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as a big sly fan since childhood i think this is the most disappointing game ever for me, but even so it still has a few positives

the presentation (i especially love the health bars in this game so much and the animations, both cutscenes and actual ingame animations) and content (buncha collectibles) are at their highest in this game, but then on the other hand the jobs are pretty boring, theres a fuckton of hacking minigames for some reason and the upgrades other than the few classics like paraglide and silent obliteration are so whatever, not to mention the gameplay wasnt as snappy as the other 3 games, everything is so floaty and awful to control, you just slip off of things constantly in a stealth platformer like wtf, how do you go and make a sly game then make it laggy, floaty and with annoying input delay.

since the gimmick is time travel the worlds are pretty diverse and interesting, i really liked the selection they went with, but then the level design is forgettable and nothing to write home about which is such a shame

the cooper ancestors are very colorful and endearing characters (tennessee kid my beloved) but then my biggest gripe comes in, the way they wrote the old characters was a huge step backwards, the development that theyve built for 3 games was just gone for almost every single returning character (dimitri was still good old dimitri). also playing the ancestors feels worse than playing sly because his upgrades dont transfer over to them.

all in all this game is still worth checking out if u like sly imo, you can tell the devs REALLY tried making a good game and not a cashgrab, but dont go in with the highest of hopes. (edit: forgot to mention this game has one of the worst final boss fights in maybe all of gaming)

This game was surprisingly sweet, had a great time.

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i don't.... hate it?? not as much i was expecting to based on the way people talk about it at least. the problems are there and they're pretty obvious - the story and especially the character writing are at their worst in the series by far. The beginning few minutes of the game are spent "getting the band back together" which is to say completely undoing everyone's development and reducing them to the most basic caricatures of themselves. Sly goes from not wanting to be a coward with Carmelita in 3 to being like "fuck it, I actually just love stealing way too much" and just comes off like an asshole. Murray (who gets a shockingly small amount of characterization in this game) goes from not wanting to be the muscle who just punches things, REFUSING to join the gang without approval from his guru to just abandoning his spirituality and saying "Yes I fucking love punching and killing things" and remains that way for the whole game. He has a brief moment of feeling inferior to a literal caveman because he can climb a wall, but then gets over it after beating up Grizz (possibly the worst villain in the series btw). Carmelita is briefly mad at Sly for lying to her for years but just kinda gets over it, she's given the status of actual member of the gang but then does fuck all but be a damsel in distress except for like, 2 missions. There are upgrades for her that are only unlocked after you've completed her last mission in the entire game. what do i need those for man. Bentley doesn't get much except for the Penelope thing, which is a bizarre twist and while I think what they do with it is FINE, it's not really earned, and it's not a satisfying ending for her character.

To praise one thing though I don't mind the villains, they're fun enough. El Jefe is raw and Le Paradox is very hateable. I really like the Cooper ancestors, each one brings one small change to the gameplay but adding these rotating new cast members with different personalities and levels of enthusiasm kept things fresh as you're taken to each new area, which are all pretty cool in their own right.

Aside from the way the ancestors were integrated, the story is fairly lacking. It's like, fine for the most part, until the ending???? it's like the Shenmue 3 thing that everyone made fun of, when it's basically a miracle that your game even got MADE in the first place why would you not do everything with the assumption that you're never gonna get this chance again and spend the game wrapping things up in as satisfying of a way as you can. But then again, just for Thieves in Time's story to even exist it has to undo everything 3 did, and a hypothetical Sly 5 would just have to undo everything 4 did in the hopes of getting to a somewhat satisfying ending.

So maybe story-wise this game should have never even been made, ok whatever. it's at least?? kinda fun???? i think the gameplay is GOOD. it doesn't necessarily feel as tight as it has in the rest of the series and playing as anyone other than Sly is not as fun as it used to be. But once you start getting upgrades and stuff it's still a nice satisfying gameplay loop. i don't think the level design is as fun to explore and platform through as it has been, but it's still fun and looks good.

what else?? i do like this game, it's just hard thinking of any actual things it does really well. i think all the character animations look really good, they capture a lot of everyone's personality. i don't know, not much else can be said really. too many Bentley minigames. clue bottles remain Ass. it's fine!!! i wish this wasn't how the series ended though!! game might have just been doomed from the start, not to fail but to just be kinda "eh" and perform at juuuuust the right level that it ensures a sequel will never ever be made

tHeY rUiNeD mY cHiLdHoOd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Handing a beloved series with a strong fanbase to an unproven studio was always going to be a risk, and unfortunately, it did not pan out.

The best thing the game has going for it is the concept of time travel which leads to the most varied worlds yet, along with some of the most unique characters joining the playable cast. The minigames are stronger across the board as well.

However, the narrative is by far the weakest in the series, the loading times are ridiculous, and the level design is questionable at best compared to even the first game. This leads to a very underwhelming experience regardless of how much of a Sly Cooper fan the player is.

This should be a case study for any studio considering handing off their game to other studios.

Clairement le plus abouti de la série, l'histoire est très bonne, les niveaux sont encore plus variés et le jeu en général est magnifique, rien à jeter !

Maintenant, il reste plus qu'à faire un Sly 5, je dis ça comme ça hein.

This and all of the other games are all great. Very unique and interesting gameplay, but still fun.

one of the best games on the platform. graphics is really good and the gameplay loop is fun

The Sly series's first Sucker-Punch-less entry can be best described as 'confused but got the spirit'. It's clear that, by and large, Sanzaru Games has the best intentions with Thieves in Time and that this isn't just a quick and dirty cash grab for them.

Gameplay-wise, Thieves in Time is fine. It's certainly safer than the acrobatics of Sly 3, and the platforming, while still satisfying at times, is not quite as smooth or seamless as in previous entries. To be clear, I don't really have a problem with Sanzaru taking a safer route for their take on Sly. It feels like an amalgamation in many ways of elements from all three games prior, which makes sense given that they want to appeal to long-time fans as much as possible. However, as a result, it all kind of meshes together quite awkwardly, and no single part of its gameplay structure stands out as exemplary.

There's also an overabundance of Bentley's hacking sections and mini-games this time around. The former is particularly egregious, as although they change things up by providing three different types of gameplay for the hacking sections now, they increase the frequency of hacking sections as a result. In the previous two titles, hacking was something you had to do at key intervals that were few and far between, so it never really got in the way too much. Here, however, it feels like you're doing it on every other level. Again, the new gameplay types for it do give it a fresh spin; however, that starts to wain when you're playing these sections so often.

It's also not doing itself any favors by having several segments dedicated to the gyro in the PlayStation controllers. It's an acceptable gimmick the first time, but not so much after a dozen more.

As you may have already heard or read, probably the biggest mark against Thieves in Time is how it handles the story and characters. Again, there are parts of its narrative that are decent, if a bit derivative of past Sly Cooper story traits. That being said, this entry seems all too keen on reestablishing the status quo and seemingly undoing much of the characters' development from the past games. As many have put it, the recurring cast become flanderized, reduced to one-note archetypal versions of themselves, almost like parodies. There are flashes of depth, sure, but then it's quickly back to goofy, wacky business as usual. It's really a shame, after what Sly 3 brought to these characters, to see them written like this.

And yes, that one controversial plot point is indeed mean-spirited and unearned in the grand scheme of things, being an addition mostly for the sake of dramatic effect and little else. But then, it's been discussed many times before, in greater depth, and by people much more eloquent than myself, so it doesn't really bear repeating at this point.

Thieves in Time is an understandably safe entry, arguably too safe—with some misplaced narrative and gameplay concepts here and there. Honestly, it's not that bad, but the things it doesn't do well, it really commits to, leaving the whole thing feeling a bit slapdash in places. It's close to being a decent game, but it's held back by some baffling decisions along the way that nearly bring the whole thing down as a result.


I have never seen a game fumble the bag so hard like this game. Goddamn I understand why so many people dislike this game. I don't like the Sly games but even I can feel the disrespect. Gameplay was just worse Sly 2. Slightly worse movement, slightly worse hub areas, slightly worse minigames, slightly worse hacking, slightly worse bosses, slightly worse everything. This, combined with an AWFUL, disrespectful story and ending makes it really sad this is probably the last thing we will ever get from Sly. I dislike Sly Cooper as a series, but I don't think this is how he should've gone out.

Story is shit, but I don't really care about that all too much because this is Sly Cooper gameplay at it's finest.

It alright but i like the other 3 better.
Hope they truly finish it one day.
Remember that Sly movie that never came out.

Just didn't care for it for whatever reason.

fun game not as good as 2 but the 2nd best in the series to me. i had a lot of fun playing this but didnt enjoy some of the missions needed for the platinum and the weird art style change along with the bad load times during the game for this.

people didnt like this game? tbh i didnt play the others but it was still good

Not as good as Sly 2, but I love this game a lot. In hindsight I can see a lot of the flaws pretty clearly... The ABYSMAL loading times come to mind, and I remember the game runs out of gas near the end (that final boss fight suuuuuuucckkksssssss), and to say nothing of the unfortunate cliffhanger it ends on. There's also that one twist regarding an old character most Sly fans hate, but as someone who didn't care about Sly 3, it doesn't bother me. I love Sly's relatives a lot. especially Tennessee Kid and Bob.

Hope this gets a remaster/rerelease some day, but with how Sony seems to hate any game that wasn't made in the last 5 years, and Sanzaru Games being trapped in VR game mines, I can't see that happening any time soon.

If the pretty big downgrade in art style wasn't a sign of things to come, then I don't know what is. Even besides that, the game just felt like a step back in many other regards.

I used to think I hated this game, but I was just completely indifferent to it.

The original trilogy was very flawed, but also very inspired. So, when you follow up a unique, mature, and well-written trilogy of games with one of the most generic, neutered, and un-original children's platformers I've ever played, the backlash is understandable.

I have so many complaints about Thieves in Time: from the childish writing which clashed hard with that of the previous games, to the gimmicky gameplay lacking depth or ambition, to the weak story loaded with missed potential, to the flaccid cast of characters featuring easily the worst rough's gallery of any Sly Cooper game (El Jefe is the only one I can take seriously and Le Paradox is one of the worst villains I've every seen in a game). I have so many complaints to make, but none of them feel worth making (Except the one about Le Paradox, f*ck Le Paradox).

I'm so dispassionate about Sly 4 that it took me nearly a decade to re-play it and several days to crank out this review. The game is competent enough that I can't be angry about it, but if it were shockingly bad, I'd at least have more to say. As is, this game will leave my memory very soon, and I'll have made room for new games.

For all my problems with the first three games, I respect their maturity and ambition enough that I'll still revisit them in the future, but, for me, Thieves in Time is staying in the past.

Performance is pretty rocky on the Vita but overall a pretty fun game. Collectibles and trophies can be kind of annoying but navigating the world is fun enough to counteract them a little.

I will admit I didn't care at all about the story. It's my first Sly game (obviously I should've started from the first) but I've heard this one is a little bland so I'm excited to eventually try the others.

esse guaxinim é uma figura mesmo kkkkk

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the artstyle change is TERRIBLE, also sequel baits with the most uninteresting time travel plot in media