I don't usually understand why certain games are so highly rated here on backloggd. BOTW, Celeste, Sonic 3 etc, so I wasn't expecting to love this. I mean, I hate backtracking, so why would I like something that basically revolves around it?

After about 2 hours of playing, I put down my controller, looked into the sky and said "I get it".

Yeah this game fucking fucks. Slashing through everything in sight, finding new relics to find new areas to find new items is so much fun. At a point, your inventory does become cluttered with useless shit, and some of the stuff you have to do to progress can be cryptic (waiting in a room for a minute) but those are really my only critiques.

The inverted castle is pretty infamous, but I don't think its AS bad as people make it out to be, especially if you get the Crissaegrim early into it (like I did).

Man, I have to start playing more Metroidvanias. I better go check out Super Metroid, since everyone loves that one.

Fucking Flawless. To me, its improves on everything from the first game. It feels more responsive, opponents are less bullshit and the controls are more varied.

I think one of the best things about this game is how your supposed to approach it. This game awards aggressiveness, instead of just dodging and countering, especially with the addition of the Super Punch, which feels a million times better than the Star Punch.

I'm pretty sure the Punch Out series cant get much better than this, but i'll just have to wait and see until the Wii one.

Many people think Vice City is the better GTA, mostly because of the more variety in missions, more memorable characters, an involved plot etc. That's all great, but does Vice City have a Radio Station that plays Opera? Yeah, that's what I thought.

Nowadays, Comix Zone is only remembered for the beautiful visuals, which is a shame, since the gameplay is way deeper than whats on the surface.

At its core, this game is as much about item management as it is about beating enemies up. There's Roadkill, which can you find items on certain screens, help you fight enemies, and pull switches you cant get to. There are also the bombs, which can blow up structures that you would have to lose damage trying to destroy, and the medicine, which replenishes half your HP.

Take your time with Comix Zone, don't brute-force through it and learn the puzzles and moves. You'll find a truly unique game that hasn't gotten enough love.

fuck that ending though. fuck you mean "until"????

Finished Sypha's route, and without the movement options of Grant or Alucard, this was probably the hardest yet (stage 7 on Alucard's path is fucking unforgettable though).

I would really recommend putting in the effort to beat this game legit, Castlevania 3 really isn't as hard as its stated to be, and once you learn the ins and outs and get good, this is literally the most fun game on the entire system, its SO GOOD.

For my first Bomberman game, I was thinking of trying the NES one, but decided on this for 2 reasons, firstly because the NES Bomberman has 50 FUCKING LEVELS, and also because i liked the footstep sound effects in this one, idk why, they just itch my brain in the right way.

Anyway, this was a great time, and one of the best ways to start with the BM franchise. It's pretty easy for a SNES game, since you have unlimited continues which start you off in the exact level you were in. The stage 4 boss can go smd tho.

the ost also bangs, stage 4 and the boss themes are both top 10 snes music tracks

Alot harder than the NES version, but it makes up for that by being really fun. It is a slog at times, and playing it through twice is annoying, but it’s still a really great action platformer. Sad that people usually play the shitty NES version.

People usually speak of this game as if it were the worst thing since the holocaust, and while I see how they would think that, I had some fun playing through it.

OBVIOUSLY its not better than rondo, the movement is really slow (i'm pretty sure the back-flip lasts about 2 seconds), the difficulty can get out of hand at place (that fucking final boss), and it also has a fetish for putting enemies right next to bottomless pits, but for what it is, its decently enjoyable.

Its hard to pinpoint exactly what make Streets of Rage 2 so good. Is it the presentation? The gameplay? The learning curve? The difficulty?
Personally, I don't really gaf. This games just alot of fun and I love it.

One of the most beautiful and daunting games of all time. It's also an unfair, annoying, cryptic mess. Many will let it off just because of how stunning it is to behold, but this isn't a fucking art gallery, is it?

I will give it credit though, since it was mostly made by 1 man. That must been a Herculean scale task. I would still recommend trying it out, but don't come in expecting the greatest game ever made or something.

It disgusts me how underrated this game is. Most people will see this on the NSO service, play it for a bit, say "yeah that pretty good" and go play something else. Please don't. This is genuinely one of the best games the NES has to offer.

The gameplay itself is similar to Ninja Gaiden, with a few on-the-rail shooter and driving levels, and they're all great. Really, my only flaw is that there aren't enough of the non NG stages, but it doesn't matter too much since the main stages are fucking good.

I would go as far as to say this game is better than Ninja Gaiden, mostly because of the lack of bullshit. Detective Hart can basically do anything, he has complete range of his jump, he can walk while ducking, and he has 3 weapons, a Laser Stick (i have no clue what it is), a gun, and grenades. The level design is structured in a way that you'll be using all of them frequently.
The difficulty is completely fair, there's no being sent back to 6-1 BS, the gameplay is fun, and imo, its a Top 3 NES game. Do NOT miss out on this one.

Also, who can forget those cheesy 80's action movie cutscenes?


still traumatized by the stress i experienced during my playthrough so instead of reviewing it (which i've already done 2/3 times) i'll just summarize my winning run.

So let me just first say that I was starting off fucking AMAZINGLY. I messed up a little on Yamato, but was still able to beat Robot X with 1 life and 2 continues left. This was it. All I had to do was not mess up.

I then beat the 1st part of Stage 6 before the timer ran out, and completed it with 1 continue and 4 lives left. God had blessed me. NO matter what I did, I couldn't mess this up, I was sure of it.

I then lost 3 lives during the 1st part of Stage 7, and 4 in the 2nd part with those stupid ass conveyor belts.
I was mortified. If I didn't get the fights against Dr Dahm and Robot X perfect, it would end my perfect run.

Thankfully, I DESTROYED Dr Dahm with no damage taken (he IS the easiest boss in the game though), and got ready to take on Robot X.

I went in for a jump-kick as soon as the fight started, however, instead of going in the circle movement he usually goes in, he immediately grabbed me and slammed me onto the floor. However, a few seconds after that, one of my specials knocked him off-screen, which allowed me to use the jump-kick strategy (if you don't know what that is, i'll leave a link showing it in action right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07-Zi2ynuPE). I continued it until he only had 2 health bars left, which was when he broke out of it. I was thankfully able to get him back into the cycle, and watched as his life-bar went lower than mine. I allowed myself to enjoy my victory. Mr X is killed, and All is Well.

Would I recommend putting in the effort to beat this game on normal? Well, it's your choice, man. All i'll say is that BK3 and SOR3 are both very different experiences. Even if it's a butchered version of a way better game, this shit still fucks.

Def the biggest difficulty spike in Nintendo history. How do you go from easy as hell, to whatever the fuck Wario's castle is

Its actually insane to see how Sega turned what may be the best beat-em-up oat into a miserable slog.

My only problem with the American SOR3 is with the difficulty, enemies can drain your HP within a few seconds, and they usually circle around you so fast you can hit them.
This game is what Streets of Rage 3 should've been.

There's no bullshit, the control is amazing (something you wouldn't notice in sor3 because you spent most of your time playing getting knocked down), and, hot take, I fucking LOVE the soundtrack. It fits the visual style and tone of this game perfectly.

In my opinion, this is the definitive Streets game. The ambition paid off.

It’s time to replay the American Castlevania 3. One of the hardest games of all time, a shitty bastardisation of a masterpiece…

I actually think I like this version better than Akumajou Densetsu. I’m not trying to be a contrarian or anything, i’m also not trying to act like I’m incredible at games, but upon replay, I don’t think it’s as hard as its reputation suggests. Maybe it’s the route I took (I went for Grant, but rejected Sypha) but I didn’t have too much trouble beating the game.

Not only that, I realised that Grant is INSANELY good. If you use him right, he can skip hard parts of the game with ease (6-0C, 9-04 etc.)

Also, being sent back to A-02 if you die on Dracula isn’t too bad, he’s not too hard (as long as you get the axe), especially compared to the clone. If you can beat the Japanese version, you can beat the American one.

One day, I’ll try Alucard’s path, and maybe I’ll hate it, maybe I’ll love it. But for now, it’s a fantastic game.