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There's not much to say, it's an excellent conversion of Super Mario World from SNES to GBA. It plays just as well and the only thing that makes it an inferior version compared to the original is that the audio quality is worse, the fact that the colors look very pale or that the field of view has been reduced, which has a solution because you can move the camera with the L button.

The things I like about this version is that it adds a list to see the status of the levels by pressing the select button on the world map, and the fact that you can play as Luigi, being a change of gameplay with respect to Mario.

What disappoints me and stops me from giving it a higher rating is the fact that it doesn't have that "deluxe" treatment that Super Mario Bros. on GBC or Super Mario 2 on GBA does, this port on the other hand comes without any add-ons, extra content, new mechanics or anything relevant new to highlight, which makes it a version that's only worth it if you play on a real GBA, because at the end of the day it's an inferior version to the original with nothing to really make up for it beyond portability. If you plan on playing Super Mario World on Switch or Wii U, you're better off going for the SNES version.

Despite being an inferior version to the original, it really is still a great way to experience Super Mario World, whether it's your first time playing it or you've played this game before, after all it's still Super Mario World, and it's one of the best platformers that's for sure.

Shouts out to Blargg! This, technically, isn’t my first game. However! This is the game I’ve had for the longest. I still have the same cartridge I got some twenty years ago for Christmas, and despite my young self having a knack for misplacing games and cartridges, I was quickly sentimental, and knew to never give this one up. It’s been a while since I’ve beaten this game. Like, probably not since I went and found every secret level back in my teen years, but recently I’ve been wanting to play it again.

I’m a huge sucker for world maps, probably because of this game. I mean, my two favorite Fire Emblem games both have world maps, I love the look of this game so much, and the look of the world, too. Rediscovering a lot of the secrets of the world map, finding all of the switch palaces, taking different routes through worlds. It’s so, so great. I’m not really into Mario games, all that much. They’ve never sucked me in at all or enticed me all that much. I didn’t own a single entry in the “New” series of 2D games, I’ve not even played Sunshine, Galaxy, or Odyssey, lol. Though, hoo boy, Super Mario Bros. Wonder looks absolutely so grand.

So pretty, so charming, so tricky, but never frustrating, for me, in an unfun way. Had a blast going through this. I am not a Mario game fan, I would say, but I feel very proud to be a Super Mario Advance 2 expert lol.

Probably one of my favorite games ever made.

Look, I get it’s a copy and paste of a 1991 game onto a 32 bit handheld, but it’s sound design (I’m so biased oh my goshhhhh) is miles better than on the SNES.

Um classico no SNES tambem presente nas telinhas do Game Boy Advance! Já cansei de zerar esse jogo na época do SNES e agora que saiu no switch online resolvi dar uma chance a versão de SNES, apesar de ainda preferir a versão de SNES por conta da paleta de cores ser mais bonita(ou forte) e a trilha sonora ser melhor, eu gostei dessa versão principalmente por terem adicionado as vozes classicas do Mario & Luigi no jogo que eu adoro imitar, outras mudanças legais foram a adição de uma intro melhor por jogo na qual vemos os irmãos Marios e a princesa Peach chegando a Ilha dos Yoshis e saindo pra se divertir enquanto a princesa é (novamente) sequestrada, outra adição muito bem vinda é a possibilidade de poder trocar entre o Mario e o Luigi na seleção de fases, coisa que era impossivel no SNES na qual apenas o player 2 jogava com o Luigi. Fora essas mudanças é o mesmo SMW de sempre, com suas classicas frases, gameplay gostosinha, viciante e muito bem polida, level designe muito bom e trilha excelente(ainda que inferior ao do SNES por motivos do chipset do GBA ser mais fraco se não me engano).

Why was the music so compressed? Should have just made remixes. Another good remake, but unlike the first Advance, probably best to just play the original game.

Um excelente port, não irei julgar os gráficos pálidos pois imagino que isso foi adaptado para a tela de GBA e não sei como fica.

Como lado negativo em comparação a versão original temos o áudio meio estourado (não costumo julgar limitações e adaptações técnicas) e a tela menor, mas em nenhum momento isso me atrapalhou. O level design é adaptado em alguns momentos para a tela menor e o som continua incrível.

Essa versão também passa uma sensação de acabamento melhor, com registro de progresso, vozes dos personagens, efeitos gráficos avançados, cutscenes e um novo personagem jogável (Luigi, que é como um modo difícil). A versão original tem aquela simplicidade de jogo de console recém-lançado.

O jogo compensa muito bem seus poucos defeitos e se eu tivesse esse jogo na época não teria nada a reclamar. 10/10

It's definitely Super Mario World. My only issue is that the colors are washed out in this version, so I would much rather play the original SNES version.

Maybe the best 2D Mario ever made? A great remake of the SNES classic, and it works great as a handheld game. Controls are super tight despite its age and it's worth coming back to if you enjoy platformers at all.

¿Qué puedo decir de Super Mario World que cientos de reseñas y "retrospectivas" no hayan dicho ya? Por lo menos puedo decirles que la versión de GBA es perfecta para jugar un nivel o dos mientras vas en el camión, guardar y luego regresar a él cuando vayas de regreso a casa. Aunque la pantalla está algo achicada (y es entendible por las limitaciones de la consola), la verdad es que se ve y se mueve muy bien y aparte trae cosas extras para los que les encanta exprimir sus juegos al 100%.

I've been playing this game for 15+ years as one of the first games I've ever played; it was only just recently that I finally beat this game without using the Star Roads and I finally see why people love this game so much. Some aging aspects a bit here and there but the Mario Advance version fixes some issues I had with the SNES game. One of the best platformers I've played, big recommend!

aged like a fine wine. i love the level design so much

What if i got really into speedrunning this game specifically.

plays great, just has meh sound and really washed out visuals. If only this had been released a little later into the Advance's life, when the SP was a thing and they didn't need to bleach the hell out these games to make them viewable it would be much better, but whatcha gonna do

Nunca tinha interesse nessa versão do Mario World, mas queria rejogar e peguei ela no 3DS, e bem, foi daora cara.

É o mesmo jogo, mas as atualizações no mapa ajudam muito pra fazer o 100%, eu também acho que tem fases que ficaram mais chatas aqui por causa da camera, mas tudo bem, é um port pro GBA não tem como fugir disso.

É um jeito bem valido de jogar o World até hoje, acho que se um dia eu tiver a vontade de fazer o 100% desse jogo, vai ser por essa versão mesmo.

Christmas 2003, dad got me this game and I opened it pretty early during the gift opening. It did blow my mind, but I was distraught toward the end, as I didn't have a console to play the game, and doubted that dad got such an expensive game AND a game console to boot. "Oh look, what have we here, looks like there's one last present..." he said, and handed me my brand new GBA SP at the very end. Top ten memories contender. I played this game every available minute I had. It got confiscated a number of times because I kept playing it too heavily, and I always had to leave it with my mom before going to bed. One time I just turned the console on and off to see the intro and keep myself entertained without a game.

I had a hard time with it, of course, as one's first Mario game should be, and several sessions were spent exclusively trying to beat Bowser without really nailing the "kick shell upward" mechanic. That is, I didn't know how I did it, I just sort of flicked my fingers a certain way and sometimes that did the trick. Didn't know English enough to understand tutorials, and brute-forcing game mechanics don't always reveal everything.

My favorite thing about this game was... swimming... and sliding... for some reason those were so inherently satisfying. Also flying, when I eventually got that down. My least favorite thing were those continuously scrolling levels.

Having a Luigi which isn't a palette swap as well as giving him his own move-set makes this version of the game so good.

Good porting of a timeless classic, but it's no real remaster and lacks new content unlike Super Mario Advance games do. A little disappointed by Luigi sprite.

Basically it's SMW for The GBA and With the Best Playable Character...LUiGI!

Cool portable version of smw but the music can be a bit crusty at times and the game is really bright presumably to help with the gbas that didn't have a back-light.
Was still fun to experience a new version of smw

Super Maro World is one of the best 2d platformers ever made. It's quite simple a perfect iteration of the formula outlined in Super Mario Bros, and still offers things other games don't to this day. The scope of Super Mario World is unrivalled, and it holds a very special place in my heart.

Despite playing the GBA port first, I have since also played the SNES original and my opinion of the game is shared between the two. Excellent original, excellent port, excellent game.

Just went up on Switch Online so I had to do a quick run and beat bowser (with rewinding)

Still an incredible game! Feels weird that I still know all the exits! If there's a romhack of the snes version with the extra audio sound effects, replayable castles, and playable Luigi I'd love it. Playing it on a switch has me noticing for the first time that the colors are super washed out for the GBA Screen and the audio does sound more tinny even being emulated.

This game does have some changes from the original, there's extra checkpoints and the layouts are slightly different (like the secret donut world ghost house has a yoshi coin by the secret exist door) but still a great way to experience the game

Esta versão de SMW adicionou a contagem de coletáveis: fazendo mais sentido as moedas do Yoshi.

The definitive edition of Mario World solely because you use A to jump instead of B

Super Mario World, só que deixaram a paleta de cores no Sol por muito tempo.

Ok, na verdade as cores são diferentes para compensar a tela sem luz do GBA. Fora isso, eu acredito muito que é a versão definitiva do jogo, com vários extras e correções que faltaram no jogo original, deixando ele ainda melhor. Clássico maravilhoso

Hot take alert: You don't need me to tell you Super Mario World is a 5-star game, but maybe you do need me to say the GBA version might be the best version of the game. Reduced visibility is a thing, but it's not that bad. The ability to play as Luigi is a lot of fun and his floatier physics will challenge your muscle memory. And it tracks your dragon coin collection! Play it with a palette improvement hack on an Analogue Pocket.

Im sorry everybody. Nostalgia has won and this is still clearly the best version of Super Mario World. Its no accident that 2-D Mario got boring again when they put him up on console