if the woke liberals had their way it would be WOKE chess.com

my friends tied me down and tickled me because i wouldn't play this

saw israel playing this the other day, makes you think


too hard i bit my phone so hard the screen cracked

the game actually killed my dog but i didn't like that dog so its ok

they're feeding me like this tomorrow

if my son made this game i would slam him into the ground until he exploded

its like if you made left 4 dead but reddit

i have the same problem as fuminori but you don't see me whining about it, grow a pair

>99% hit chance
>10% hit chance for enemy
>hit and crit

gearbox doesn't deserve to have made this game


they're making me in this tomorrow

there is rule34 of indiana jones because someone thought to themselves that there wasn't enough lego porn