Annoying characters, repetitive quests

What’s not to love?

way better the second time around

I wish video games were still this good :(

game would have been way better if the ending was a little longer

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fire giant beat me into submission. one-shot kills, I do no damage against it, and I've only found 1 summon. I'll eventually come back when i'm not burnt out and try a dex/int build, this game seems to hate pure strength builds

mid but the end of ezio's story is so good

I loved the environment and atmosphere and the ending/final message. the rest of the game certainly existed

absolutely loved ending e. would have been much sweeter if I didn't have to drag myself through the game 5 times to get to it though.

This DLC reaaaally rocks. I really hope they stick the landing with the story, they have so much potential.

Every time I would start this game the past few years, I would hate playing it and give up on it, but I forced myself to finish it this last playthrough and ended up loving this (definitely unfinished) game

god towards the ending it drags soooo longggg, but this game is amazing