It's my first Sakura Wars and maybe a weird jumping on point for these games. I loved the sprite work and quickly locked in on Sumire she's so fun. Only takes a couple of hours for one run and there was a decent amount of event variety for how short the game is. The story never actually goes anywhere there's no melodrama and you never really get to see any character really go through anything, but its more than enough for a gameboy color game since the events are still cute and there are a lot of really well drawn pixel art CG's.

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This was pretty good! not as good as cs1 and cs2 for me but better than cs3 and cs4. I really loved C's route and so many of the daydreams but Lloyd and Rean's routes really did not do it for me.

I really loved the reverie corridor as a sandbox to mess around with builds with how large the cast is and how stupid some of these quartz get I got Alisa to 5700 ATS by the end of it.

I think Schera should have been playable idc that she's pregnant, Schera and Olivier's baby is gonna be so fucking cute though I just know it.

Im sorry to all my friends who told me to read this I'm sorry I didn't listen then, I wasn't ready. I understand now

i was ultimately charmed by the writing and presentation even if it has a lot of issues, makes me curious about disgaea, and the sequels

I liked this a lot!! The game kept surprising me with how packed it was with unique art assets and the character's all had more going on than I first though. It's held back a bit by the tactics sections being way too simple and there not being enough changes in disc 2 based on which girl's route you're on. Really excited to see if the sequel improves on either of these. Sumire Kanzaki best girl.

this is such a step up from p1 its crazy. maya rules. I liked how they narrowed down the broader themes of self-discovery in p1 and focused on each party member's relationship with their parents and how it formed their sense of self.

the combat is still holding it back, these games are easier than p5 even. But its a bit of a blessing in disguise cause the encounter rate is so high if you weren't able to auto battle through the entire game and actually had to make decisions and stuff during fights it would be like 3 times as long lmao.

also why no yuka ayase cameo they brought like everyone else back

why did no one tell me about fang bro I would have played this so much sooner.

I haven't played the previous guilty gears so I don't have anything to compare it to but its a nice change of pace compared to sf6. The easier combo flow and execution is fun, I haven't really bothered trying to optimize anything yet but the attack cancelling is way forgiving than street fighter which gives it a more free flowing vibe.

This game gives you a lot of defensive options but I am still not sure how to use them all correctly, the games I won were usually ones where I kept up offensive pressure and the games I lost were when I was on defense and used up my burst. A lot of the characters have low health so you only really need to break through the opponents defense 2-3 times to win a round, probably less if you actually know the full combo's.

It's fun.

But also what was up with this games "story mode" that was a huge bummer man.

I would have forgiven all of it if the mysteries were interesting.

I liked Shinigami and Yuma Kokohead's dynamic quite a bit, but there is literally nothing else here.

Feels more like a complete game than the first game but it had some really hard platforming i did not vibe with. Great bosses though. I used the checkpoint assist I can not believe there are people out there who beat this game without it as children, they are god's strongest soldiers.

Exceeded my expectations, still doesn't hit the highs of the og or even remake though and I feel like the open world stuff really doesn't do it any favors. But man this is the best combat final fantasy is ever gonna get and it did right by the characters, I enjoyed basically all the new story stuff (any story issues really come from how it adapted scenes from the original). Wasn't expecting cannon Yuffie to be as fun as it was its nice to see her actually be part of the story and have interactions with the other party members. I also ended up really enjoying the ending which I was little worried about going in to the final act of this game.

I had to put this shit down, played it for like 20 hours just walking the same dozen roads with the same dozen enemies I needed to move on but really didn't see a way forward in the game. its great but the pacing is just not what I am looking for at the moment, better enemy variety would help. combat is incredible I tried a bit of everything but warrior really clicked for me. the pawns are so cute

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They made Michel a 27 year old software developer who slept in before his date and wasn't able to clean his room before hand. They made him even more just like me fr how does that happen.

thoughts on each story below

Main Story:
This one is slow in parts but I think it's all worth it in the end, it was nice to see what Morgana's time at the brothel was like. I still don't fully understand Jacopo's fall into madness and I don't think I ever will he's fuckin crazy (they really lean into the his romantic feelings for baby Morgana too compared to the first game which doesn't do him any favors)... he's fun though.

Assento Dele:
This one was a little too on the nose for me, I love Michel obviously but I don't think I needed to see these events and didn't really gain much from it. I actually did love Morgana's role in this story and the reveal at the end a lot though.

Happily Ever After:

This was such a nice bit of closure and a really good way to end Morgana and Jacopo's story.

I liked it, one of those VN's where the art is really nice but it ends before it really goes anywhere and I can't help but feel like something is missing you know. Glad I played it though.