I don't know what's going on and I haven't got the concentration to find out.

Love the ship building, that's it.

Speed running the story and realised I'm spending most of my time on loading screens. Had the sudden realisation that I don't care so I'm shelving this. At least I have a save game that skips a lot of the tedious intro should I pick it up again.

Not for me. I think I'd play this more on a handheld.

The opposite of 'relaxing'. I'll come back when I am in a better state of mind.

One of the most fun multiplayer experiences I have had in a long time. I can talk my friends without worrying about not hearing footsteps.

I regret buying this CoD. Take me back to MW2 Knockout and ranked.

This game feeling so horrible is why I started on my backlog and I should be grateful for that!