Reviews from

in the past

This game was a great beat'em up. Grab your buds and beat up some foot clan. Cool roguelike mode was added, pretty fun.

Cute, nostalgic, but rather short. I completed the campaign, but I don't see a reason to come back to it. it could be better in coop, but I didn't play it.

Una oda a la legendaria saga de las tortugas mutantes. Este beat em up me ha gustado muchísimo tanto por la genial jugabilidad, los gráficos tan cuidados y sobre todo la banda sonora. La jugabilidad, aunque no cambia mucho entre cada personaje, una de las pegas de este juego, es tremendamente entretenida y divertida. Yo he jugado la historia con otras dos personas, lo que ha multiplicado la emoción y la locura al jugarlo, por lo que lo recomiendo jugar en multijugador sin duda. El diseño artístico y estilo pixelart me parece fantástico y extremadamente cuidada, tanto en detalles como animaciones. Y para mí, la banda sonora es lo que más destacados en el conjunto, siendo sobresaliente y muy pegadiza. La historia no es muy destacable pero al menos es concluyente y entretenida. También debo destacar los efectos de sonido, más que notables. En cuanto a modos de juego, está la historia y la aventura, echando en falta algún modo más. A este punto añado los coleccionables, que creo que se podrían haber diseñado mejor o dar algún incentivo para conseguirlos, que se incluyesen mejor en la progresión del personaje. Como conclusión, TMNT: Shredder's Revenge es uno de los mejores beat em up de los últimos años y es altamente recomendable para jugar en multijugador. 8,6/10

A game that sets out to do one very specific thing - it's a 2D side-scrolling beat-em-up designed in the style of early '90s arcade brawlers, and most specifically homaging the Konami beat-em-ups based on this very same license - and does that one thing extremely well, with excellent pixel art and animation, simple but enjoyable fighting mechanics, and lots of references to the old TMNT cartoon that probably went over my head, even speaking as someone who watched that show as a kid.

All that said... even though I have some affection for this IP, and a lot of affection for '90s arcade beat-em-ups (though I definitely prefer Capcom's to Konami's, for what that's worth), it's 2023, and I like my brawlers to have more depth than this, as well as level design more mechanically interesting than left-to-right corridors filled with enemies and a few simple obstacles here and there. Also feels a bit too long for the sort of game this is; at 16 stages, I believe a single playthrough is approximately the length of the original TMNT arcade game and Turtles in Time combined. Like I said above, Shredder's Revenge is setting out to do something very specific and I can't fault it too much for not trying to be a different kind of beat-em-up than it is, but it turns out my tastes in gaming have changed too much over the past few decades for me to be fully on board with it.

Muito bom de jogar em COOP, recomendo

Pretty fun game, nothing special

İyi bir oyun arkadaşlarla sarıyor

this is a fun gamepass game not something I'd recommend unless your friends beg you to play with them, go for streets of rage 4.

April O' Neil is literally me

Jogo bom, companhia ruim, né @Skapulz_Sh

PUTA QUE PARIU< QUE JOGO DELICIA. EXCELENTE. Queria ter desmaiado para ter o deleite de jogar a primeira vez novamente.

jogaço demais, acho que a única coisa que eu não gosta é que é muito rápido, poderiam ter feito mais fases, mas mesmo assim amo demais.

Küçükken buna benzer bir ninja kağlumbağa oyunu oynardım bu yüzden yeri ayrı biraz

É um beat and up padrão, faz bem oque se propõe, tem uma trilha boa e um combate legal, satisfatório.

While many veteran gamers were looking forward to this as it had all of the makings of a sequel to the arcade classic Turtles in Time, for me it would be one of my first times around with the Ninja Turtles. As a very casual fan of this franchise, I knew the characters but definitely wasn't going to catch every reference.

Shredder's Revenge is a fast-paced and colorful beat-em-up that's full of personality and fun from beginning to end. I had a blast switching between the characters and mashing combos to take down my foes. The game boasts an impressive co-op suite and could prove immense fun with friends who have GamePass.

I really appreciated how Shredder's Revenge doesn't at all overstays its welcome and each stage offers up something new. Not once did I feel like the experience was bogged down by too many levels and it was just a joyous experience to blast through this one with the turtles.

I played a lot of this on the couch with friends and family. Everyone had a great time from the various skill levels and interest in the game's characters and genre.

I grew up with TMNT through playing the arcade games and regularly re-watching the TV show and movies in the 90's. As an adult, I don't feel any loyalty to a brand or franchise, let alone a comic adaptation that has had over 30 or 40 years or re-imagining.

In terms of nostalgia, Shredder's Revenge does an incredible job of capturing that 90's beat-em-up genre. This has the look and mannerisms of the arcade and NES games, as if the designers knew exactly what a direct continuation of those games would be. TMNT always had a strange way these ridiculous characters move through a city, and about 30 years later, there doesn't seem like much of a difference. A part of me would look at a parked car with caution, or suspected that its mechanic was a Foot Clan soldier in disguise, only to be assured that I was correct - these weird creatures are going to do weird things in this world. It's full of the charm and humour of the original series, while feeling fresh

It's such a great improvement on the original model of beat-em-ups too. The D-pads of the NES and joystick arcade games were sticky, forcing players to commit to directions as if diagonal walking didn't exist and were punished severely for it. That's replaced by smooth and comfortable controls, in a forgiving game with escalating difficulty.

Implementing what the genre has developed over the past 30 years is very welcoming. There's meters that fill up, new movesets to unlock, as well as challenges and progression systems that allow this game to be replayable.

Online multiplayer is a good feature, but really a mixed bag when the design allows for griefing - players being absent, ignoring revives, or pushing against the screen to prevent progression. There are such nice sound and level designs (the soundtrack is great!), there's definitely some memorable levels, while some are absolutely forgettable.

Overall this is an incredible game and I'm appreciative that the family will get together to play it. Also, there's upcoming DLC to be excited for.

I absolutely adore the art style they've gone for here. Every character oozes charm and personality. Music is also phenomenal

Only thing I really disliked were the aerial enemies and hoverboard levels. It's really difficult to hit hovering enemies

What you see is what you get and what you get is fucking awesome. The new moves they give you take the Arcade action to a new level. I had a full stack of local multiplayer going at a party and it felt like joining the knights of the round or something. This game is just stellar.

A return to the original arcade titles of yesteryear with all the accouterments you would expect of it, including a gorgeous new coat of paint. The sprite detail is impeccable here, the fighting as simple as you’d hope, and level structure like those of classic beat-em ups. With a large cast of characters that lets you play as all the turtles, Splinter, April O’Neil, and eventually Casey Jones, they do a good job of making each one transparently distinct. At the same time they don’t feel so wildly different as to discourage me from constantly cycling through each character. It helped keep the game fresh by encouraging running through levels over again to get missed items and level up specific characters.

Whether you’re an OG arcade veteran or a newborn gamer, it’s easy to get lost in the breezy combat of Shredder’s Revenge. Each side scrolling level is beautifully crafted and animated, replete with secrets, pizza boxes, and awesome boss fights starring nearly all longtime TMNT villains. Culminating in a cartoon-worthy finale where you have to face Shredder and a robot Statue of Liberty controlled by Krang in the heart of New York City. A fight that I would argue is the only truly difficult level of the game. Now at its core Shredder’s Revenge is a very basic arcade game. Extremely polished no doubt, but as deep as the games it emulates. If its structure doesn’t entice you, if you want a little more out of your time-wasters, then don’t pick it up. I think Shredder’s Revenge makes the right move in keeping it as simple as possible, but I can recognize it’s not for everyone.

Uma carta de amor aos beat in up dos 16 bits. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge é lançado com fortes raízes nos clássicos 16 bits mas sem perder sua essência se apegando somente em nostalgia.

Achei a gameplay bem fluída, facil de compreender para uma criança, e boa de masterizar para alguém mais experientes com jogos.

O jogo tem uma duração relativamente curta, e os colecionáveis não desfrutam de algo interessante o suficiente para ser algo a mais depois de zerar, creio eu que é o único ponto fraco do game.

played this once w friends but it was fun asf

I started playing this game with my son, for being an arcade old-style. It is an 'ok' game. It's not bad, but it didn't hook me.

Uma experiência genuinamente divertida e escrachada.

TMNT: Shredder's Revenge nos trouxe o sumo dos jogos clássicos das tartarugas ninja, e embora eu tenha jogado apenas o turtles in time, consegui notar inúmeras referências.

O forte desse jogo, assim como qualquer outro das tartarugas ninja, está muito mais na diversão de jogar do que no escopo do jogo em si, porque ele se resume basicamente em: andar, as vezes pular, espancar o botão de bater e usar especiais, e é literalmente só isso, nada de variedade de golpes e combos, muito menos mecânicas complexas, é literalmente o básico do básico de um beat'em up, e aqui funciona bem pra caralho.

Ver toda essa simplicidade funcionando é um sinal que esse é um game muito saudável, que sabe de sua simplicidade e tenta compensar em outros pontos, nesse caso, é claramente a identidade do game, resgatando como eu disse no início, a energia divertida e cômica dos seus antecessores, o que pra mim já é sensacional.

Está recomendadíssimo, é aquele tipo de jogo que simplesmente não tem hora ruim pra se jogar, e se possível, joguem isso em co-op, pois só deixa a experiência muito mais engraçada e boba.