9 Reviews liked by AJRXC2

This was good, you guys are just mean

XS boss fights not be the most obnoxious thing ever challenge

It's a fun, brand new 2D mario game. Something we haven't gotten since New Super Mario Bros. U for the WiiU in 2012 (unless you want to count Super Mario Run or Mario Maker 2). I don't have a lot to say, just that the online functionality was my favorite part of the experience. Finding comraderie in random people you run into as you're both completing a level, where you're rewarded for helping eachother out and even ending a level together, gave some memorable moments where I only got through some levels due to someone else helping me or a standee being in the perfect spot. I initially played with the online off but I'm glad I tried it and kept it on all the way to the final boss fight, only turning it off for the final challenge guantlet.

Aside from that, very easy to 100% clear and was even worth doing. Just like 2D mario games before, this is an easy buy for anybody who owns a switch or is thinking of gifting a switch and wants to give a game that's not Mario Kart or Zelda.

A very punishing game, sometimes unfairly so. Despite this its still a very fun game and is extremely addicting.

playing through this game made me feel a strange synchronicity across spatial and even fictional lines. gollum, one of literature's greatest wretches, forced to toil as a slave in mordor and eat little worms, the devs at daedalic, a company known mainly for point and click adventure games, forced to work on a game that they almost certainly knew they weren't up to the task of, and me, a dumbass, forced to play bad game because born with shitty brain.

It's no portal or talos, but if you like those games this is more of that type of experience. I wish that everything didn't rely on the same cube-dispensing gun system. Even though it is a cool idea at first, it unfortunetly gets pretty repetitive towards the end. I think the non-eucledian space stuff is genius and should've instead been the center focus of the puzzles, kind of like in Superlimial, a game that was clearly inspired by this.

it's fun, but not quite a must play.

amazing with friends, still holds up really well, there is a really low skill floor but an immense skill ceiling, it has a lot of depth to it which is really nice

A solid 7.5-8/10 in my book. I feel like it really removed all the issues I had with the previous game but there are some issues. The biggest issue I had is something that ruined my attachment to the story. The memory system is back but they tell a linear story though flashbacks instead of them being mostly self contained like the original but in this game I had a death scene ruined for me because I apparently didn’t find the glyphs in the right order. Scattering random bits of a story around the map in an open world game that has twists to it is just asking for it to be viewed incorrectly. An issue did persist from botw in my opinion and that’s the content bloat. People often praise this game for how much you can do but I have a hard time finding enjoyment out of a lot of it especially the new underground which feels very rushed. There aren’t really many glaring / game ruining negatives here for me and I do wonder where the series is going next but I do worry that the open world style of Zelda could get very stale

First game to let me thingamabob my way out of a situation

I loved this game almost as much as the first and sunk alot more time into it but this truly feels like the beginning of when dark souls bosses stopped being about fair but punishing difficulty and starting to feed into the statements about dark souls being extremely hard. It’s so easy to get one tapped in your first run of a boss because you’re still learning and I feel like if the damage was toned down it would be alot better. No idea why they decided to remove upgrading armor but made every boss be able to kill you with a light tap