15 reviews liked by 1zKreL

Wow, this game is really, REALLY funny, I can't look at it with a straight face, and I mean it positively— among the simple yet challenging gameplay, colorful visuals, the zany characters and the head-boppin' tunes, I've been hooked on a feeling with this game! I'd totally recommend for anyone who's like, looking for a rhythm game to play in an "in the moment" type-beat. Also BIG is a REALLY good song you guys have no ide—

no review yet but i just played balloon park and i think i might murder someone

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Did you know? You can skip the tutorial if you drive backwards from where you begin: you will be warped to an unbashedly difficult vs. CPU race, who thought this was right?

Also also, you unlock Time Attack after collecting EIGHTY TWO SPRAY CANS. Good luck collecting Spray Cans before you can even practice and study the tracks proper. At least the game looks nice, but that's about it. Never thought I'd feel disappointment in the same level as what I felt when playing BBTAG...

Dude, the music for this absolutely slaps the cheeks off a Chicago bull's candy ass. It took way too long for me to find a decent rip, it's such a shame that the sports game stigma has infected even the VGM community.

Sad to report that my Sixers couldn't pull off the upset against the Suns, and close a 20 point gap after being bamboozled by the lack of player markers and getting swindled by crooked ref calls.

Once there was a man named Te D. Woolsey, who was king of the translators. He had fame, power, and wit beyond your wildest dreams. Before they hung him from the gallows, these were the final words he said:

"My Neosquid is yours for the taking, but you have to find it first. I left my translation's meaning in Square One."

Ever since, gamers from all over the world set sail for Tokyo, Japan searching for Square One, the translation that would make their dreams come true!


Don't give it up Ryu!
Don't give it up Crono!
Don't give it up Marle!
Don't give it give it up give it up give it up give it up

Here's how the story goes, we find out about a translation in Tokyo, Japan
There's no doubt, the gamer whose eye is on it, he'll sing
I'll be King of the Gamers, I'm gonna be king

Ya-yo, ya-yo, ya-yo

His name is Ryu!
That's Monkey D. Ryu.
Gonna be king of the gamers!

He's made of awesome!
How did that happen?
Yo-ho-ho, he took a bite Hot Wings!

Ya-yo, ya-yo

His name's Crono, just like a samurai.
And an L-A-D-Y Marle's not shy.
Popoi's doing that marksman thing.
Locke is cooking, Mallow's doctoring.

Ya-yo, ya-yo, ya-yo

Set sail for Square One
It's the name of the translation
In Tokyo, Japan

Ya-yo, ya-yo
Set sail for Square One!

A game that celebrated a sporting event that never was is quite a fascinating piece of modern history. It's not particularly GOOD, by any means (though it gets points for at least trying with the story mode). So average that it's almost painful. Just play the original or the London 2012 one if you HAVE to play one of these games.

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This game is unforgettable, man. I really mean it, from start to finish, it is a one-of-a-kind experience, the music, the characters (most of them, anyways), and especially the scenery took me in ever since I started the game. And I just now beat it!

I really loved the story and I enjoyed the gameplay quite frankly, my favorite part has to be the lategame. More especifically, when Ajna & company start looking for the Chakra Gates, for me, that's where the story really gets good, it's either that part or the endgame where they traverse the lands once again to set right what once went wrong. I'd say the Valkyrie Profile & Metroidvania combo did wonders on the gameplay.

Although, of course; it's not without its flaws, that's why it's 4/5 stars. For starters, I would've enjoyed it more if there where some hints as to where to go, even if they're minimal. Like- I got stuck once on the desert portion of the game before reaching Port Maerifa and THEN I got even more lost when boarding the Teotul and venturing across the three areas, it's why I beat it just now and not back then like a year ago. The exploration's great but I don't like it when it goes overboard. The Mt. Sumeru rerun was also kind if just there, what with the increasingly dastardly platforming challenges… at least the music was a surefire banger up there.

Story wise, again, it was great, but it could be better if it had more time to hang up lose threads and stuff, some some plot points that are either never resolved at the end or just left hanging up in the air. While I do love leaving things up to one's thoughts and speculation, it sure is a problem for a narratively-focused game like this one, I mean- it makes the story feel a bit rushed. Hell; it's minimal, but Ashwatt village gets burnt down to ashes in the first minutes of the story, and I really wanted to see more of it. But oh well, the game did have a troubled production after all. One thing's for sure though, as a person who finds it hard to say goodbye to people I've connected with for a long time, the departure scene really had me in tears.

Last but not least, there's the game content itself, I'd say it was well done, if a biiit underwhelming, While I do love the many playable Incarnations that live literally rent free on Ajna's brain (especially Kampan, Razmi, Dhar, Yan, NAGA RIDER, Nuna and Leilani my BELOVED), I felt a bit sad when I remembered some didn't make the final cut, like Sangwu and the others. I didn't even realize the Resolution Quests were there and did Hunoch's subconscioisly, at least that turned out nice. I sure wish there was more postgame content though, asides from New Game Plus and the nice detail of the reincarnated Ajna, I don't see myself playing it again post- NG+. It would be exciting if it had something like a boss rush mode, platforming trials or versus mode even, we have the Friendly Fire for it so why not? The Co-Op was a very welcomed addition however.

In the end, the game's not perfect, none of us are, but I wouldn't deny I did have a blast playing this otherwise phenomenal RPG. It could very well have the coveted 5 star rating, if ot had more time in the oven, but I perfevtly understand.