Reviews from

in the past

I've always had a soft spot for this starting entry! A deceptive old-school platformer about being fast and cool... in a platforming world that may not always want you to be fast and cool... but for the most part, let's you get away with it!

The ingenious physics engine and the level design's penchant for advanced shortcuts - yes, even in the most infamous levels - really carry this experience. To a point that, honestly, it'll make you wish you could freestyle a lot more with the mechanics and maps than you actually can. This is a journey where you gotta buckle down with its intended challenge and mastery: weave between breathable levels and confounding dungeons, make a pilgrimage for the Chaos Emeralds (without much of a reward at the end), and salvage whatever rad fast-track the game privileges.

Still, I give it props for its "be cooler" approach to old-school platforming. Some mascots take a tedious obstacle course at face value. Sonic gave you the chance to speedrun and bypass that bullshit.

Undeniably good first entry of a legendary franchise. The main problem is the promise of being able to go so fast that when it's a slower paced level it feels boring. It has good variety of zones for sure, but most of the time the game doesn't feel prepared to run as much as you want to.

pretty sure this was an major banger at the time but today it's kinda okay-ish, Sonic still controls well but the level-design when you are not running around loops and going super fast is boring, there is something about the slower and methodical platforming on Sonic that feels weird to me and this game has a lot, the best stages in the game are by far Green Hill and Star Light since they actually feel fast and uses the character's signature abilities really well, the general 3 act stage format makes the game longer than it should not to mention the confusing special stages if you are looking to get the emeralds.

the visuals and music are still fantastic though, I always liked Sonic's pixel art and the music aged well.

Boxart here is from the 8-bit version (notice the red Sonic logo), still, one of the better games on the Mega Drive.

Nunca fui um grande fã dessa estética de animais com formas humanas, por isso nunca tive interesse em jogar algo inteiro de Sonic, mas decidir experimentar o primeiro. Quando Sonic me vem a mente, a primeira coisa que penso, é em velocidade; que maldito erro o meu, esperar isso.

A primeira fase é a única que o jogo proporciona, por mais falha que seja, as relações de corrida que, muito além do imaginário popular, impregnam o personagem já nesse game. Sonic é um protagonista que facilmente acelera enquanto se move, além de ter uma inércia constante, os efeitos disso são claros: movimento constante; velocidade. Mas a realidade, é que após a conclusão da primeira zona, ocorre uma ruptura na sua proposta, e surge uma nova obra disso. Imagine só, um platformer tradicional, com a movimentação do Sonic.

Contudo, mesmo se o jogo tivesse se mantido nos padrões da Green Hill, ainda seria bem meia boca para se dizer o mínimo. A fase não é interessante no fim, não empolga e muito menos é divertida de atravessar. Porém, ao decorrer dessa curta e tediosa jornada, Sonic me entrega leveis piores em todos os sentidos.

Fases complexas e de um jeito ruim, ao ponto de muitas vezes, sentir que estava perdido e só seguir indo sem qualquer feedback de progresso. Andar pelo mundo desse jogo, é como estar em um labirinto que eventualmente termina, mas que você não faz a menor ideia de como achou a saída. Não é gratificante e muito menos, divertido.

O que não ajuda muito, a exigência em vários momentos, de uma precisão o que por si só, já seria medonho, mas com a inércia, deixa tudo uma imensa tortura. Ao menos as lutas com o chefe são fáceis e a final, é divertida, admito. Todavia, o game não é uma falha atrás da outra, existem coisas legais aqui e ali, podemos observar a relação de vida.

Comumente, ao menos dos que joguei, a sistema de vida funcionava de forma bem básica: tocou, morreu. Claro, existia formas de ter mais de um toque, contudo, eram dois e acabou. Sonic implementa uma forma diferente de lidar com isso, que é interessante. A forma de lidar com ela, usando anéis que coletamos ao decorrer da aventura, cria uma relação agradável e um mínimo de interesse em explorar as regiões.

Visualmente é bonitinho também, nada super marcante, mas é agradável e combina muito bem com o jogo. Tudo se forma tão bem, que chega a ser estranho ver a ruptura que existe após a primeira zona. No fim, é apenas um protótipo completamente confuso dentro de si, porém, com os devidos cuidados e retoques, tinha potencial para ser bom.

a rough start but set a good foundation

Marble Zone might still be among the shittiest second levels to ever be put in a game. And sadly the rest of the game isn't much better.

Pulei mais q correr...devo ter jogado errado

Why can’t you spin you ugly ass hedgehog

Marble zone and the water levels are torture but the rest is fun.

Green Hill is an amazing first stage in this game but everything else is ok
The ost is awesome and the physics are incredible, when this game takes good use of its physics, it's amazing, but unfortunately, only its sequels take good use of it

I never finished this back in the day so it was fun to go through it now. It's kind of an uneven experience though, as it starts off blazing fast in Green Hill Zone and then never really hits that level of speed again. Still a great intro to the character and series (and yeah, fuck Labyrinth Zone).

jogo mid. umas 3 fases são boas (green hill, star light e scrap brain), mas as outras são péssimas. jogo divertidinho de jogar sem preocupação, mas prefiro muito mais os próximos.

I'll be real the rating of this game is heavily influenced by the fact everytime I experience this game I've eaten candle wax intentionally or not

Não é perfeito, mas sem dúvidas divertido.

Sinto que a partir de sonic 2 os jogos 2D da franquia começaram a ir para frente.

The only zones I had genuine fun in were green hill , spring yard , and starlight zone but it’s not a bad game it’s definitely playable but it’s just ok. I don’t understand the philosophy of making really slow stop and go level design like in marble zone when this characters whole selling point is how fast he is

30 days till Sonic's 32nd anniversary! To commemorate this occasion, I've decided to revisit one Sonic game a day until June 23.

Sonic 1 really grew on me since my last review of it. My initial reception towards it was lukewarm, but having beaten it a few more times, I can see why the game was so revolutionary back when it released. Sonic feels so fucking good to control (and it gets better if you play on Forever like me and disable the speedcaps and rolljump lock) and the platforming feels incredibly seamless in tandem with the momentum physics and slope mechanics, with every jump having the right sense of weight and every platform seemingly in the exact spot where you'd want it to be on your next jump. One tiny complaint that I'd make is that Sonic is incredibly prone to being crushed so as long as there's a single pixel poking against him, and dying to stuff that seemingly won't crush you becomes a reoccurring thing for the rest of the series.

Graphics and sound-wise I still think the other 3 games in the classic era did them far better, but that's to be excused due to this, well, being the first game.

The special stages are still garbage and the fact that you only get 10 shots at 6 Chaos Emeralds where the special stages love tossing you around with springs 60% of the time still pisses me the fuck off-

Green Hill Zone what an iconic level what more is there to be said? It all kinda feels samey to me now tbh because I've beaten this level in particular using the speedrun routes so many times that it's sorta lost the magic, but I still do appreciate that the game allows you to play around with all the mechanics and do some really cool shit with it once you know the level like the back of your hand (have you seen Act 3 speedruns? holy fuck)

Marble Zone is still overhated IMO. Yes, not much slope mechanics to play with this time but I'd say there's some alright slope jumps on ground level that can help shave a few seconds off your time, as well as some cool jumps that can be executed by using your momentum wisely (sick of standing on those green blocks waiting for lava to rise? skill issue just jump on the purple platforms lmao). I like how the level designers also realised this level would be a hurdle for most newcomers and so added an easily accessible extra life in every act, with Act 3's extra life spot doubling as a crucial shortcut for that level.

I never really clarified why I think Spring Yard is more frustrating than Marble, but here's a good list of reasons:
1) Bumpers, while sometimes a fun way of gaining extra height during platforming, are super annoying especially in clusters. Spring Yard loves dumping a trillion of these bumpers (how else would it be called Spring Yard) in a single pit and makes climbing out of it tedious.
2) Hey you thought waiting in Marble was bad? Just wait till you have to stand on a moving block and have to agonizingly wait for it to fall slowly and rise up just so you can jump on the next one and repeat the whole 5 second process at least 5 fucking times how about that
3) I think the Sonic-mimic bird fucking sucks. Half the time you aren't given the time window to anticipate it and defeat it and most of the time it just barrels into you and causes you to lose all your rings. The Caterkiller is better because you actually have to be smart when killing it and its movement is telegraphed enough so you know exactly when to strike.
4) The rising blocks.

Labyrinth is uhhh... well its the level of all time. Overall my feelings haven't changed regarding this level, I think Acts 1 and 3 having omegalul shortcuts is neat, and uh just read my original review for everything else

Star Light may have had the biggest glowup in my eyes, honestly. Like do I still think the music is a snoozefest? Absolutely (but definitely listen to the original sample music by Masato Nakamura what a banger). As for the level itself? Holy shit this is really good shit. The optimal paths are all top-heavy, sure, but its very satisfying to pull off sub-minute times in these levels. The boss fight is still the most creative one in the game.

Scrap Brain is alright. The most annoying part of the level is the treadmills but otherwise its some Sonic 1 platforming. Except act 3 I decided to not use the shortcut for once and it was hell-

So yeah Sonic 1. Still the weakest of the classic era quadrant, but at a 7/10, that just about shows the quality of this series of games.

Sonic 1 Master System tomorrow.

I consider myself a pretty die hard Sonic fan but even I'll admit the first game doesn't hold up very well. The first two zones are fantastic, but after that the free and open level design gives way to slow and boring platforming challenges, which isn't something Sonic excels at.

Sonic the Hedgehog is by no means bad, but also doesn't come close to realizing its potential.

Beat as part of the Origins collection. They really started out strong with this series. Super fast platforming keeps you on your toes.

eu te odeio fases de agua

Trilha sonora muito foda, joguei pensando que seria tipo um mario e me senti jogando um soulslike nunca morri tanta na minha vida

There are only two okay levels and the game is kinda clunky without the spindash, but I have nostalgia so it gets a couple of extra stars

A good classic that you can enjoy even today,although it may be a little frustating at times lol


Holds up better than a lot of other gaming icons' first outing but still just alright- fuck Labyrinth Zone.

Next- Sonic the Hedgehog 2

One of the games I played the most during my childhood, and the only Sonic game I managed to complete as a kid.

It's fun, definitely influential, though they really missed on a lot of these levels. All of them are iconic though, but still and I know it's been said a lot, fuck Labyrinth Zone lmao

controles estranhos, cenários lindos, e fases divertidas na maior parte do tempo, no geral um bom jogo, única coisa q não me tocou muito foi músicas, não são ruins, mas definitivamente não são meu estilo.

btw vai se fuder labyrinth zone

finally, a 2D Sonic platformer with platforming in it

its everything you think it is