Reviews from

in the past

It's hard to be very critical of this game as it's the first of it's kind. However, due to that unrefinement, this game suffers from many critical issues such as the awkward controls and weapon switching, cryptic puzzles and abysmal camera. However, all of that can be forgiven as a progenitor of a genre.

It's a super influential game but to be honest the games got better when Itsuno took over as director. Still a good game and because of bayonetta a lot of the lines are stuck in my head 4 years after I played it

Esse primeiro Devil May Cry é aquele tal de style over substance, ou em português, bonitinho mas ordinário. Negócio tem identidade demais, só o gameplay que é meio manco.

Gosto demais dessa era da Capcom onde eles tavam tentando meter um monte de variação de Resident Evil e conseguindo e placar franquias fodas.

Pena que esse port HD pro PS3 é ruim demais. Cheio de glitches visuais e o som extremamente comprimido.


This is my second playthrough but I Didn't beat it this playthrough, I did beat it on my first playthrough of course. All I got to say is that if you played this game once you'll be able to fly through most levels and also bosses will seem incredibly easy on your second time (except possibly the last boss) the map design is the best in this game but might be hard to navigate through on your first playthrough.

I think the story is very engaging and very fun to get through, not a lot of characters but it does a good job.

The gameplay on your first playthrough might seem a little difficult to get used to or frustrating even with its unique type of skill tree, not knowing what to pick or even wondering if certain moves are worth your currency. I managed to fly through all levels with the electric sword you get in the beginning with no skills. You can just focus on health and devil trigger if you want (blue and purple orbs in extra)

Devil May Cry is a marvel to play. It feels like a Resident Evil game, but 10x crazier, as slow combat and limited resources move over to the side for juggle combos and unlimited ammo. It still has that Resident Evil map design, with backtracking and switch hunting, which is why DMC is still a charming game to go back to.

maybe it would get the remaining half a star if the first nelo angelo fight didnt make me want to kill myself

(Re-played it on HD Collection!)
Still a good game. Yeah in some aspects it has aged badly and it has it's own stupid parts, espeacially the swimming parts in some of the missions. But despite all that, Devil May Cry 1 is still a solid start amazing series and totally recommented.

Mission 22 can suck a dick tho.

Foi um bom começo mas hj em dia é meio ruinzinho

now this game has not aged the best, but it has SOUL! so its alright in my book.

the horrible invention of fixed camera angles in video games found its way into this game to ruin my time

this game s SUPER FUCKING FUN i cant wait 2 get 2 dmc3 !!!

While somewhat basic and a bit sloppy, still a good time and nice to see where the series started.

Es muy loco pensar que esto pudo haber sido RE4

Genuinely had a lot of fun with this one. While I did play the 3rd installment first, this one might’ve felt a lot simpler to play ? I felt like the third one had a lot going with its combat and in a way overwhelmed but i loved how much easier and simpler to play this one was without feeling stale.

However, this game can really dip down low in quality sometimes. I had no idea this game was supposed to be one of the hardest games ever made, and at many points made me want to throw my switch into the ground (f u Nightmare boss fights seriously). A few boss fights were a huge pain in the ass and ESPECIALLY the second to last one.

Besides that, i enjoyed this one :)

While it suffers from it's age, DMC1 is still my favorite in the series, from it's atmosphere to it's witty one liners, Dante sets himself up to be that one friend we all need.

The lost step-child of the fixed camera Resident Evil games that somehow got even MORE into anime and ended up creating its own silly, perfect personality as a result

Say it with me everyone!


Cheesy in all the right ways. The castle was cool exploring. Cool start to a great series.

Very good start to the series. The cheesiness really adds to the experience.

Played through about half of this on normal. Then needing to redo entire missions when i died got too annoying.
Apparently easy mode is an option only if youre bad during the first 3 missions.
Was going to just drop the game, but something about it made me want to finish. So i started a new game on easy.

Easy mode kind of sucks though. You can't really control dante during combat, they replace most of the enemies with marionettes, and everytime you interact with something dante fires his gun and goes into a fighting stance for a second. Just really annoyed me lol

The game also kind of lacks the personality that was present in the opening cutscene.
Really just not a very interesing game.

I liked it anyway though. Filled my dark soul with light

Worth finishing once if you like DMC or Resident Evil and then probably never playing again, especially since you probably got it when just trying to play DMC 3. Its fun to contrast this Dante with what he ended up being post DMC 3.

It's an important game, but it's in a genre obsolescence limbo that makes it hard to seriously recommend (just not as hard as DMC2). I think for those curious about experiencing the franchise in its entirety, it's worth starting here, as it can be said to be a quite solid game for its time, and then progressing in release order to avoid disappointment with crude gameplay and level design that weren't as refined yet.

Bad camera that reeks of early Resident Evil era. Beside that the game is good and worth to finish once, just not expect DMC3/4/5 or something.