Reviews from

in the past

A neat little walking sim (not a pejorative, love those games) set in an interesting future with a fun cast of characters that is just a bit light in all of its elements. It all winds up feeling a little needless by the end but there are significantly worse ways to spend 3 hours.

This was an okay walking-sim. I enjoyed the characters and had a good time overall but the story felt a bit underdeveloped and there's nothing special on the gameplay side. It was fun for a gamepass game but probably hard to justify paying full price for it.

Amo simuladores de andar com historias intrigantes e um mundo tão imersivo que te deixa querendo saber mais desse universo, mas você tem que se contentar só com o jogo mostra e fica com a sensação de perdido depois que termina. Não tenho mais o que falar, é simplesmente maravilhoso. Joguei não esperado muito e entregou tudo.

Sin enemigos, sin muchos retos y es casi un walking simulator pero aún así las conversaciones de la prota con las IAs era entretenido y como es un juego corto, pues estaba chido. Me gusta la estética y en general, fue divertido.

Interesting and concise story with enjoyable banter. Good stuff!

- Grace -
Supongo que está bien, su pequeña historia me gusto y me dio a entender pq fue que Grace desaparecio.
Sus puzzles son super ligeros y el juego solo consiste en caminar.
Sus interacciónes con las IAs me gustaron, cada una se siente y expresa bastante bien y acorde a lo que son.
Es un juego lindo, corto y sencillo con una trama religiosa que me pareció bien. Pero siento que no es algo de otro mundo y no termina termina de explotar del todo su potencial :/

AI and religion both interesting topics, unfortunately this game doesn't explore either particularly well in any way. Not only does it not bring anything new to the table but it also chose the already most overdone concepts ever. It's pretty enough, the puzzles are as easy a puzzle can be and still be called a puzzle.

I will start by saying Return to Grace isn’t great, but it is good. It’s a walking simulator that I know isn’t a genre that appeals to everyone, but it’s short and sweet with enough little bits of interactivity to keep the pace steady and not monotonous.

You take control of a future space archaeologist, Adie Ito, who’s ended up on Ganymede (one of Jupiter’s moons) at the resting place of Grace: an AI seemingly worshipped as a god.

Here there is no life left but you quickly discover a piece of Grace.
The first of which represents her logic processing and is quickly dubbed Logic as expected.
Throughout searching this retro-future facility you have different aspects of Grace come into existence all with distinct personality traits.
These characters (I guess technically character singular) are excellently presented, with a great variety of voice acting and all give different and interesting perspectives on what may have happened to Grace, her purpose and views on Adie herself.

Presentation isn’t just from great voice acting, Adie has a little computer mounted on her left wrist which is used for some puzzles but mostly shows simply differently expressive and coloured faces to represent each of these personalities you interact with.

Other interactions involve climbing, pulling levers, small button puzzles and a couple more interesting things that I don’t want to spoil from this game’s extremely short run-time.

Graphically the game is neat, smooth and shiny. Quality lighting and the aesthetic is somewhat 60’s sci-fi but with a good variety of interesting locals to keep you engaged.

If you enjoy walking simulators and especially if you have access to Game Pass this is worth a pick up.
It took me a little over two hours to get through and I did reload some saves to check out alternate choices which can end up with a couple of different endings.
Strangely Return to Grace is more full than you’d expect a two hour story to be in terms of little touches, variation of locations and characters but also feels fairly basic too.
It isn’t doing anything new or particularly innovative and the story is good but it’s a little predictable.
Return to Grace doesn’t feel like the clearly talented staff stretch out further than what they know they can do but while it means it doesn’t necessarily excite it does do everything to a level of quality that’ll not have you upset if you spent a couple of hours with it.

E um walking simulator ent e basicamente puzzle e historinha. O jogo e bem curtinho ent e uma ótima experiência, eu gostei da história.

the retrofucturistic look of this really helps and its overall a super charming game imo. not gonna be a wild standout but it doesnt need to be!!

Um Walking Sim entre fraco e ok... Eu gosto do gênero e acho que tem exemplos ótimos por aí, mas esse não faz nada muito bem.

Return to Grace não apresenta nada mecanicamente interessante como Tacoma ou What Remains of Edith Finch...
A história que geralmente é o que mais prende em um bom Walking Sim, aqui também é meia boca, passa longe de um Firewatch e um Gone Home.
Os puzzles são para crianças de 3 anos parece.
Tampouco é uma experiência visual deslumbrante como Dear Esther ou Layers of Fear.

meh, it's alright. you don't really do anything fun, but it's a decent little walking sim. the puzzles aren't even really puzzles and the story and voice acting are okay.

bust this
like a cool milk from out the toilet
two batteries some Brillo and some foil
heat'll boil it

Game #15 of 2024 finished!

This is my type of walking sim! You get really compelling story with actually really enjoyable voice acting and puzzles to tie the whole thing together? Sign me up!

I am just a total pushover for anything space related and having to deal with human advancement/internal reflection though actions of people who came before. A real short, cute experience that through Game Pass made the whole experience feel worth the two hour runtime.

great opening that immediately establishes characters and setting without leaning on technobabble or infodumping. a neat little set of decisions that garner immediate feedback from your companions. and finally a perfect and achievable length. sure, the topics on AI responsibility and ethics got a bit of a sigh from me given current, but it didn't reach beyond its grasp and kept it centered on you and your companions.

I enjoy walking sims; it's a genre that I find relaxing and interesting and I'm okay with minimal gameplay as long as the story is compelling. "Return to Grace" offers an intriguing story that doesn't overstay its welcome. The interactions with the different AIs are enjoyable but ultimately don't amount to much, and the ending is cliché. Despite these aspects, I found myself intrigued enough to finish the game in one sitting, so it clearly had something going for it, and at the very least it serves well as a palate cleanser between games.

Not awful but bland from beginning to end.

Um jogo sem nada muito marcante. Não me envolvi muito com o enredo em momento algum e sinceramente acho que não recomendaria muito, a menos que a pessoa curta muito temática espacial e paradas existencialistas.

The voice acting is pretty good, at least, but otherwise a very dull entry in the walking simulator genre. At least it’s short.

A nice short game that can be completed in one sitting. The story kept me entertained and I was constantly searching for more things to interact with. I didn't find everything but I enjoyed what I played and am satisfied with the outcome. There isn't much to the gameplay, mostly just walking and a few short puzzles but if your interested in story based games then please give this game a try. ★★★★★

Pretty nice for a walking sim (and I usually don't like those). Loved the retro-futuristic style.

Walking simulator with light puzzle elements would be an apt description. But the way the narrative is spun out through a sequence of different personalities really made this game feel full and interesting. A worthy couple of hours.

This game is pretty interesting. It's a low key, exploring game that takes 2-4 hours. It's millennia in the future and the AI that has helped humanity has been shut down for a long time. I would totally watch a tv show in this universe.

This is an okay short narrative game where the player finds out the disappearance of an AI that ushered a utopian era. The narrative is centered around this mystery and I think it was not intellectually or mechanically engaging. While the ending choice is a bit of a cliche, I did not feel it was explored well. Rather, the quirky interactions between the AI personalities is the strongest aspect of this game.

The gameplay suffers a bit with several context-based interactions that require waiting for audio to finish and most of them are not interesting to do. No strong puzzles or mechanics either to add variety and the inclusion of puzzle skips makes me sad. Since the narrative is not as strong, the lack of other supporting mechanics or systems makes this a weaker experience.

On a side note, I am disappointed that it uses Catholic concepts and centered around humanity given its cosmic scale feels lacking in a bit of narrative creativity. AI being somewhat gendered is okay but I was really disappointed it did not have non-binary representation. It ruined my immersion a bit where an AI controlling the masses is based on a heteronormative structure. This section is my preference so take this with a grain of salt.

This is an okay title but I do not have any strong reason to recommend it either.

An interesting setting that definitely makes me want to explore the unique environments. However, I wish there had been more depth to the story and a deeper exploration into the main character's motivations for being there. There was a lot of mystery left unresolved that I think would have improved the overall experience if it had been explored in some way. Quality voice work as well from every character.

Its an okay game, a walking sim with... some "puzzles" and its story serves it purpose. Its just okay but I do really like the voice acting and the aesthetic of the game is really enjoyable sometimes but it's a short game and that is okay. I think the ending was really bland though and could of been better.

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Short and sweet.
It may be a "Walking simulator" but I've taught myself that its okay to just experience the story a game has to offer and sit back and enjoy the ride.
I enjoyed exploring the environment and piecing together what happened to the keepers and other summoned to grace.
Was very surprised to see myself slowly getting attached to the AI companions I made along the way. The bickering was very charming and was kinda adorable.

Um walking simulator com uma proposta estética intrigante: Futurismo com elementos estéticos do anos 60, misturando arquitetura brutalista em seus lindos cenários.
A narrativa fala sobre fé e inteligência artificial, tema bastante atual.

O jogo em si é mecanicamente muito simples e por vezes muito lento, mas é algo bastante superável para quem já sabe o que esperar desse tipo de jogo.

Хороший симулятор ходьбы. персонажи че-т ходят, хохмят, философствуют - и всё это не успевает надоесть, ведь игра проходится за 2 часа. Еще перепройти можно, там какие-то выборы есть, или типа того, но пока влом.

A very accessible walking sim with fantastic writing and setting. The game makes you think about life a religion in a grand scale and uses emotional AI to portray the different perspectives of the human brain. The slowness of the character does diminish my want to finish on a different ending though.