Reviews from

in the past

Jogos desse gênero nunca foram a minha praia, mas eu me diverti bastante nesse, do início ao fim.

É um ótimo jogo pra se jogar com a mente desligada. Dê voadoras e pontapés em todos que aparecem na tela, siga em frente, enfrente um boss, repita o ciclo.

A trilha sonora incrível e a arte muito bonita do jogo complementam a experiência, que é indiscutivelmente muito mais divertida se compartilhada com um amigo.

What a hoot! For me, a child of the 80s, the Turtles were a symbol of budding maturity, poking through the eggshell of more childish fare and squinting into the bright light of “young adult” programming. Before Turtles I was into Belle and Sebastian and David the Gnome. After, it was all Captain Power and You Can't Do That on Television. The Turtles felt subversive at the time; they used weird slang, they had an attitude and they were gross teenagers who lived in the sewer.

It was a big tonal contrast with the Filmation and Hanna-Barbara tripe that was all over Saturday mornings at the time… and of course the rest is history. The Turtles were everywhere, and even as a kid who was generally clueless about pop culture, it penetrated my bubble and was a big part of my childhood. I wasn’t nearly cool enough to have been ahead of the curve with the comics, but I watched the show, played with the action figures the show was a commercial for, and eventually even saw the movie in the theater (I was really taken aback by the cuss words). It probably had a bigger cultural impact than anything else that I’ve been super into when it was current.

But until picking this game up, I never thought about the Turtles as an adult. So it’s like my nostalgia has been perfectly preserved, NIB, just waiting for something to crack it open. And this game sure did that! Like a laser guided nostalgia bomb right to the heart… Hmm a violence metaphor doesn’t feel right. It’s more like a custom-tailored multi-headed nostalgia dildo that perfectly tickles all the right memories.

Every new villain that popped up had me going “oh yeah THAT guy!” The colors were great, the characters are all nice and distinct, and best of all it was just a robust, great-feeling beat-em-up moveset. Pun intended: It just feels punchy. Dodge roll, yes please; sprint, must have; double jump!? Is it my birthday? My ninth birthday?!

Obviously I’m completely incapable of rendering a verdict on this game on account of how it has won my heart with its gift of precious forgotten memories. I will say I didn’t care for some of the voices, but what they lacked in gravitas they made up for in enthusiasm, and honestly that’s really about all the criticism I can muster. This was clearly made by masters of their craft with a strong love for the source material.

They say the act of remembering is actually a creative process; that each time you recall a memory you change it a bit. That the most intact memories are the ones that have been least frequently accessed. This is a game I’ll definitely be coming back to. But, maybe, not too often.

That was pretty tight. Really invoked memories of playing Turtles in Time as a kid when it was an unlockable in TMNT 3:Mutant Nightmare

A fun little game that is a great follow up to the classic beat em up games of the past. However, it is a bit of a slog and not as fun to play if you aren't doing it Co-Op with at least one firend. Donatello is the best Turtle by the way. Sorry, I don't make the rules.

Sou suspeito pra falar porque sou muito fã de Tartarugas Ninja desde moleque, mas esse jogo é muito maneiro. Os gráficos em pixel art emulando os arcades antigos são lindos e a jogabilidade é a mais clássica possível: anda pra frente e desce a porrada em tudo que se mexe.

todos os personagens são perfeitamente representados, as vozes são simples mas funcionam bem. os mapas são bem legais e a história é extremamente básica e clichê, mas emula perfeitamente a atmosfera tanto dos jogos antigos quanto da animação de 1987.

a trilha sonora é um ponto altíssimo. todas as fases, chefes e menus tem músicas super empolgantes e gostosas de ouvir. porra, uma versão nova do tema clássico das tartarugas cantada pelo Mike Patton já era o suficiente pra me ganhar. mas aquele rap durante a primeira luta com o Destruidor com o Raekwon e o Ghostface Killah rimando fez aquela luta ser uma das boss battles mais foda que eu joguei.

O game com certeza pode te dar umas boas horas de diversão jogando single-player, mas jogar esse game de galera, tanto off quanto online, torna tudo bem mais divertido e nostálgico. sem falar que se tu resolver jogar na dificuldade mais alta tu vai ter um desafio e tanto, porque é um joguinho bem difícil. se fosse num arcade, ia ser um rouba-ficha dos grandes.

me senti um moleque jogando isso, tomara que façam mais jogos assim pra frente já que as tartarugas ultimamente tem se popularizado muito de novo.

Esse jogo foi uma deliciosa surpresa, um belo beat and up clássico, gostosinho e bonito. O estilo artístico do jogo é belíssimo, bem animado, carismático e frenético quando precisa, o personagens estão muito bem expressivos. A gameplay é engajante, dá vontade de correr pra cima de todo mundo sair no soco porque trás uma satisfação, porém com uma boa dose de desafio, tanto contra os inimigos quanto contra chefes. A seleção de personagem é algo meio que todos são iguais em comandos, mas com o twist dos stats e a ULT que é diferente pra cada, com algumas similaridades em alguns casos. Joguei com cada personagem e digo que todos são bem competentes, é questão de selecionar o que mais gosta ou que se adequa melhor ao seu estilo de jogo e ser feliz (Eu mesmo terminei a primeira run quase toda com a April). A história...alguém liga pra história desse tipo de jogo? Sério, é só uma justificativa pra você ir de um lugar até o outro, não vamos focar nisso. E o jogo tem um belo fator replay, com os desafios de cada fase, rejogar com cada personagem e ver o final, além que ele é compacto então é só bom rejogar às vezes, acho que ter pro celular ajuda nesse sentimento inclusive.
Mas enfim, é meio que isso, o unico problema que tive de fato com esse jogo é algo que parece ser único da versão mobile que ele pode simplesmente se negar a abrir porque...sim, não parece ter um motivo, é por isso até que tô fazendo essa review agora e não gastei mais tempo no jogo, mas acredito que experimentei o suficiente pra falar aqui.

A very fun beat 'em up that honors the classic game and brings a new fresh taste to the series. Choose one of the four turtles and their friends and play through 16 stages with colorful scenarios and a good soundtrack. The game is fun to play alone, but it truly shines in multiplayer. Play it; you will have fun, but it will be even better if played along with a friend

>fun beat em up that actually opens up co-op in a genre founded in having co-op
>great animation and vibe
>Mike Patton in the opening


When life is over, I hope there is a reward as great as playable Casey Jones

NOTA: 7,25

Nostalgia pura a experiência com esse game, nunca fui fã de beat em up, mas esse sem dúvidas eu gostava, jogava com meu irmão, dividiamos o teclado em um emulador de snes no pc, eu sempre fui ruim nesse estilo de jogo kkkkk, arte do game fantástica, trilha sonora fiel ao jogo e muito boa, jogabilidade gostosa demais, a remodelação dos personagens e os vilões ficou sensacional. O coop torna a experiência ainda mais divertida, que bom que esse jogo entrou para a assinatura da plus. Uma pena ser muito curto, apesar de ter o arcade (difícil para uma disgraça) e opções de dificuldade, é bem raso seu conteúdo, mesmo levando em consideração que é a proposta. Amo demais tmnt e é muito bom saber que não foi esquecido. Jogo top demais!

Great beat em up for if you beat Streets of Rage 4 and want something else to scratch the “accessible modernized fun beat em up” itch. Good boss fights, strong music/vibes, nicely paced levels. Different lead developer but definitely feels based on the SoR4 blueprint. The two big cons for TMNT is that it has a few too many levels (16 compared to SOR4s 12) and it drags a bit near the end, and that its story mode has a leveling system that encourages you to stick with one character and not switch (because EXP and bonuses are character specific and not shared across the board).

If Shredder’s Revenge trimmed down a few of the repeat boss levels in the first half of the game and made progression save file wide instead of character specific, it would be (just about) as good as SOR4. I still had a really nice time though!

Desgosto de beat'em ups, mas esse se destaca o suficiente pelo simples fato de que você pode carregar o seu especial fazendo taunt e é muito engraçado 6 taunts seguidos de 6 cut-ins em rápida sucessão.

For what it is, basically a perfect game. Takes everything awesome about the original games and modernizes them. Beat em ups have never felt this good. Plus just the presentation just oozing charm, there's straight up hip hop songs that rock in the soundtrack! I fell so in love with this game and I can easily see myself playing more to get more achievements.

A very fun throwback to the classic TMNT arcade games of old, but with more modernized mechanics and an exceptionally good OST, courtesy of Tee Lopes.

Turtles are my favorite animal, period. I've loved them since I was child and I still love them today.
And this is the first time I've ever interacted with anything related to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

OK I did have a single action figure, but that was the extent of my direct experience. I have since been exposed to it a lot via culture osmosis... I mean YouTube videos, so I know the names of characters and the premise of the show. I was too young for the initial TV series (or more accurately didn't exist), but there were plenty of other shows and films that have come and gone, that I just didn't pay attention to. My best guess as to why I didn't try TMNT in any shape might have to do with "being influenced" by others as a kid, and for the sake of privacy I'll leave it at that.

So why am I finally give this a shot as someone in their 20s? Cause this game looked neat... yeah very anticlimactic. Well, there's also the fact that I've been meaning to give Beat 'em Ups another chance. I have a weird relation with this genre as it really should be my jam, but a couple of aspects that are seemingly traditional to the genre has made me hesitant in trying more of these games. Does Shredder's Revenge help alleviate my personal grievances? Eh, kind of.
Compared to other Beat 'em Ups I've played this one felt the best to control, which is a huge relief since I can't jive with the movement that well in Streets of Rage 4, as an example. Having a dash and double jump for every character, plus faster movement in general was far more comfortable and made playing the game way easier. Still have the thing where you walk into enemies to throw them; which I still feel is far less intuitive then a button command to grab them instead, but I've grown to accept that this is just how the genre operates. The combat is simpler then Streets 4 though, especially with the combo variety. I've seen some impressive combo videos from that game, and TMNT just doesn't have the same breadth of attacks that allow for some extremely technical feats. Here's the thing though... I don't care much about long and complex combo strings. You can still do some fun carry combos against enemies tossed into the air, and the dive kicks do a lot for utility that I was never bored playing this. I don't think it would've hurt having more complex combos, but it doesn't affect my enjoyment towards the game.
What does though are the boss battles. Even as someone who has mixed feelings towards Streets 4, I can tell how much of a step backwards the boss design is in TMNT then Streets. There not... bad, but juggling bosses just doesn't happen in Turtles, which Streets 4 allowed and them some. Throws are useless if the bosses doesn't have any aides that you can toss around and utilize throw invincibility to bypass attacks, as otherwise you can't throw any boss. And sadly when I think of weak bosses, I immediately think of the final boss, and how it loves to keep throwing attack after attack while being invulnerable till it feels like letting you hit it. Not a fun encounter for the kind of action game this is. Thankfully, on normal difficulty, bosses don't take too long to beat. They mostly have a small amount of health that they don't drag the pacing much. Plus there is some enjoyment trying to minimize damage taken so you still have lives for the next level, assuming your playing arcade mode.
As an aside, I do really like the customization of arcade mode and how there's several toggles to make the game easier or harder in various ways. A big one for me is the removal of the taunt button. You have a super meter that fills up by attacking enemies without taking damage, but the taunt will fill up one bar (the first of the three super bars only) for free if you pull it off without being interrupted. I actually like the taunt button, but I'll admit it can be pretty exploitable for how powerful supers are. Turning it off means you have to be more skilled in combat in order to be rewarded with a super, as you'll never get one if you keep taking damage.
I did get the DLC for this game and I tried survival mode. I personally think it doesn't go crazy enough like the survival mode from Streets 4, but honestly the DLC was worth it alone for the two characters. Karai being my favorite character, even if I had no context on who she was (same with Usagi). Actually now that I think about it, I didn't play much of the Turtle characters... maybe I should fixed that at some point.
That all said, I've played this game longer then I was intending. Because of my feelings towards the genre, I was thinking this would be a one and done. But despite the bosses, the stages otherwise were a lot of fun. There's a good variety of punching bag enemies, and enemies that force you to be more careful around them. Clearing out a room of baddies with a screen wide super never got tiring with all the shit they put me through. The music and visuals are fantastic for a licensed product. I mean, I know Turtle games have some amazing soundtracks but now I see firsthand what all the hype was about. The sprite work and animations are endlessly charming. I love all the foot soldiers doing stupid shit in the background of nearly every stage, especially those ones eating ice cream at the zoo. How the Hell does that work with them wearing masks... and being robots, I just realized that as I was typing this out... I love it. This is a thing in a lot of other Beat 'em Ups, but I love repeatedly hitting dead enemies to raise up the combo counter and filling more of the super meter. It's fun by itself, but also adds some nice skill checks to go into the next fight with a larger advantage. And those throws are especially crunchy, especially that triple ground slam. That never gets old.

I don't know if I'll try any other TMNT media, but I was pleasantly surprised by this game. I really want to try the multiplayer too, since it looks so chaotic and hectic. I see myself coming back to this every so often, which is probably one of the best things I can say towards any game.

But dude, I've spent so much writing this review when I could be gaming... if I said I was sorry for that, I'd be liar.

Played through this entire game with my 4 year old daughter. Half the time she spent the entire level running up against the right of the screen saying she was "winning" while 8 Foot Clan beat the shit out of me and the other half of the time I was on one bar of health calling dibs on a pizza that she raced to grab cause she thought it was funny... but we eventually made it through as our first game played together and I wouldn't change that for the world. I love you Evelyn.

Pretty fun beat-'em-up. I probably would've never played this had I not received it for free with PS+, to be honest. I'm just not that into the genre.

All the sounds and art and music are amazing. If TMNT is your favorite thing ever, you're eating good with this game because with all the references and side characters packed in it meant the game was filled with stuff I recognized and stuff that seemed very obscure. It wasn't as creative with the mechanics as some of the new beat em ups I've played nor was it really challenging at all, but this is easily one of the best out there. 10/10 presentation.

I could have used a bit more characters. Casey Jones unlocking after you beat the game is like, what? I'm done now. And this game doesn't seem to have the replayability to get another playthrough out of me. I see there's some DLC for more characters, but more levels as well would have done wonders for adding replayability into the game.

Sequel, please!

It’s cool to have a modern beat em up that I can enjoy with friends or strangers. Idk about other platforms but the mobile servers are always full with a handful of people playing. Either the game is that good or Netflix has a W with their gaming service. Truly evokes the Sonic Mania energy that makes me all smiley and excited to play this game to the end!

TMNT: Shredder's Revenge is the love letter of all love letters. What they did here, what they did for the fanbase of TMNT is nothing short of just awesome. I've gotten much more into TMNT since last year, but I've always been a little bit of a fan since I was a kid.

To start off, the Level Design in side-scrolling always seems so simple, but I feel like it actually takes a bit more skill to pull off a truly great and fun one. That being said, Shredder's Revenge did the design of each level great. From the overall design of the pathways the player had to move through, to the set pieces and the enemy placements, I though they did a great job.

To add to the previous paragraph, the Levels also looked absolutely fantastic. The Art style and Pixel art is something that I just love looking at. I've always been a big fan of Pixel Art, and the amount of care, detail, and love that went into each pixel is so obvious in this. I can't say enough about how good it looks.

The Gameplay is a ton of fun. It's classic 2D Side-Scrolling fighting game fun, with a TMNT flair. Just so much fun to hit enemies, use your Special Attacks, finding Collectables. It's all just great fun, and I struggle to think of much wrong, besides the things all 2D Side-Scrolling fighting games struggle with, such as hit detection and perception depth, but it's not that bad.

To quickly mention the story, it's good. It'd entertaining with great moments and great characters. It's not much, since the game is far more focused on the Gameplay, but the narrative does it's job and it does it very well. Nothing groundbreaking, but that's not what I needed it to be.

Speaking of characters, Leo, Raph, Don, Mikey, April, and Splinter are all well done any fun to play. I usually just switched between the Turtles since I thought April was way to weak and Splinter was to slow. Mikey is by far the best one, I only found that out later in the game for some reason. His speed is just so great that the enemies can't even react. All and all, they're all a lot of fun to play. Besides them, Splinter and all the Bosses in the stories have great designs as well, and were all very expressive and cool.

To touch on the Bosses, they were pretty damn awesome. They're also pretty damn hard, but that kinda adds to the fun, considering this game isn't that BS difficulty, it's tough but it's fair like it should be. I though the bosses had great mechanics and had great design. Just great stuff.

I already mentioned it a little bit, but the enemies and their designs are just great. Though they could be very annoying, especially on "Gnarly" difficulty, but for the most part they were good and fun to punch. I do hate any robot enemies though, just harder to kill.

To finish off my gushing of the game, the OST is pretty much perfect. Every track is a banger and it all matches the games tone and aesthetic perfectly. Everyone with ears should listen to it.

I think they only thing that makes me give this a lower rating than the review would suggest is that it's pretty damn hard, and at times annoying. It never took me to long to get passed a level but it did hinder the score just a little bit. Besides me just sucking at games, this game is pretty much a perfect 2D Side-Scrolling Fighting game, and it's no doubt a perfect TMNT game. From the OST, to the Levels, the Art Style/Pixel Art, the Bosses/Enemies, the Characters, and the Gameplay, this is just a great time. If you like this Genre, TMNT, or games in general, I'd recommend you play Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge.

Score: 4.1/5
Letter Grade: A-

Nunca fui muito dos BriDeRu (salve Cogu), não por desgostar do gênero, que conste, me agrada demais o estilo de gameplay. Porém, por infortúnio do acaso eu nunca joguei muitos. Estava navegando pela PS Plus e vi essa belezinha, e me lembrei do quão divertido eram os jogos das tortugas marciais mais queridas do mundo, e lembrei como eu gostava da própria obra em si. Decidi dar uma chance, e fui recebido com uma pixel arte avassaladora. O jogo é todo muito bonito, cutscenes em pixel arte (que são de cair o queixo), um cenário dinâmico e com cada mínimo detalhe levado em conta, com uma mecânica fluída e gameplay divertidíssima. Que jogo! Meu favorito é o Donatello, e como ele é divertido de jogar aqui. Ah, e como eu poderia me esquecer da esquiva? QUE MECÂNICA!
Que jogo adorável, tudo nele presente é feito com muito carinho, isso eu tenho certeza. E é um daqueles jogos singelos que tu zera em uma tarde de Domingo (que foi o que eu fiz). Adorei, adorei mesmo. Ótimo jogo, recomendadíssimo.

While many veteran gamers were looking forward to this as it had all of the makings of a sequel to the arcade classic Turtles in Time, for me it would be one of my first times around with the Ninja Turtles. As a very casual fan of this franchise, I knew the characters but definitely wasn't going to catch every reference.

Shredder's Revenge is a fast-paced and colorful beat-em-up that's full of personality and fun from beginning to end. I had a blast switching between the characters and mashing combos to take down my foes. The game boasts an impressive co-op suite and could prove immense fun with friends who have GamePass.

I really appreciated how Shredder's Revenge doesn't at all overstays its welcome and each stage offers up something new. Not once did I feel like the experience was bogged down by too many levels and it was just a joyous experience to blast through this one with the turtles.

This game is so much fun, especially with a group of friends. It immediately took me back to being in the arcade as a kid, my brother and I begging our parents for a bit more money to play the Turtles arcade game one more time. This game definitely succeeds with bringing the nostalgia, but it's also just a great game — the controls are tight, the levels are fun, and the soundtrack is awesome. Highly recommended.

A game that sets out to do one very specific thing - it's a 2D side-scrolling beat-em-up designed in the style of early '90s arcade brawlers, and most specifically homaging the Konami beat-em-ups based on this very same license - and does that one thing extremely well, with excellent pixel art and animation, simple but enjoyable fighting mechanics, and lots of references to the old TMNT cartoon that probably went over my head, even speaking as someone who watched that show as a kid.

All that said... even though I have some affection for this IP, and a lot of affection for '90s arcade beat-em-ups (though I definitely prefer Capcom's to Konami's, for what that's worth), it's 2023, and I like my brawlers to have more depth than this, as well as level design more mechanically interesting than left-to-right corridors filled with enemies and a few simple obstacles here and there. Also feels a bit too long for the sort of game this is; at 16 stages, I believe a single playthrough is approximately the length of the original TMNT arcade game and Turtles in Time combined. Like I said above, Shredder's Revenge is setting out to do something very specific and I can't fault it too much for not trying to be a different kind of beat-em-up than it is, but it turns out my tastes in gaming have changed too much over the past few decades for me to be fully on board with it.

Eu não tenho uma boa relação com beat n' up no geral, salva raras exceções, mas esse aqui me prendeu do inicio ao fim. Talvez seja uma boa porta de entra pro gênero em tempos modernos.

Acho o que tornou a experiência mais frustrante pra mim foi o fato do jogo te dar a oportunidade de dar combos, mas não tem a mesma possibilidade (ou tão ampla assim) para inimigos aéreos , o que fazia com que a vontade de jogar o ps4 na parede fosse genuína.

no mais, bom jogo.

Lots of fun playing this with my brothers (like when we were kids!) and introducing this style of game to my young nephew. He likes Donatello like his dad.

Like I say on all Turtles media, I had no experience with TNMT as a kid, outside emulating Turtles in Time. Which this game definitely follows in its footsteps, which is always a good thing.

Beautiful game, but that much is obvious. Both the graphics and music are fantastic. There's even an animated OP that really fleshes things out. This is one of those licensed games that it's a miracle that the IP owner let them come out the way they did. It's a really solid beat 'em up , while things seem simple at first once you get the hang of your moveset (which you will do by playing, not staring at the 23 tutorials before you can even choose your mode and Turtle), you will really feel that flow of your combos and realize what you can master with this game.

I went with Leonardo because I'm boring and while I did have the Usagi DLC, I wanted to play as released and the difficulty is pretty fair, even if bosses are a bit on the simpler side. A shoutout to the bosses too as they exude a huge amount of personality that must have come from the original show. With the bosses and gorgeous varied locations, I bet the real Shellheads or whatever TMNT devotees are called gushed over this one and I'm happy for them.

All in all, this is

This shit is so cool. Probably one of the best love letters to a thing ever.

Inspirado no clássico de SNES, muito divertido e personagens diferenciados, pixel arte muito bem feita e fluida, jogo muito bom para jogar com amigos