Reviews from

in the past

The amount of war crimes I committed with that poor Rabbid in the wiimote.

At first I wasn't expecting miracles from this one because well... it's a game about the Minions before the Minions, the Rabbids. But I'll be damned, this is legitimately a great game for a first time and even more suprising, it's really fun.
While it doesn't do anything mindblowing, Rabbids Go Home solidly executes what it was set out to do: An absurd adventure about creatures stealing stuff from a city to pile them up in order to reach the moon. Literally NOTHING in this game can be taken seriously because of the comedic nature of it, not even the humans, and here that's absolutely perfect LMAO
The gameplay loop presented involves two Rabbids in a shopping cart platforming their way through the levels grabbing every single object possible, while also adding mechanics to make the controls more fun, like special cutscenes for certain objects or a drift boost. Also the music is amazing, the romanian brass band music really showcases the chaotic nature of the Rabbids.

It certainly has its flaws, like the lack of variation between some levels making it feel repetitive from time to time, or even some softlocking bugs I got to experience on my playthrough because "Bugisoft", but all in all it was still a blast to play this game!

C'est probablement le meilleur jeu des Lapins Crétins, rien de fantastique mais très sympa et un changement bienvenu comparé aux Party Game habituels qui s'essoufflaient déjà en 2009. La fin frustre un peu dans son Level Design (j'adore les niveaux sans checkpoint qui misent sur de la plateforme alors que tomber dans le vide te fait perdre l'entièreté de tes objets sans avoir pu les confier à un Lapin collecteur, haha).
La technique n'est pas incroyable et j'ai eu quelques baisses de framerate pas méchantes, je suis pas super fan de la DA mais elle a le mérite d'être différente et plutôt bien adaptée au jeu, le petit hub un peu inutile reste fun à parcourir et l'humour fonctionne franchement bien (ramener un avion entier par les égouts mdr).
C'est un bon moment, essayez-le si vous en avez l'occasion il n'est pas très long

the best rabbids game HANDS DOWN. ubisoft kind of went all in on this one and you can really tell, it's fun and addicting to play and it has a really great charm to it. if they continued down this path with the rabbids they really could have been beloved by everyone.

liked this game when i was younger and it's still pretty fun even as a grown ass dude. i remember being drawn to it because the concept of accumulating junk to reach a greater goal reminded me of katamari. wouldn't be surprised if it was inspired somewhat. simple and repetitive but a good time all the same

This is oddly charming and a very satisfying "grab all the stuff" type game, sort of similar to collecting studs in lego games.
I kinda wish the Rabbids got more games like this, maybe then people would like them more.

A surprisingly unique entry in what was up until this point a very bland franchise. This game does nothing mindblowing, but it was the perfect direction for this series to go in. Over the top and fun, while not being annoying.

i dont really know what you want me to say. i like this game and its soundtrack and i refuse to elaborate any further

best platformer on the wii, girls

This is the real sigma mindset

this game was hilarious, banger ost too

Rabbids are so crazy i love them

I played this game on a messed-up wii that couldnt hold any save files, so every time i played this with my brothers we would have to race to get as far as possible in one go, for the record i remember it being incredibly fun, one of the best we had on that wii. dont think i ever got to finish it

Fun party game nothing too crazy

honestly was pretty alrighht

This is my first review on Backloggd, and I may as well start with the first video game I ever beat as a kid (I was probably about 7?). I remember being so proud lol. Very fun level designs and novel concept of collecting enough trash to reach the moon haha. I'm glad other users here seem to appreciate it too. Whatever happened to Rayman and the Rabbids?

i love rabbids i'm so happy they made games like this for them

Seriously, underrated hidden gem. I played this 11 years ago, so forgive me for not remembering the plot, but basically it's a linear collecta-thon wherein you evade bad guys in order to go back home. This game was a lot of fun.

L'un des jeux les plus drôles de la Wii, sans hésiter

no babe rabbids go home ost stays ON during sex

Que dire de ce jeu , ne serait que dire qu'il est complètement dingue et dans la vibe de la crétinnerie des lapins d'UBISOFT , drôle et fun à faire , le but est simple à travers des niveaux vous devez récupérer des objets pour les assembler et viser ainsi qu'habiter sur la Lune.

one of the most important games to have revolutionized the euro-katamari-like genre

Straight up one of the best original soundtracks to any game ever

jogo de história dos rabbids. Este jogo é CRAZY, tens de recolher o máximo de objetos possíveis pelo mundo dos humanos até os rabbids chegarem à lua. Tem bue challenges muito fixes

Playing around with the rabbid inside the wiimote was genuinely fun.

Okay: let's face it here. this game is the best out of the Rabbids licence. It got fun levels, cool mechanics (you use a medical bed to glide over roofs?? Incredible), cool themes (that one casino-themed level is staying in my head for a long time), and rabbids don't feel annoying for once. The game has a good difficulty spike, although it's pretty easy getting to the end without dying a lot. The music is memorable, with gipsy music fitting the craziness of the rabbids and licensed music that stays in the mind, funny voicelines and other...
Now. If like me you want to take the road to the Master 100% completion, you'll have a harder path ahead. Prepare yourself for time-limited parts of levels you cannot go back to unless you redo the entire level, precise driving, checkpoints that can kill your progress if you die at an unconvenient time, unfairly placed holes, and speed-oriented levels that will make you insane. And also the penultimate level that just KNOWS how hard it is to get that 100%. There's 31,750 items to get in this game, no more, no less. Good luck, have fun, stay sane.

This game has absolutely no right to be this good as it is. If you find this for real cheap, be sure to pick it up

A fun game from the Wii that offers a collect-a-thon experience that's accessable for all.

forever stuck on wii, sucks because it's the best rabbids game. It didn't sell well so they made the worst one immediately afterwards.