Still loved the game but boy was it rough. Every fight and boss felt like they were lazily thrown into the game. Usually a big fan of the quirk but not with this one. Travis a horrible husband and shouldn't fumble such a babe. Maybe the game was limited by the technical walls of the switch.

Didn't care about this version of the game only boobs tbh boobs are god


This game was my entire personality for the 9th grade. I'll never forget it and how hot I thought all the girls were. Travis was the man and I wanted to be him.

I miss grasshopper etc etc suda is a god etc its' style over substance. I love quirky weird bosses even if this game fell a bit short.

Suda is a madman and this is the thing that put him on everyones' map. Every few years I go back to the wiki to remember what happens in this game. Thinking about it, I'd love for this to get a remake. Does it need it? Nah. Would I buy it? Hell yeah.

God I miss Grasshopper. Juliet was a big crush and hack n slash games are always fun. This isn't the best game but it didn't take itself seriously and I appreciate that.

This game was extremely cool and badass for me as a kid. I did however have horrible experiences and memories of it because I just sucked at it. But it honestly holds up.


One of those summer games on the arcade machine games. I am not sure that I ever beat it, but I spent hours on it trying with friends.

I had no reason to get this game as I had already finished Silver, but the cartridge was see through and honestly what else do you need.

I think it was my first tactics style game and I fumbled my way through it. It's very easy even as a child to caveman a path. Its' final fantasy so at least the story was masterfully crafted.

I eventually beat it but didn't care at all about any of the characters. Companion games and movie is what really made me care more about the universe. I know its' iconic and the first game to have those wonderful cutscenes but i just could not have cared any less.

Pokemon being in color was such a wild thing to see. I was a Lugia boy and that's all I cared about. I used the strategy guide so much that I can still smell the printed pages.

This game was worth every single hour I put into it while getting lost. I finally beat it and then another part started. That really overwhelmed me as a child but it was super cool that I wasn't done yet.

I had no idea what was different about this game as I was still playing my red version. But I found out about flying and surfing pikachu and lost my absolute shit.