Reviews from

in the past

It's an NES game. Not that bad, but ultimately i dont think i will ever think about it again.

Vastly improves on its predecessor and feels far more fair, balanced, and fun, with even stronger spritework and music. Still suffers from design flaws of the era and has not aged the greatest in my opinion.

The Wily Castle boss that requires exclusively Crash Bombs can suck it.

this is toy story 2 to mega man series

I felt really good the first time I beat this because it was hard as hell. I then beat it as an adult and it was a lot easier than I remember. My favorite Megaman game. The music goes REALLY hard.

I just sorta find 2 a lot more annoying than 1 on average

not sure if this is just that much easier than the first game or if i turned into a monkey while playing the first game. either way, this is great.

É um pouco mais fluido e as fases também me agradaram mais, mas continua muito velho

eu só conhecia a capa do 1º, essa capa tmb é digna de um filme trash da sessão da tarde
10/10 para a capa

diferente do 1º jogo, esse é mais justo (as vezes justo de mais)
eles estavam começando a pegar o jeito da coisa
mas ainda sim teria sido melhor ir ver o Pelé

regardless of the game's quality,
hyadain was my childhood

A fascinating snapshot of the 80s.

Wow...this game sucks. It's really not what it's cracked up to be. It's overrated to a T.

It improves on some things compared to first one, movement is slightly better and you feel less like a brick. They introduce energy tanks, they get rid of the useless score feature. Health and live drops seem to be slightly more generous. They really improved on the boss rematches by letting you pick the order and even give you big health pickups after you defeat them.

But this game suuuuuuuuuuucks. God there's so much wrong with it and by the end, it REALLY falls apart.

First of all, they really ruined the weakness and special weapon balance. You can get Metal Man's weapon first and go to town...sure it's jank in your favor and that's nice. But as a result, most of the weapons are fucking useless or straight up worthless.

Leaf Shield takes the cake, it's completely useless and I found myself easily kicking Air Man's ass with the default projectile. It could be taken out of the game and nothing would be lost, and that's terrible for a Mega Man game. ....I hope the guy that can't beat Air Man figured it out cuz honestly I found him to be very easy. I LOVE Air Man's design btw, love you bby.

Back on weapons, a lot of them suck and are useless, as opposed to every weapon feeling powerful, having a purpose and working well with the weaknesses and that balance well in the first game.

Time freeze is worthless except on Quick Man...which is funny, gotta move fast! Oh no! I'm temporarily not going fast! My biggest weakness! Ahhhh!

Heat Man's weapon sucks ass considering you have to charge it and how you can easily lose it on damage.
It's hard to multi-task task in this game (especially on stage flickering and slowdowns and it happens a lot here).


Checkpoints also suck, points where it should have it just doesn't have it...Mega Man 1's checkpoints weren't always great (when they start you when you're just about to get hit for instance lol) but they were a lot more reasonable then this.

Boombeam Trap can go fuck itself, flickery specific order thing bullshit with almost impossible to dodge beams at first and since this game never refills your weapons unless you get more pickups (which don't spawn here) that means you can easily not have or run out of points for the specific weapon needed here and if you run out...oh guess what! You can lowkey softlock yourself unless you kill yourself until you run out of lives and start over again!
GREAT design! What a great game! Really improved over everything in 1! Truly one of the greatest games on the NES, man!

Dr. Wily boss can suck my ass too, I had to bruteforce this piece of shit with Metal Man stuff and save states (I used it for a lot of shitty trash parts, I don't care anymore). At least it's innovative that you can throw the projectile in several directions through holding D-Pad directions, even diagnonally, that is really cool and useful, I'll admit.

Oh and spoilers....third boss is an alien! A shitty alien that can only be hurt by bubbles! Bubbles that go down like a rock (as opposed to flying up in real life...) when this fucker is flying so you really have to be careful when aiming and remember, no refills here and if you run out, you're truly fucked! Why did it have to be bubbles of all weapons in this game? Nevermind you have to know ahead of time to save that (luckily my bestie who watched me play the game really helped me out with that stuff, love you bestie)
But he's on...a black background covered in stars where his tiny yellow ball is very easy to blend in and can be harder to dodge as a result. They take away like 3-5 health points and you can easily instakill yourself if misjump and land facefirst into him. Combine that with making sure to avoiding projectiles (the directions of which are manipulated to your position), avoiding him AND making sure your projectile lands right so you don't waste your ammo! I just save stated everytime I got a hit in without losing a health...god I saved on getting hit by accident twice but near the end I said fuck it and just went for it despite taking hits and finished off what's left...

I beat the robot masters in this order:
Metal Man > Flash Man > Bubble Man > Helmet > Quick Man > Wood Man > Air Man > Clash Man

Oh and that famous "Riddle" of Dr. Wily in the Japanese title?
(Which is honestly a dumb translation, I prefer the subtitle "The Mystery of Dr. Wily")
Turns out he wasn't an alien! And was just pulling smoke and mirrors! ...God I wanted to blow his head off...yeah what a great ending, I'm soooo satisfied I suffered through that bullshit just for this shit.

You know how with most games, even if it gets a little shitty in some areas, you forgive it in the end cuz the overrall game is good and the ending is nice? Well, not this one!

This game sucks and it truly ended on a terrible note for me...
I'm just glad my bestie helped me see through this, thank you again bestie!

Uma grande evolução do primeiro jogo, com melhores chefes, melhores power ups e principalmente melhor level design, q apesar de dificil, o jogo ficou mais justo e mto mais divertido.

Nota: 8/10 (★★★★) - Muito bom

Rockman 2 can be placed in the same vein as Street Fighter II. People who have never played it have the impression that it's some pure, honest, wholesome platformer that strictly adheres to Protestant values. In reality, it's a game that screws you for not having the prescience to walk into a boss fight with full energy of one specific weapon, else you can't defeat the boss and thus need to restart the entire stage.

Once you're familiar with the game or develop a prophetic power of clairvoyance, you're left with a superb platformer. The soundtrack is a timeless epitome of 8-bit music. The game cycles through a grand diversity of stages, both thematically & mechanical, (nearly) effortlessly. The bosses are simple yet fun. And this is all done in an adventure that can be beaten in under a couple hours.

It wasn't until the 4th game that the series achieved some semblance of fairness throughout the journey, but to dismiss it on fairness alone would be to undervalue its qualities. It's like a raw gem. It dazzles beautifully and cuts your hand if you don't know how to hold it properly.

Over the course of the decades it’s been around, Mega Man 2 is a name that used to and sometimes still does come up a lot during discussions about the best video games of all time. Obviously that’s no small praise…so is it really all that? In my opinion, yes and no…mostly no, but it’s still great. Overrated isn’t really a term I like to throw around a lot, but I feel like I can comfortably apply it to Mega Man 2 just…not in the traditional sense. Let me explain.

Mega Man 2 is an astronomical step up from its predecessor in virtually every way. So much so that it’s often talked about as if the first game never even existed. Mega Man 1 was a strong concept with aggressively flawed execution. Mega Man 2 fine tunes the experience and really allows its potential to shine thanks to far more responsive controls, difficulty that feels fair, better level design, and a couple of staple additions to the series like 8 Robot Masters instead of 6 and E-Tanks. The overall presentation generally feels like an upgrade too with a proper opening cutscene/title screen, a more detailed stage select screen, a stage completion cutscene, highly detailed stage aesthetics, more amazing music, etc. It just feels like you can sit back and enjoy this game more than Mega Man 1. Where Mega Man 1 threw so much BS at you that you could never really appreciate the rest of it, Mega Man 2 actually feels…well, fun, and that allows you to admire more of the experience. While the game doesn’t do a lot to revolutionize the formula introduced in the first game, it does enough to feel like a pretty substantial leap in quality. It might not sound like I’m saying a lot, but I am. It’s hard to find better ways to word what this game does right than just think of literally everything the first game does but if it either didn’t suck or was made substantially better than it already was.

That isn’t to say the game is without some major flaws, however. Difficulty is a funny subject when it comes to Mega Man 2. After the first game, it was a point to address the game’s brutal and unfair difficulty. This led to some neat creations like the E-Tanks which would become a series staple. Collectible health restoration items that you can use whenever you want, provided you have any stocked up. This was a really smart way to give the player some fallback without completely sacrificing the difficulty of the enemies and level design…except they did. Mega Man 2 is perhaps a bit too easy at most times. Enemies are pretty slow, weak, and found in much fewer numbers while the level design itself demands much less precision. While I’d take this over the difficulty of the first game any day, I can’t help but feel they overdid it. That’s not the whole issue though because whenever it’s not a cakewalk it just goes right back to being brutal. There still exists numerous opportunities to be instakilled, knocked back into certain death, and…literal softlocks. The difficulty is hands down a vast improvement over Mega Man 1, but it rarely hits that sweet spot in the middle. It’s too easy 90% of the time and too hard for the rest of that 10%. This issue is only further exemplified by the elephant in the room if you know anything about Metal Blade 2 wait I mean Mega Man 2. The weapon balancing. The Metal Blade is so absurdly powerful that it takes this already easy game and turns it into the most free of free cakewalks ever. It can fire in 8 directions, has incredible range, has what sometimes feels like unlimited ammunition, and a majority of the game is weak to it. I mean, it feels awesome to use. It’s a thrilling experience to be able to slice every single obstacle in your way, yet maybe a bit too good that it almost makes you feel guilty. Sure you could just…not use it, by why shouldn’t you? You earned it and most of the other weapons are almost useless. The only real challenge is offered in the form of when it embraces its inner Mega Man 1 and hits you with instakill beams, tiny platforms above bottomless pits or spikes, and yes there is literally a boss that can get you softlocked. Not by a glitch but by intended design. It’s…not perfect.

When I say Mega Man 2 is overrated, I think what I mean is a bit more complex than the usual application of “overrated.” Mega Man 2 is a great game and one that I love a lot, but I feel the narrative that it’s far and away the best Mega Man game and possibly one of the best games of all time is…complicated. Mega Man 2 undeniably has a huge amount of historical significance. I mean, the game wasn’t even supposed to exist. Mega Man 1 didn’t do well and Capcom saw no reason to consider returning to the IP. Despite that, the development team believed in Mega Man and wanted to give him another shot. Capcom allowed it to happen only under the condition that the team would prioritize working on other projects. Mega Man 2 was made purely out of passion just in the spare time the team had when they weren’t working on what Capcom actually wanted them to. While the story behind it doesn’t change anything about the game itself, it does make you admire its feats a lot more. The team believed in Mega Man when nobody else would and the result turned what could’ve been a forgotten one off failure into a gaming icon. This may not have been the first Mega Man game, but it may as well have been where he began. Mega Man 2’s style and popularity solidified what people would come to expect and love from a Mega Man game. For the sake of historical value, it’s no wonder Mega Man 2 is held in such high regard. That being said, history isn’t the entire story. What does Mega Man 2 mean today when we detach it from its past? Well, there’s been so many Mega Man games over the course of decades that I can’t help but feel Mega Man 2’s impact has diminished a bit. In terms of general quality, future Mega Man titles were often on par if not just straight up better than Mega Man 2…so why don’t we talk about those more often? That’s where I really feel Mega Man 2 is overrated. Not purely because the game itself is overrated, but rather everything that came after is underrated. Mega Man 2’s historical importance and overall impact seems to have placed it on a biased pedestal of sorts that often dismisses the rest of the series even when their highs are just as high if not higher than Mega Man 2’s. Sometimes I gotta ask if we really love Mega Man 2 as much as we think we do or we just give it this exaggerated value because it was in the right place at the right time. Like, what does Mega Man 2 do so much better than the rest of the series that it deserves all the praise that couldn’t go to the likes of Mega Man 3, 4, 5, 6, etc instead? Honestly, not much. Yet we only talk about Mega Man 2 because…well, Mega Man 2! I think it’s a shame because despite Mega Man 2’s greatness, it’s not actually doing much more than the rest of the series in retrospect. Just because it was the first one to do it right doesn’t mean it was the only one to do it right.

In conclusion, Mega Man 2 is a true, great classic even if far from perfect that holds significant historical value for the story of the Blue Bomber. I just think that as time goes on, the spotlight shifts further away from it. We should be evaluating it less by what it meant and more by what it is. Still great, but it’s time to give other Mega Man entries their time in the spotlight.

Pretty good but overrated, sometimes the levels are really empty and that metal blade lmfao

Still smartly designed in other places tho

This game so good when you don't have a bitch in your ear whining about Boobeam Trap

theres a reason why everyone talks about this game and not the first one

cause its fun and fair and cool and awesome

Masterclass avec des SaveStates

level design is really good but they put all of their effort into making the metal blade because the other weapons kinda suck and the fortress stages are... im convinced they were high
why are there so many soft locks like

Está mejor que el primer MegaMan, pero como es referenciado hasta por debajo de las piedras con todo y soundtrack, me terminó hartando :'v

cool game i guess, im still pissed at those last levels and bosses in Wily's castle, it just sucked so much it almost made me cry (≖︿≖✿)
the music was good doe, even better than the first game! so ill let it slide this time

worst video game i have ever played in my life (and ive played a lot of video games)


Okay so Mega Man 2 is considered to be the fan favorite Mega Man game as well as the best in the series...for some reason??? Honestly I'm just chalking that up to people's nostalgia cuz while yeah this is an improvement on the first game in almost every aspect, most of the future games would continue to make further changes and improvements to the formula. Obviously the addition of 2 extra Robot Masters, extra items, and Dr. Wily's Skull Fortress design are what a lot of people point to, but the main improvement that stuck out to me in Mega Man 2 compared to the first game is the presentation. It's not the best looking NES game by any stretch but the game goes out of its way to at least TRY to be more cinematic with more detailed backgrounds, extra in-game menus, and even cutscenes(???) as well. It's still pretty primitive by today's standards, and it still hasn't shaken all of the stupid bullshit straight up unfair design mechanics from the first game, but Mega Man 2 is definitely a step in the right direction for the series and is easily the most iconic game in the franchise. For better or worse.

Go fuck yourself Boobeam Trap, you have a silly name and your boss fight SUCKS

the seasons that have passed were dramatic