Reviews from

in the past

Justin Roiland aside, neat idea for a game, (I would say pretty good humor but it's been some time), a little tough to play on Switch, it was meant for VR

Nunca más dejen que Justin Roiland se acerque a un videojuego.

a fun game that does start to fumble as the game goes on, with mainly a weak plot

Drank the most vile shit ever (tequilla + vodka + orange juice + ice) trying to cope with whatever the fuck was going and although it did set my brain to autopilot, I would get often some sort of mk ultra activations whenever they made fun of shitl ike racism which just so happen to occur every 30 minutes or so... GOD I feel so euphoric rn.................

This game was kinda dumb...and cringey...and the gameplay was repetitive...and the writing was half baked...but somehow I still kinda enjoyed it????

The absurdist comedy that hit somehow outshined the comedy that missed.

kinda wished I played it in VR instead of on a 2D screen - may have elevated the experience.

I liked it. I bought it on a sale, and went in with fairly low expectations, since generally I think Justin Roiland is funny in small doses, and too much of his humor relies heavily on just making a wild setup, but without really resolving any of the jokes, sometimes just stream of consciousness references said in a silly voice.

Sometimes it's a hit, most times it's a miss, but this was mostly hits with a few misses. The gameplay isn't inspired and innovative, but it's a good system for a VR game. You're stuck in a chair, and have some minimal interactions with the environment(until you get a power up that allows you to float a few different objects), but the execution of this sort of beat em up combat where you exist in the same world as the character you're controlling was very clever. The puzzles also aren't anything to write home about, but the novelty of the way it's presented are pretty good. It does lose steam towards the end, mostly because of the earlier problem I mentioned about Roiland's improv, and the final part is a little non sequitur, but overall it does have some great laughs and feels pretty fun to play. Even though it's not executed perfectly, it's nice that they had the attention to needed features, like dialogue resuming after an event happens. In a game that's mostly a vehicle for delivering comedy, that's essential. The VA from supporting characters was also very well done, and it was cool to see a variety of interesting character actors contributing.

Played half of this in VR forever ago and decided to finally finish it. I did so in the non-VR version.

Enjoyed than I expected. There's not much to it but it's a fun silly meme game. Better in VR for sure.

cute dogs
some good jokes
saved the universe

i dont hate this guys squeaky voice acting jokes as much as other people but even i got bored with it. was playnig it in VR and had some fun with that but idk

Good game and didn't go on more then it needed to.

Even if it hadn’t been for this year’s events surrounding Justin Roiland, I’d probably still say that this is too much of him for one game, and that’s after a mere level and a half. Maybe it’d play a bit better in VR, as it was originally designed to, but probably not enough to significantly change my opinion of it

As funny as financial breakdowns of failed preventative surgeries. As fast-paced as Stonehenge. As well-written as a 12-hour video essay on iCarly. To call this the bottom of the barrel would imply that this is something I'd ever want to store, transport, or maintain. To call this bottom-tier implies I would consider it mentionable. Representative of the worst that pop culture has to offer. Euthanasia gaming.

thank you for motivating me to play this game to completion. it was ok. i expected more terrible garbage but in the end like most things people exaggerate for dramatic effect and the adoration of the public. limited run - adjacent

Mr.Roiland can you keep quiet FOR 5 MINUTES? GOD

I found this game amusing at first, but after a while just got kind of bored with it. The comedy is pretty great at points, but as it is Justin Roiland, it will eventually devolve into a ridiculous mess of concepts that go unresolved. This can be interesting to just let dialogue play out between enemies or NPCs, but then it just starts to really wear on you. There was an unskippable dialogue that I found myself just surfing the Internet instead of paying attention. That kinda sucks when a game does that to you, and that's the main feeling I'm left with after finishing.

I truly have no interest in replaying this game. Puzzle platformer with justin royland humor and the reward for 100%ing the game is your controller vibrates on my girl dick. Shit game