This rating is for all the Blitz games, I actually played 99 more, but they are so fun. One of my favorite sports games, they are quick, brutal, and a great joy in multiplayer.

Is this a great game? Maybe not, but it's a much better version of Monopoly and I played this a ton with my sister and cousins when we were younger. It will always have a special place in my heart.

Feels great to play, good setpieces, consistently. fun. I don't think the story is very good though.

The first souls game I beat, so it's special to me. I think this game is beautiful and has some brilliant bosses, also feels great to play.

Good platformer, not one I am super into, but it's well done (heh), and has good music.


Very clever game, I didn't do all the metagame puzzles and such, but I enjoyed what was in the game that I could beat, and the music and atmosphere are A++.

Fun roguelite, not one of my favorites. I appreciate the simplicity in control and it works well on keyboard which is nice.