Still the best metroidvania to this day. Adapting to the slightly broken controls/wall jump opens the game up on a level deeper than just finding an item and using it to progress. You become one with the world by the end of the game and it's infinitely replayable as a result.

Collecting all 120 stars in this is a life experience everyone should have. Obviously feels kinda dated but it has that liminal quality that gives it an unsettling charm to this day. Still has some of the best level design in the genre also.

Despite being unrealistic/video gamey, Tony Hawk 3 embodies the spirit of skating beautifully. It makes you view the world around you as a big skate park, takes time to practice, but once you get good and are able to traverse smoothly through the world while raking up millions of points it's the most satisfying thing ever. Iconic soundtrack too