Reviews from

in the past

buen pequeño juego que habla sobre la depresión, interesante sobre la temática y estética. Falla mucho en lo visual, y en que no exploro un poco mas las mecánicas para realmente sentirse depresivo

C'est... vraiment bizarre ? Le jeu aborde des thèmes très grave d'une façon assez bizarre et j'avoue moi même ne pas avoir tout compris à ce qui se passe, mais ça a une ambiance vraiment terrifiante alors que concrètement il se passe rien

a little boring and too short

No está mal, especialmente para ser relativamente antiguo. Pero a día de hoy me parece demasiado simple y por debajo de la media con respecto a otros juegos parecidos.

It's simple, short and clearly has a lot of limitations due to the experience of the author, but a think the execution is great. For a free 15 - minutes game, has a couple of moments that really stuck with me ¿It's a must-play? Nah, but if something in it interested you, give it a try

That piss sound efffect though

What kind of dick eats their pet shrimp on the day that they are gonna kill themselves?

Idk it's fine. I gave it a positive review on Steam initially but I just wish it either gave us more people's lives to look at, gave us more of the character that we are playing as, or made it less depressing by at least letting us choose to better our lives instead of just ending it.
After all it's a god damn video game, and if it's not fun then it should at the very least give us a narrative that's able to be interacted with

I used to like the game a lot as a kid, and I couldn't pin down why, but now I know it's likely just the vibe that the game gives off. Which is honestly one of the only things that really holds up.

The story is... interesting, the story telling is also interesting, but "brevity" is an understatement as the game just kind of throws everything at you with no tact.

To be honest, the game does feel like it was made for the sake of being made, not really to send a message or tell a story. But I still have a soft spot for it.

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Trying to find meaning in this might as well be comparable to the protagonist's obsession with the painting. Horrid.

★ – Dumpster fire ❌

kind of real lame and like tactless, bigger issue than how fucking cringey this is w how it’s trying to be shocking is that it’s not at all shocking. it’s just a very big long shrug and basically seems like if someone made the pepe silvia joke into a Serious Artistic Statement. idk my ex-friend made fanart for this game and it was hanging up on my wall for like four years even though I didn’t know what this game was and I haven’t talked to her in like two years lmao

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A short and unsettling experience about mental illness and suicide. Very odd, very effective.

Not too much to describe here, since there is only 15 minutes of actual game. I do think more could have been done with the TV's in the corner of the room (which don't tie into the environment as neatly as all the other environmental ephemera). Also, most of the game's story around the painting is found in one room. I would have preferred more of a breadcrumb trail across a series of rooms to describe the painting so that the story has more time to unravel but its hard to fault the games' brevity, which is a core strength of the experience.

Very effective overall, reminding me of "A Perfect Day for Bananafish" in its dark, lonely simplicity, but with a more wry sense of humor and with more shock value.

It's weird and creepy but ultimately kinda forgettable.

Seems like there was an issue when I ran the game. I wasn't able to interact with a key item (not the keys, though) to achieve the game's ending, so I was just wandering around trying to find out what I needed to do. While the game was unnerving in the same way the game I played earlier today, September 1999, I can't really recommend the game in the way I experienced it.

Ten minutes of obsession and madness.

Absurd, janky, and deeply personal. It gives big Cave Story Sex RPG 2007 vibes. I recommend listening to the developer commentary afterwards if you want to hear some insight on the creator's mindset and struggles making the game.

simples e limitado, mas toca num spot bem específico de maluquice. queria que fosse maior pra jogar com as outras almas condenadas.

I played it to feel weirded out and the game sure delivered that to me but I don't think I will remember this for a long time. The game title is very cool though "The Static Speaks My Name"

This is not good. It's bordering on offensively bad. It's a short, simple, direct story about unaliving yourself. And sure, okay, that could be neat. It would be fun to get a game dev and artist's perspective on that very serious topic.

Instead, this is just... kinda stupid. It feels like some edgy dude wanted to represent a subject while neither knowing anything about the subject or having any ounce of creativity or artistry. It represents itself as this oddity, this weirdo interpretation of a dark subject. But in reality, it's just lots of disconnected thoughts that are both unexplained and irrelevant.

Maybe you could say that this is a really cynical take on this subject matter. But if so, it's so cynical it comes off as snide. And maybe you could say this is just abstract art, surrealism. If so, what do any of the parts of the whole mean? What message is it trying to speak?

In reality, this is nothing. It's a vapid drivel by someone either too pretentious or too deluded to understand what they, themselves, were trying to do or say. Even if this game weren't addressing some serious subject matter, it's barely competent enough to tell you the daily weather.

Such a sombre mood despite the game's simplicity. Sad. Poor shrimp.

This guys apartment looks exactly like what some discord servers feel like fr fr

Booooooooooooo! No real (re: meaningful) choices to be made and it offers nothing beyond the shock of having the player play though 10 minutes leading up to someone ending their life. Uninspired.

Não sei exatamente qual era a intenção por trás disso, mas só parece gratuito mesmo.

A real rough game that could have been much better, and could have told it's message and story much, much better. This game almost feels like a weird A24 movie, or a Harmony Korine film. It's weird, it makes no sense, and almost things just happen, to just happen, with no real impact on the game or story.

And while that would have been fine, an odd take on a very real thing, I like A24, I love Harmony Korine, and despite it feeling like those things, it didn't work for me. Maybe give it a shot, seems to just not be for me, and might work much better for others.

Overall: 4/10

It's a nice proof of concept. It promises to have more content than it actually has, though.

Descobri o jogo em um TikTok e meio que gostei da experiência, mesmo sendo curta.