Reviews from

in the past

This pack has the improved version of Fibbage: Enough About You, but it's pretty forgettable otherwise.

Fibbage 4 - A tier - The aesthetic isn't as striking as Fibbage 3, but they made improvements to Enough About You which, now that it exists, is what I'm really here for with Fibbage anyway.
Roomerang - C tier - You know a game has problems when it's carried by the charisma of the host. This one gives roleplaying prompts that make the experience vary wildly depending on the prompt and the player who receives it. The elimination fake-out gag is funny the first time, then leaves you wondering why Jackbox has an elimination game if it can't have eliminations.
Nonsensory - C tier - Gameplay is ok, but I hate that monkey so much.
Junktopia & Quixort - ??? tier - Haven't played these.

almost all games in this pack are good, roomerang is the best one

this pack has my favorite jackbox game of all time in it, along with some other games i enjoy quite a bit. one of the better packs i think

Solid selection. Haven’t played Quixort but I have watched it and it’s a great concept. Junktopia was a surprisingly good one too, I bought a creepy doll and weird looking bird and named the collection Cock and Doll Torture

A ver, ya he jugado varios Jackbox y este lo he probado ya varias veces pero le he dejado un tiempo antes de hacerle reseña.

Está bien, pero tampoco es de mis favoritos (el 7). En general todos sus juegos son divertidos y funcionan aunque creo que quizás soy yo que tengo una opinión algo positiva. He oído de gente que juegos como Roomerang o Fibbage 4 le parecen sosos o que no le molan los trivia como Quixort.

Personalmente uno que me hace gracia es NonSensory, pero justamente ese es bastante divisivo. Por el otro lado JunkTopia está bien y es una buena mezcla de juego de exponer + juego de vender cosas pero tampoco me maravilló.

El resultado finale s un pack bastante sólido pero desigual. Entendería perfectamente si tu opinión del pack es más negativa... o incluso más positiva.

Roomerange: Guh.
Junktopia: Purchase pieces of junk to rename and shill to the other players with made up backstories for it.
Fibbage 4: Fibbage only sometimes you get a video clip.
Quixort: One day.
Nonsensory: Make up phrases and drawings that land somewhere on a sliding scale from 0-100.

Part of bundle from Humble Bundle for all odd-numbered Jackbox Party Pack games.

Junktopia: I love this one. It's a fun game but make sure you have a group that likes presenting.

Quixort: Sadly I wasn't able to get my group to play this one but from what I've seen from streams it looks pretty fun.

Roomerang: This one is a lot of fun but it needs more people, my group is usually 4 and it doesn't feel like enough.

Nonsensory: Meh, It's fine but I just don't think it's that interesting and my group seemed pretty bored.

Fibbage 4: It's fibbage, fibbage is good.

Fibbage 4: 10/10 GOAT level classic
Quixort: 5/10 Weird idea, not terrible
Junktopia: 6/10 Sucks when you get bad junk to pick from
Roomerang: 8/10 Live typing when you're kicked out is great
Nonsensory: 7/10 Monkee

El calvo surge del desierto. Este es el primero con múltiples idiomas.

- Fibbage 4: Es el cuarto Fibbage y se nota. Este me ha parecido más interesante que los anteriores pese a que es exactamente lo mismo, aunque se echa de menos el Enough About You. 3.5/5

- Roomerang: Juego de interpretación de papeles a lo Gran Hermano. Te asignan un papel y tienes que responder a situaciones en base a tu personaje. Decente pero me parece más divertido si haces el gilipollas. 3/5

- Junktopia: Coges un objeto al azar y le das un nombre y una descripción inventados. MUY bueno, es muy parecido a Patently Stupid; lo mejor del pack con diferencia. 5/5

- Nonsensory: Te dan una situación y tienes que puntuarla del 0 al 10 y los demás tienen que acercarse lo máximo posible. El que menos me ha gustado pero no es horripilante. 2/5

- Quixort: Escoges un tema y tienes que ordenar los datos cronológicamente. Entretenido pero no para jugarlo demasiadas veces. 2.5/5

Puntuación total: 3.2/5

roomerang kind of carries this entire pack tbh...

fibbage 4 (2/5) - huge downgrade from the last fibbage. no need for this, they just downgraded fibbage. the EAY mode is stripped of its life, and the gameplay is basically the same as the past fibbage otherwise

junktopia (4/5) - i really like this jackbox game, it's so fun. it's like patently stupid but better imo. i don't get why so many people dislike it

roomerang (3.5/5) - it's a good one, but sometimes too long. i like best when it's played anon and with people playing specific roles

nonsensory (4/5) - one of my fav jackbox games, i really love the concept, nanners is the best

quixort (3.5/5) - it's one of the best jackbox trivia games, but also suffers from lack of questions and is horrible if there's bad communication or if you're playing online and someone goes afk

I remembered not liking this one as much, but replaying it recently, it's actually pretty fun. Fibbage 4 is more Fibbage, Quixort is a pretty fun trivia game, Roomerang is a really fun game if people are willing to get into their roles, and Nonsensory is pretty brilliant. The only one that didn't do it for me was Junktopia. The rest were great.

roomerang's rad the rest of these can go suck an egg

That monkey looks like he has an std

As much as i enjoy all these games in this pack i only tend to come back to it for Roomarang. its such great fun and the voting systems fucking kills me everytime lmao

Picked this up because the Fibbage questions in Party Pack 4 were really showing their age.

All-in-all pretty good! No real stinkers in the bunch as long as you have a crew willing to lean in and enjoy the games. Ran into some minor audio issues and ended the night with the whole game crashing so buyer beware.

pretty good

FIBBAGE 4: again i only ever play enough about you and im bummed that they removed the 1 truth 1 lie thing BUT at least the game goes for longer now if you play with less people? fine by me
JUNKTOPIA: extremely funny i love it so much
QUIXORT: stressful in a good way. i keep compulsively helping my adversaries sos
ROOMERANG: played it once with people i nowadays hate and it was Fine
NONSENSORY: i have never played this im sorry

not a single game in this one that i would come back to

Roomerang is Quiplash but ten times better and Quixort isn't very good but I died laughing at some of the prompts.

Maybe doesn't reach the highs of Job Job from JPP8 but this is for sure more consistently good.

#1 Quixort - I've never heard more yelling than in this game, it's great at breaking up friends quickly
#2 Fibbage 4 - It's still Fibbage, its still a good time that everyone understands and enjoys. A crowd pleaser
#3 Nonsensory - Another instance of mates being too brain dead to read prompts but leads to hilarious anger
#4 Roomerang - Takes a while to play so a bigger commitment but can lead to some great teams forming and banter
#5 Junktopia - It's alright but I think we only played this once. Not against it, but it didn't stand out.

Nobody who I play Nonsensory with walks away from it understanding its rules and feeling satisfied, it's routed in so much subjectivity, which is part of the concept, but it makes for a game where everybody's mostly confused and bored.

Roomerang is a popular pick in my groups that I enjoy playing, but I can't help but feel could have been taken even further with its concept.
It mostly feels like Quiplash with a reality show reskin, but not truly honing in on any of the drama and backstabbing that reality shows are known for.

Quixort - 0/1
Quixort is chaotic fun, but feels incredibly unbalanced.
While Team A has an easy category they know everything about, Team B has something extremely obscure to the point of unplayable guesswork combined with atrocious input lag.

FIBBAGE 4 - 0.5/1
As mentioned in other reviews, sequel games are an extreme No for me, and Fibbage is already kind of mid as it is.

An unpopular fave, but Junktopia is as good as Jackbox improv gets as you try to Antiques Roadshow a random JPEG to your group, which lets you conjure up comedy from absolutely anything.

Eugh, this one is almost as bad as JBPP6. Not one I see coming back to often.

Overall score: 2*

Roomerang (4 stars) - I was expecting to hate this one, but it's the best of the pack by far. Role play as dumb little critters on a reality show, and getting voted off doesn't mean you stop playing.
Fibbage 4 (3 stars) - It's Fibbage. Create fake answers for a trivia game. Can't really mess this one up. Not a fan of the Video segments, tho.
Nonsensory (3 stars) - Kind of a better version of Guesspionage, but it uses player-submitted writings and drawings. This one works on paper, but not so much in execution.
Junktopia (2 stars) - Semi-improv game where you make up funny facts for pre-made images. Kinda funny sometimes, but pretty whatever.
Quixort (1 stars) - Uggghhhhh, hated this one. Team-based Trivia game where you have to actively place answers tetris-style. Slow, boring, annoying, confusing. Horrendous for streaming. Good idea that just really really doesn't work.

El doblaje latino es una cosa...

Nothing here really stands out to me as amazing. But nothing is as horrible as some other entries are. Junktopia is the only one here I don't care for.