A really solid 3d castlevania game, (big plus of having Skeleton riding motorcycles and revolver wielding knights) but seriously fixed alot of issues I had with the OG C64. It has its jank and camera issues but what game of this time period didn't. You play as a werewolf too and can transform, got all the the classic sub weapons and that classic castlevania music. It's got this puzzle aspect of using night and day cycle which was really cool.

If your a castlevania fan try it out. Not the greatest game in the series but a pretty decent one when it comes to the 3d ones

"Oblivion on steroids" is what the back of the case says but if definitely isnt LMAO

some of the best lines in gaming tho

you jump in water - "ah wet"
you fight goblins - "ah looks like my in-laws" que in sitcom laugh track
and death yells this guy makes when you die is sooo funny lol

cant say its the worst game ever but it sure is funny lol

Probably a top 5 survival/crafting game for me, im a big enjoyer of exploring underwater in games, but also scares the hell out of me especially when i cant see the bottom.

this game is great for exploring and actually has a story, which i love, this and the forest series are great cause its not just crafting the whole time theres also a reason for it or endgame objective.

the lore in this game is very intresting and exploring the alien waters gave me a metroid prime kinda of feel. and finally finding that last blueprint you been looking for is so rewarding, one you get that mech tho shit gets real! lol love punching alien sea creatures with a giant mech

i need to play the second game tho its on the list for sure


This game is like if s.t.a.l.k.e.r and quake had a baby but they doubled up on weirdness, so many wacky, off the walls moments lol i suggest just playing cause of that

but honestly im a sucker for the boomer shooter genre
not to much to say other than run around, circle strafe and collect keys.

it doesnt invent the wheel, buuut its very good at what it does, the atmosphere is so forboding and creepy and one level scared the shit out of me, even! you always feel uneasy.
cool enemy design as well

if you love this genre its a most have so check it out whenever you can

I have played just about every saints row (2 is my fav)

i saw saints row was coming back and everyone said the reboot was going to be ass and i said "lets give it a chance"

wish i never did...
problaby one of the worst games i ever played
other than the customization (which is really good) the game sucks at everything else
mission design, the open world, the writting, the story, combat. also very glitchy when it first came out too.

it feels like a game that should have came out in like 2012. but horrible cringy writing of a present day game.

i had already payed full price and i sadly had to torture myself and beat it, ending was ass as well.... what a sad way for a great franchise like saints row to go out...

One of my fav dooms ever! (i put n64 but first played it on pc)

yes it loses the old headbanging soundtrack for a dark brooding, and more atmospheric onebut i kind of dig it alot, this game can be so creepy and unsettling but also all the goodness of Doom 1 and 2

love the new enemy design and the hellscape levels look so cool! the star of the show tho is the unmaker! a bad ass looking demonic laser rifle that make the last boss a joke if you go thur all the secert levels and get the demon keys to power it! before the power-up its pretty decent already but afterward oooooh brother thats a whole different story

Highly recommend if your a doom fan but would like a little more horror to your doom

this game is worth playing just for the voice acting lmao

garrets voice actor is really good and i like him alot but the guards and bystanders kill me LOL
when guards sleep they make looney tunes snoring sound effects its "gold"

tbh its a fun and very detailed game for its time but does drag in the last 3 or so levels. its such a old game time has not been kind in the controls department tho


loved this game, sure its the same mario formula but there is some different little tweaks and twist to it really made it standout.

alot of the levels and enemies were really werid and offworld
im mean hell you can be a elephant. gave me vibes of super mario bro 3 and i love it!

just wish you could play as yoshi without it being on easy mode or being able to get item pickups i mean yoshi used to be a helicopter so i dont think its a big stretch for him to have powers

One of my fav childhood games, problaby why im so into horror games and movies till this day. it parodys so much from the genre and i love it for that, even a tremors level!

fun, wacky, and spooky like a b rated horror movie, alot of fun weapons and gadgets to kill the undead, also taking a potion to turn to a purple demon on steroids will never not be cool

and just like all great works of art, theres a life lesson to be learned, that lesson is: Life aint fair and its gonna beat the fuck out of you....

but seriously who actually beat this game (other than my uncle mark cause he said he beat every game before it came out, he wouldnt lie to me!)

other than being way to hard and very fun game, always will love it even if it gave me the toughest love

My fav game of all time!, its a true classic in the survival horror genre that went on to inspire so many other games like it.

First horror game i ever played as a kid i was so scared trying to make it to rpd office, failing and hearing leons death scream as i ran to turn off the n64 and ran out my room lol

enough nostalgia tho! the game seems to hit it out of the park in alot of things that make a horror game great to me, the music, atmosphere

This game is so nostalgic to me, one of my fav games ever but idk if it deserve 4 stars with the hard as hell platforming LOL but atmosphere and humor is still on point after all these years! if you like nightmare before Christmas you will be right at home as well! Big spoooooky vibes with this one

sir daniel fortesque always deserved to be in the hall of heroes glad he is finally home where he belongs

Wow what a surprise this game was! in more ways than one thats for sure lol always heard about this game but would forget about it. Then i ran across a youtube short about the penance armor and i said "ok i gotta check this out!"

This game gave me so much berserk vibes (one of my fav mangas} so i was sold immediately. (Le'garde is the most Griffith like character ever LOL)

The music literally was scaring me, this soundtrack was so good, that perfect atmospheric unsettling music to make you question whats lurking in the next room. Survival horror is one of my fav genres and i love a game where one mistake can be your undoing (stalker, or project zomboid come to mind) losing a limb or getting bones broken can end a run.

I loved the more you played and more you learned the better you got at exploring the world and surviving since there was no leveling up like in a normal turn based rpg. i loved it was so easy to miss stuff or how talking to certain enemies will actually help you in a fight. this will be a game i replay alot in the future for sure. Story was kinda vague (which i like if done right) but also had alot of really good well written lore i was surprised! plus i really really digged the art style

my only complaint is the amount of sexual violence in the game, i want to share and talk about it with more people but i feel its hard to in this day in age with how offended some people can get, only thing really holding me back from that 5 star review

my first review so sorry if im all over the place but yes its a amazing game!