23 reviews liked by 4KUltraADHD

Story sucks but holy shit the combat is so fucking good

Look at this SJW soyboy they put on the cover lmao

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I wish i could give this a 5 but the characters simply arent as good as persona 4's (with like 2 exceptions), outside of the story they feel bland.
especially morgana, I really wish they made him a better character after okumura's palace, because I actually enjoyed him, but instead he got absolutely zero development.
Ryuji feels bland compared to yosuke and junpei, and again, just like Morgana, gets zero development.
the only characters to have good development are Sumire, Maruki And Akechi both of which don't get enough screentime for how good they are.
there's also the painfully long intro, which isn't bad in the first playthrough but in the new game plus just SUCKS, because you'll be locked out of actual gameplay for 5-ish hours even with fast-foward and the fact that kamoshida's palace isn't very enjoyable anyway doesnt help much.
but despite all of my gripes with the game, it's still very good, the story itself is pretty good (although it only really picks up after okumura's castle) and the characters despite not having development, can stll be somewhat enjoyed on the playthrough, the highlight is of course the new third semester which honestly, could have been longer, but it's still really good anyway.
the gameplay is your average persona gameplay. it's peak.

Peak fiction if you are 7 years old.

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the game has some excellent visuals and mechanics that are thematically relevant and also hint at what the story really is about, and I really appreciate that aspect of it.
It's also incredibly telling (and, after playing it, clear) that this dev was inspired by a reddit r/TwoSentenceHorror post, because it gets about as deep as that would. Don't get me wrong, it's less than an hour long and I totally dig that, and for what it is there's plenty to appreciate and bemoan, but the inherent problem that stories of this caliber tend to miss is that...
Spoilers past here!

...using sexual abuse as a twist/driving force is always going to be a hard line to carry. since I'm more of a film guy than a video game guy, I'm gonna pull out film references, but in the case of films like Room and Incendies, sexual abuse is a central aspect to those stories because it's not about the shock, in fact it never really is. It's about the horror of what it is, and the aftermath that becomes of it, Room especially so. It's an incredibly fine line to balance, and there's a reason why those films I personally think do it well, and why I think My Eyes Deceive doesn't. The point in this game is to be horrified at the reveal of it, and then credits roll. It doesn't make for a particularly compelling story and gameplay, especially when several parts of the game, while I still think are good conceptually, don't feel cohesive as a whole.

If this dev had a bigger budget and a bit more time to write things out, I think this concept could be much more realized and much more thought-out, and ultimately much more sympathetic. As it is, it very much feels like a foray into an idea that was barely fleshed out in the first place, and a much colder approach at that.

Bom jogo, adorei quando o batman virou-se e disse "EU SOU O BATMAN..... ARKHAM ASYLUM......"

Why does Jinkler want ti kiss Man? is he stupied?

I wish there was local multiplayer, but hey, its still good