Reviews from

in the past

I learned that for some reason this version lets you knock Yoshi around with cape spins and he can eat enemies if you knock him into them. I don't know why they decided to make this change but it's certainly something you can choose to do

An already perfect classic ported to a handheld with some improvements.

You can't ask much else for this masterpiece. There are some interesting additions such as playing as Luigi actually makes a difference, having his own features such as more floaty jumps and while controlling Yoshi he will spit out enemies instead of swallowing them. The voice acting is also very charming. Also, in the same fashion of the other Super Mario Advance series, Mario Bross Classic is available, which is always a nice addition.

Confusing title aside, this is Super Mario World as you remember it..... mostly. I played a color restoration hack which improves the washed-out colors of the original GBA release. The OST also takes a hit, with less quality in the audio's fidelity and some songs sounding a little off, such as the Underground theme. The voice acting can also be a little grating at times, especially if a particular section is giving you trouble. All this aside, this is still Super Mario World, which is still an amazing game.

The better version of Mario World, if only because 1) the spin jump is mapped to a shoulder button instead of A. Why was it mapped to A in the SNES version?? 2) Luigi feels like Luigi so there's at least one character with physics that feel decent.

If there's a flaw that would make you not want to play this version, it's the spritework. It was already sloppy in the original version (seriously, there's some sprites outlined in all black,some outlined in soft color..) but it's way worse when everything is mega washed out. Just look at Mario,mf looks british. Not that there's much to look at,because theming-wise, it's all a little bland. The whole game takes place in Dinosaur Island, yet there's like 6 dinosaurs in the game. Speaking of which, I don't think Yoshi's continued existence was worth it for there to only be 2 main power ups here but that's probably just me.

Okay, done ragging on it :3 it's a fun game, even for a known Mario disliker and I for sure appreciated it a lot more compared to any previous playthrough. The things I dislike don't seem to be necessarily hot takes and are all things considered, minor. We can have a little contrarianism, as a treat.

¿Qué puedo decir de Super Mario World que cientos de reseñas y "retrospectivas" no hayan dicho ya? Por lo menos puedo decirles que la versión de GBA es perfecta para jugar un nivel o dos mientras vas en el camión, guardar y luego regresar a él cuando vayas de regreso a casa. Aunque la pantalla está algo achicada (y es entendible por las limitaciones de la consola), la verdad es que se ve y se mueve muy bien y aparte trae cosas extras para los que les encanta exprimir sus juegos al 100%.

The main additions to this compared to the SNES original are playable Luigi with similar physics to SMB2 with his trademark slippery run and higher jump.

As well as track-able collectables, now you can see what Yoshi Coins you have collected throughout each level, while Secret Exits had a tell in the original they’re also denoted on this screen.

There are cute little animated sequences when you hit each goal.

I think it’s a fine way to experience Super Mario World and many probably prefer it, sound and visuals have some compromise. Thinner sound and with some scrolling vertically due to the GBA aspect ratio.

There’s a fan hack of the original that adds in these systems to the SNES original.

The detail I never picked up on is the costumed bullet bills look like Kirby’s owl shaped friend or something. Very cute.

Got a lot of nostalgic attachment to this one. I didn't own a Super Nintendo growing up; I only eventually got one after becoming a retro collector as an adult. So this was my introduction to the absolute legend that is SMW. And aside from the aspect ratio taking some adjusting to & the GBA sound chip not holding a candle to the SNES, it's an awesome port & a dang fine way to experience a classic.

An inferior version of Super Mario World that has the benefit of being portable when you're 12 years old. Lots of unneeded voice clips, same as the Link to the Past GBA port. Still played the hell out of this, though.

Pros: It's the Super Mario World we all know and love, with some real quality new additions and QOL improvements. For one, collecting Yoshi coins goes towards percentage, and it along with the rest of level stats are kept track of on a sub-screen menu, which is very helpful for chronicling your completion of the game. Another great new addition is Luigi! He plays entirely differently, like jumping higher, more slippery traction, and bursting every coin out of a coinbox all at once. Luigi even changes the way Yoshi plays when riding him, such as holding enemies in his mouth with the ability to spit them back out. I particularly love the intro story to the game, giving context to the adventure, and the intro even has an extended ending upon beating the game. Very charming, lovely music to it too. Other little changes to the game are also quite welcome, like Peach's new sprite, and in most cases, the lighter color palette is easy on the eyes.

Cons: In most cases, in some cases, the lighter color palette can make the game look a bit more washed out than the more vibrant appearance of the SNES original. And outside of the changes I mentioned above, there really isn't much else new to this version of the game, which, feels less substantial than the other "Super Mario Advance" games, which added quite a lot to the original games.

What it means to me: The SNES original is already my favorite 2D Mario, and a portable version was such an easy win for me, played the hell out of it, just as I did the SNES game. And playing as Luigi made it different enough to feel worth another go. I don't have any stories attached to this one, but I do remember having it in my GBA quite often.

Pretty Fun remake of the og Mario World. Played it on a emulator so it was probably more comfortable on the original system

I initially played this on my Game Boy Player for a little while, but later sold the cartridge after beating Bowser on the original through Super Nintendo Entertainment System - Nintendo Switch Online. Years later, I had second thoughts and decided to emulate it using mGBA on my modded Wii, this time aiming to find every exit and collect every Dragon Coin (this version keeps track of them). In the end, I earned 3 stars on the select screen, I will not be going for 5.

I think it took a second, more thorough playthrough for me to finally "get" Super Mario World. The branching paths on the overworld map encourage exploration and reward sharp-eyed players, and Yoshi more than makes up for the shortage of power-ups compared to Super Mario Bros. 3. On top of that, the level design is more varied than ever, with cleverly implemented stage elements that make individual courses even more memorable than that of its predecessors. My only disappointment was with the bosses, save for Bowser; they were clearly treated as an afterthought, but then again, doesn't nearly every other 2D Mario game do this? I now see why the original game is hailed as an SNES icon, and I'm more than willing to recommend it to those less acquainted with retro titles.

That said, this review is covering the GBA port, not the SNES version. Many have said it already, but I'll say it again: the screen crunch is an issue, and a hard one for me to ignore. When you port a platformer to a system with an aspect ratio it wasn't designed for, you're often left with a comparatively cramped game. The level design is tweaked to accommodate this new orientation, but I noticed the screen was constantly shifting left and right at the slightest movements, frantically trying to adjust to my inputs; ironically, this only made landing jumps harder. Super Mario World is tough but fair, while Super Mario Advance 2 makes me question whether or not I really could've anticipated that Para-Koopa coming. The quality-of-life adjustments and other new features are nice to have, but to no fault of their own, the developers could not overcome the screen crunch.

I'm sure it was nice in 2001 to play a wonderful game like Super Mario World on the go, but QoL enhancements aside, there is little reason to play this port nowadays.

Platinado via RetroAchievements.

Nossa, nunca tinha jogado essa versão do Super Mario World, gostei mais dela do que a versão de SNES, um ótimo jogo

This is just a slightly worse and portable Mario World wow

Nunca tinha interesse nessa versão do Mario World, mas queria rejogar e peguei ela no 3DS, e bem, foi daora cara.

É o mesmo jogo, mas as atualizações no mapa ajudam muito pra fazer o 100%, eu também acho que tem fases que ficaram mais chatas aqui por causa da camera, mas tudo bem, é um port pro GBA não tem como fugir disso.

É um jeito bem valido de jogar o World até hoje, acho que se um dia eu tiver a vontade de fazer o 100% desse jogo, vai ser por essa versão mesmo.

One of my favourite classic 2D Marios, the game is built around exploration, with a lot of secrets to find that reward players for their effort, such as new exits that unlock alternative paths or even new Yoshi's power ups.

Compared to other games, there's a lack of power-ups if we exclude Yoshi-related upgrades, since only Fire Flower and Cape are available, and because of how useful the Cape is, Fire Flower is normally forgotten.

I think this version is the superior one, being a replacement of the original SNES. There's not many differences, but the QoL and Luigi having a slightly modified moveset makes this for me the definitive way to play the game.

The best classic 2D Mario game, on par with 3.

Compared the other Mario Advance games, this one doesn't bring all that much new to the table. It's still a good game because, come on, it's freaking Super Mario World. A few nice bonuses are added, like Luigi having his slightly different physics. But the port itself is definitely the most skippable of the Mario Advance quartet.

Of course, when I was a kid with a GBA who didn't have access to the SNES, I sure didn't care. It was still a very good Mario game.

Maybe the best 2D Mario ever made? A great remake of the SNES classic, and it works great as a handheld game. Controls are super tight despite its age and it's worth coming back to if you enjoy platformers at all.

Christmas 2003, dad got me this game and I opened it pretty early during the gift opening. It did blow my mind, but I was distraught toward the end, as I didn't have a console to play the game, and doubted that dad got such an expensive game AND a game console to boot. "Oh look, what have we here, looks like there's one last present..." he said, and handed me my brand new GBA SP at the very end. Top ten memories contender. I played this game every available minute I had. It got confiscated a number of times because I kept playing it too heavily, and I always had to leave it with my mom before going to bed. One time I just turned the console on and off to see the intro and keep myself entertained without a game.

I had a hard time with it, of course, as one's first Mario game should be, and several sessions were spent exclusively trying to beat Bowser without really nailing the "kick shell upward" mechanic. That is, I didn't know how I did it, I just sort of flicked my fingers a certain way and sometimes that did the trick. Didn't know English enough to understand tutorials, and brute-forcing game mechanics don't always reveal everything.

My favorite thing about this game was... swimming... and sliding... for some reason those were so inherently satisfying. Also flying, when I eventually got that down. My least favorite thing were those continuously scrolling levels.

Nunca joguei o original, mas está versão por si só já me divertiu bastante, porém não achei tão fantástico sendo só um bom jogo de plataforma

Other than the screen crunch (which I don't think is much of a problem in this game) and maybe the character voices being a bit annoying sometimes, I actually find this version of Super Mario World to be slightly better than the original Super Nintendo version thanks to the few QoL additions (such as the level select menu after finishing the game or being able to keep track of the Dragon Coins) added in this version and some improvements to the way the colored Yoshis work.

Nostalgia, juego para críos pero algunos niveles... uff, complicadetes. Buenos niveles y entretenido.

Sino fuera por la camara y la musica esta seria uno de los mejores Mario 2d de la historia, arregla y añade varias cosas que al original de snes le faltaba

Lo mejor de lo mejor, aun a día de hoy el juego es hermoso y creo todo lo que ahora es mario.

All Super Mario games are masterpiece.

Can't understand how every Advance Version of Mario feels like a downgrade.

Good porting of a timeless classic, but it's no real remaster and lacks new content unlike Super Mario Advance games do. A little disappointed by Luigi sprite.