154 Reviews liked by 1tsFlower

I went to the Radiohead musuem

Review in progress:
Good action game, but not Platinum's best. The story feels like a bad version of Neon Genesis Evangelion. Having to play at 30 FPS really hurts action games like this.

game made me realize that there are barn doors and revolving doors and doors on the rudders of big ships

this game is what my anxiety attacks feel like

Petition to have more musical artists make experimental video games. Could you imagine a Porter Robinson video game? A Poppy interactive experience? A goddamn ABBA PLAYABLE ALBUM!? Wow it's like Bruce Springsteen is IN MY ROOM and because it's developed by Rockstar I can STEAL HIS CAR!!!

Unfair, luck based, gross, annoying, this game fucking sucks
I love it

Solid movement and action. The only big problem with Ghostrunner is that it's clearly intended to be a kind of short game that you repeatedly play through, getting better every time until you can show off your sick skillz, but a lot of the level and narrative design is antithetical to this intent.

Basically add an option to skip the cybervoid sections on subsequent playthroughs and an option to turn off the dialogue and this game would instantly go up from a 3 star to a 4 star for me.

another garbage multiverse story that adds absolutely nothing to the series
looks meh, runs meh, gameplay is meh, straight up bad when you take into account that abusing the giant boring demons is the ''optimal'' way of playing the game, soundtrack is forgettable, some maps are ok tho but end up being boring anyways, game lacks sound effects, most of the time it felt like i wasn't hitting anything but the air and had to genuinely stop pressing buttons to see if i was hitting something, viola is annoying as fuck, the new VA for Bayo isn't that bad but it's still not even close to the original (it's a shame the og VA is an idiot), you have almost no reason to use the shop at ALL, there's a STUPID amount of gimmick fights that are not interesting in the slightest (giant boring demons, side-scrollers, jeanne sections, etc)

oh, the ending was absolutely garbage except for ONE part of the final boss and that's all i'm gonna say about it

it's a shame because i really like bayo 1 and 2 and was really excited for this, but it turned out like this.

I love the funny welsh cat so damn much

the woman with the giant boobs was epic but I got bored