The most unironic fun I’ve ever had with an objectively unfinished product.

God, I hate Ubisoft.


Influence aside, this game is absolutely nothing special.

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This would've been 5 stars if Wheatley's turn to the dark side didn't come out of nowhere like it did. Otherwise, amazing puzzles, gorgeous environments, and a phenomenal climax! This is the textbook example of how you do a sequel that expands on the original!

I'm trying so hard to get into through the first section, but the fact that you lose ALL your currency when you die makes it so goddamn tedious. Is there something I'm missing here? Am I not playing it right? Someone please tell me, or just give me some advice to get through it. I want to know what all the fuss is about.

This is the kind of shit that horror games get stereotyped as being like.

I was about to give it 4.5, or maybe even 5 stars...
Then the third act dragged it down to a 4 with all the pointless action sequences, tedius enemy encounters and these stupid-ass robots that you have to shoot with missiles that miss half the time.
Things seemed to get back on track with the climax building up to something great, but that part also took down a point with how terrible and underdeveloped the villain is.
AND THEN the game just suddenly ends without conclusion. It's not even a cliffhanger, it's just an arbupt stop to the emotional highpoint of the story.

Genuinely as dissapointing as a game has ever gotten.

This is literally the most innocent thing related to the Star Wars fanbase. It's impossible to dislike just for its pure innocence (so there's no argument there), and even if you're not a fan of at least one of the films, this game does an excellent job taking the annoyances away so it can all equally be enjoyed.

Not as good as I remember. It's railroady and has some really frustrating moments where one minor mistake can kill you. Inside is better.

A whole year of 13 playthroughs of the greatest game I have ever played. I have no life and I'm proud of that!

And about the remake, I stopped hoping for the best. The new content they've shown us over the past few days only make me fear for the worst.

The PS4 version is awful, but even that can't distract me from its wonder and creativity.

Don't play this game on Steam, it is one of the most unbearable buggy pieces of shit ever conceived into a game that's otherwise stellar in almost every way.

I was not expecting to be done with this game so quickly. I got in and out of it in like 2 hours, and even then the credits remain as uplifting as always. Sorry, but I will never get tired of emphasizing how amazing Stil Alive is.

If the logic of this game applied to the real world, then you would drop dead the second you get as much as a mosquito bite.


Maybe I'll rate this 5 stars when I play it on a system that doesn't stop me from running whenever I use the analog stick.