While the doc robot stages hold it back a bit, the wily castles stages are absolutely fantastic, definitely my favorites in the series.

Even if the frame rate was choppy, and it was hard to aim exactly at the enemies, i still had a great time. Thank the lord for save states, wouldn't have got to the end of the loop without them.

If i'm being honest, this is my least favorite nes mega man so far. I felt indifferent to the robot masters stages, even though the cossack and wily stages and bosses are excellent. Not as good as 3's though.

Might seem weird, but I was honestly kind of disappointed by the amount of coins? I felt that apart from the gold themed power-ups, it was just like another new soup game

Pretty decent mega man clone, its fun UNTIL you get to the space tube. That shit was brutal.

quick side note, after i finished the game, i wanted to see whether the konami code did anything, and a black screen appeared saying "Sorry! Nothing this time!" idk if i was the first man on earth to discover that shit but it was pretty funny

Fucking miserable. The first stage is alright i guess, thats all i can say about this piece of dogshit. Second loop is impossible without save states.

I was kind of dreading this game after the shit-fest that was the adventure, but honestly this was pretty good. I mean, the movement is still sluggish, but everything else is improved. The music, the bosses, the control, the stages, the difficulty, literally everything. No clue how people defend the adventure even though this came out only 2 years later.

Beautiful game with fantastic music and controls, but may also damn well be the hardest Castlevania of them all. 2 fucking continues??

And I was thinking all NES mega mans past 3 were mediocre. Genuinely fantastic game, might even be better than 3; can't wait to check out 7 to see whether i love it or hate it!

The only thing holding it back from being a 1/2 star is the music and that stage 1 was ok. Horrible game.

Unlike baseball, i actually know how to play football, so I had some fun, even though the game was trying to fuck me over, especially with the fact that you cant choose what player you are, as it randomly switches. That doesn't sound too bad, but when the game puts you in control of a player thats off screen, its just complete bs. The CPU are also really goddamn bad, even with that struggle, I won 4 nil in a 30 min match. Its not the worst thing ever, but why play this when you could just play FIFA? (or ea fc now, but who the hell calls it that?)

It might be because i have absolutely 0 clue how to play baseball, but i hated this game. The AI somehow always is able to get one of my players out within the first 3 seconds, while my characters run around like idiots. I lost 0-10, and have no need to go back to try to beat that. Boring, horrible game

I was really deciding between a 4 or a 4.5, but i feel the more frustrating moments of the game (9-04) hold it back. Anyhow, its a fantastic game. I played through nearly all of the stages, and beat the game once with Sypha and once with Alucard, just wanted to add that in

Alot of fun, but also really goddamn hard. Maybe the best sega arcade game?

Alpha 3 is an really good game, no doubt about it, however, there's one glaring flaw that makes the overall experience weaker and Alpha 2.

Lets start off with the most notable feature, which is the presentation. I've already said in my previous reviews that I love the anime-esque art style (i don't really like anime either, so good job on achieving that SFA!), but other stuff like how much enthusiasm the announcer has (GO FOR IT, MAN!), how much personality these 2D sprites have and the music really make the experience.

The gameplay itself? Well, it's basically Alpha 2 all over again, which means it fucking fucks. Go read my Alpha 2 review to find out more.

So what's the glaring flaw? M-Bison. He is my least favourite final boss.. no, boss in any game. He is BRUTALLY unfair. I tried playing defense like everyone says to do, but then he does this unavoidable diving kick. I try playing offense, but then he does his super and takes half of my health. I try. I try. AND I FUCKING FAIL. Not only that, if you lose a match against him? Instant bad ending, no retries. Fuck you greedy ass motherfuckers at Capcom. For now I have it as Played, but I might finish it tomorrow once I regain my nerve. What's the point of playing a game if i'm not having fun?