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in the past


The game boringly re-enacts many Middle Ages tropes (especially the civilized world vs barbarian tribes one) and depicts a grim, brutal, and feral archetypal past mostly made of revenge, suffering, and loss - a quite common reverse-fairytale in which everything is forcefully violent and bad. In case you are a fan of these worlds this would even work for the short duration of the game (less than 10 hours) if narrative-wise the game wouldn't be so flat and devoid of memorable moments. After a brief intro, it feels painfully redundant and basically re-enacts the same procedures over and over. Rebuilding a kingdom has rarely been more tedious, and a good (although derivative) atmosphere has rarely become so rapidly tedious.

Honestly pretty good! I was a bit worried for the first 🤔 15-20 minutes after the intro because it seemed like it could get repetitive... but honestly the story moved along at a quick pace, and it went in a few directions I didn't see coming. The bosses were much more varied than I expected too, given the initial lack of variety in species, for example. Though the narrative isn't anything spectacularly new, I was kinda surprised to say, I enjoyed it! When the game ended, I found myself thinking I hope they make a second!
Never had any problems loading it, the gameplay was solid, and of course, I found the art style so compelling. It was cute and slightly dark at times. I appreciated the simplicity and ability to stay on task: not too much unnecessary side questing or stats for armor for example. Good fun, and I hope the studio makes more. Also I love rats

very cool the fact that it tooks a lot of inspiration from spuls like.The story is very simple but cool and it talks about how stupid is to make wars, the artstile is perfect and it goes very well with the plot. It's a very fun game but it has some problem: at the start the plot is a bit repetitive, in normal difficulty(how the game was intended) is preatty easy and you can easealy platinum it in only 13h.

i never thought going through hell, anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts that this game inflicts would be so good

画风不错 感觉战斗是短板 指引做的不好

Wer an dem Spiel auch nur einen Hauch Lob zuschreibt ist mitverantwortlich, warum hauptsächlich Mist produziert wird.

Die erste PSN Trophäe kam nach ca. 5 Spielminuten. Diese haben nur 75% der Spieler erreicht.
Und der Gund dafür ist, dass bereits in diesem 5 Minuten klar wird, was für ein Haufen Schrott das Spiel ist.
Die Steuerung ist ungenau, die Kämpfe dauern EWIG, sind dabei aber nicht fordernd.
Gegner töten bringt rein gar nichts, keine Erfahrungspunkte ab und an ein Item, das wars.
Gegenstände looten dauert 3 Sekunden!!! jedes Mal.
"Gespräche" mit anderen Mäusen sind ~suuuper tollig kreativ~.. man hat in den Sprechblasen Bilder statt Worten..~uhhh~ .. nur dauern die Gespräche eine Ewigkeit und den Soundeffekt dazu muss man ausstellen, denn der ist ne Zumutung. Die Maus sagt die, dass du runter in den Keller musst. "Du musst runter in den Keller" Wie lange habt ihr gebraucht das zu lesen? 0,5 Sekunden?
In Tails of Iron dauert der Spaß 15 Sekunden.
15 Sekunden für 3 Bilder, keine Möglichkeit das zu skippen.
Danach folgt man ohnehin einem Icon, das Gespräch war daher nicht mal nötig.

Die nächste Trophäe kam nach ca. 10 weiteren Minuten und hier haben schon 50% aller PSN Spieler aufgegeben und ich kann es nachvollziehen.

🕗 Total time played (approx.): 12h
🏆 Completion: 100% Base Game (27/27 Trophies), 80% Bloody Whisker DLC (2/3 Trophies)


"Tails of Iron" is an absolute gem that took me by surprise and left me thoroughly impressed. As an avid gamer, I'm always on the lookout for new experiences that captivate and challenge me, and this game did just that.

From the moment I stepped into its beautifully crafted world, I was immediately drawn in by the stunning visuals and attention to detail. The art style is a perfect blend of dark fantasy and whimsical charm, creating an atmosphere that's both captivating and immersive. The level design is nothing short of fantastic, with each area offering a unique aesthetic and a sense of wonder as I explored its hidden corners and secrets. But what truly sets "Tails of Iron" apart is its combat system. It's easy to pick up and play, yet surprisingly deep and strategic. The combination of swordplay and various weapons, along with the skillful dodging and blocking mechanics, kept every battle engaging and exciting. The enemy variety is impressive, each requiring a slightly different approach, which kept me on my toes and prevented the combat from feeling repetitive.

The storytelling in "Tails of Iron" is another highlight. The narrative is cleverly woven, combining elements of tragedy and humor to create a memorable and emotional experience. The characters, including our rodent protagonist, are surprisingly well-developed and endearing. I found myself genuinely invested in their journey, eager to see how their story unfolded.

Furthermore, the RPG elements added depth to the gameplay. The progression system allowed me to tailor my character's abilities to my preferred playstyle, which added a layer of personalization that I greatly appreciated. The crafting system was also a pleasant surprise, as it encouraged me to explore every nook and cranny of the world in search of materials to enhance my gear. One aspect that truly stood out to me was the soundtrack. The music perfectly complemented the game's atmosphere, enhancing the emotional impact of key moments and making the world feel even more alive. Whether I was battling formidable foes or simply exploring, the soundtrack never failed to immerse me in the experience.

In conclusion, "Tails of Iron" for the PS5 is a delightful surprise that has left a lasting impression on me. Its captivating visuals, engaging combat, compelling storytelling, and well-implemented RPG mechanics make it a must-play for fans of action RPGs. This game proves that even in a sea of titles, there are still hidden gems waiting to be discovered, and "Tails of Iron" is undoubtedly one of them.

⭐ Rating: 4/5

Surprisingly good! Made me realize every game that has combat should have a gladiator arena

Un jeu avec un système de combat très sympa et une belle pate graphique mais de nombreuses tares. Le milieu du jeu consiste à accomplir plusieurs quêtes qui nous forcent à retourner dans des lieux déjà visités, malheureusement ces quêtes sont peu intéressantes et faire les aller-retour pour ces quêtes est pénible. Le monde est petit à ma grande surprise mais il est très bien réalisé avec notamment des background très jolis. L'ost est passable au mieux. La diversité d'armes à très peu d'intérêt car elles sont simplement plus ou moins forte et lourde, or le poids a peu d'impact donc on se contente de prendre la plus puissante, de même pour les armures à l'exception que certaines sont plus efficaces face à certains ennemis. Une expérience sympa mais retenue par des défauts un peu bêtes.

Tirando a temática dos ratinhos medievais não sobra muita a coisa a se elogiar. O combate, cujo é o foco central do game, não é nada satisfatório devido a movimentação truncada dos personagens e a hit box confusa.
O ritmo do game é super cansativo já que é necessário uma constante ida e volta nos mesmos cenários para avançar na história.
Enfim, não recomendo.

This review contains spoilers

Es un pequeño metroidvania donde manejas a una rata que en su coronación para ser rey es invadido por unas ranas salvajes, así que vas a tener que ir de acá para allá arreglando los problemas de todos (partiéndote la madre contra cualquier bicharraco), la historia en si no tiene muchos plot twist, capaz la parte de subterranea de los topos me agarro medio de sorpresa pero lo demas es bastante predecible, las peleas algunas me resultaron un poco difíciles capaz tuve que repetir algun boss 7 u 8 veces pero mas que eso nunca, lo importante no es tanto aprender los patrones sino los símbolos que les aparecen arriba a los enemigos, así sabes si bloquear, esquivar o meter parry, en general lo mejor es pelear a distancias cortas porque largas son las que se come tu jermu. Digo porque algunos ataques si no estas pegado para esquivar te parten la madre sin poder hacer nada, el combate me gustó aun que aun me queda probar Hollow Knight como para poder hacer una comparación completamente objetiva. La duración es corta por lo que en 2 tardes o 1 metiéndole todo el día se puede pasar tranquilamente. Yo por lo personal no fui por muchas cosas secundarias, maté 1 boss secundario que no me resultó difícil e hice un par de intentos contra el Thor-rata pero lo deje ahí.

good game with fun rpg mechanics

Did you ever read Redwall books as a kid?

Tails of Iron absolutely RIPS. What an incredible little adventure! I didn't expect it to be what it was, and only tried it because it was a PS Plus monthly game. It's not a full-blown Metroidvania, but it borrows enough from the genre that, when combined with its solid combat-focused gameplay, it scratched the Silksong itch quite nicely.

I loved the setting and aesthetic, the art is perfectly grotty and messy, with rats, frogs, bugs, and moles cleaving heads and covering each other in viscera. The narration is also incredibly well-done, reminding me a lot of Bastion. Everything works together beautifully to create a compelling experience from start to finish, as you fight off invaders in your kingdom and rebuild what they've destroyed. The narration does a great job of describing everything from the rat protagonist's POV, and I couldn't have been more engrossed by the end.

Playing on PS5 was the right move as well, as the game makes great use of the Dualsense's adaptive triggers, and allows map navigation via the touch controls. I was a little annoyed by the rumble, however, as the intensity doesn't differentiate between getting struck by a massive boss or landing after a standing jump. But that was honestly my only negative of the entire experience, and at just under 5 hours to 100%, I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who enjoys challenging combat.

A serviceable 2-D Souls-lite with a compelling visual style and surprisingly dark narrative given its teensy protagonist. Conventional plotting and a frequently clumsy combat system keep this one out of the top-tier Souls riffs, but still a worthy play. An absolutely perfect title for PlayStation Plus.

ótimo jogo, muito divertido. a historia é fácil de entender e ter um narrador é muito interessante pra acompanhar o desenrolar.

senti falta de criatividade no combate, é bem repetitivo. a enorme quantidade de armaduras/armas é bem desnecessário. os bosses com o passar do tempo ficam mais complicados e isso é mto bom.

no mais, um jogo que não prometeu nada mas entregou diversão.

fight like a pesky little lad

dark sous with rats-hard some hard bosses here and there but satisfying to beat them

Very fun little souls type game. Really enjoyed the story and the art style is beautiful reminded me of the Redwall book series.

Being not a huge fan of sidescroller, I still wanted to try this game. Overall it was a really enjoyable experience. The game is a great sidescrolling soulslike with a bit of challenge. The art style is great. The game is pretty short in length so that might pose a problem for some.

Amazing soulslike experience. The artsytle is amazing and the uses of parallax is amazing, I think it's lower point is both the mission system and the gameplay in general. It feels a bit slow and sometimes unfair hitboxes, and the middle of the game is filled with side quests that you can't accept all at once and has to go one by one. After finishing that middle part of the game, it gains a lot in the last sequence.

If the team learns from this, and pollish a bit more the pace of the game and improve the combat system, they can do a really amazing sequel

Skaven vs Lizardmen

Challenging 2D Souls-lite, with beautiful medieval art. Feels like an old-timey fairy tale picture book. But that's not all - the environments constantly change as you turn the tide against the Frog invaders. Towns get repaired, NPCs come and do stuff, junk gets cleared, and new structures show up. It's great, running through a town over and over seeing it look different every time.

Highly recommend it.

Really nice at the beginning but missions really repetitive without interest, it's a pitty...

This game was really fun everything about this game was really banlenced, but one thing I didn't like was the middle game side missions that was just repetitive and boring apart from that the game was really good amazing bosses, gameplay and nice history

it's a game, very meh.
Some people might find it charming.
I didnt.

As artes desse jogo são incríveis, tudo muito bem feito, a gameplay é divertida, nada de inovador comparado a outros metroidvanias, mas o jogo nao deixa de ser bom.