter on the PS2 or some shit. Instead, we have a weird arena fighter with some interesting ideas that ultimately aren't very satisfying. The story isn't good enough to warrant playing this all the way to completion, I feel. Cute character moments don't make up for all the "fight Gamma again for the millionth time" you have to sit through.

frame data aqui é importante

The progression system is great and addictive, but it falls flat on its face with the silly story, wonky mechanics and how hard it is to get new moves after the initial spike. A fun spin-off but nothing for the history books.

They made this game so that I would see it in a Walmart when I was like six and go "Sonic!" and then get stuck on it for years and it still ends up my favorite Sonic game. Or one of them.

speaking only from the FIGHTING portion of this game, it's got depth for being a 3d fighting game on the fuckin gba of all things. the story mode however, is boring and quickly gets annoying.

Solid platform fighting, but the over reliance in repeating fights with just double the health points is just an annoyingly, time consuming padding for game time.