Expected it to be the same as diamond and was shocked that there were actual differences. The distortion world was awesome and Looker was a very cook character.

My favorite gen by far. Garchomp, cynthia, the music, designs, it had it all. I will always love this region and gen the most. The surprise Cynthia fight will haunt me to this day.

Same game as Ruby but it has one of my favorite Pokémon on the front. The emerald color of the cartridge was worth looking at every day.

The Pokémon designs in this game were amazing. Love the region and abilities. The addition of weather mechanics were also very cool. One of my favorite legendary came in this gen.

The best game in the series by far. Fusing with a wolf is super cool. I think about this game a lot and wish I could get more just like it. Megaman hasn't been the same for me since.

I played this game side by side who had the protoman version. This game caused me to like the entire series as a whole way more than I had previously. I really wish this series could be revitalized solely based on the awesome experiences I had playing this game, more so than the others.

I enjoyed it enough as a kid but a lot of the game felt lazily thrown together. Could not tell you one cool thing about it as it felt like I had done all of it a million times before. Edgey mechanic and parts was funny but super cool.

Every game slightly improves on the one before it. Style changes and chip additions are very welcome things. My friend had the white version and we traded the chips needed. What a good ending.

A great sequel I loved playing with friends. Really fixed a few of the things from the first game. Bass is super edgey and cool.

Loved the game but looking back on it, the dialogue and some gameplay choices feel slightly stale. It was definitely on the bottom of the ranking for this series of games but to be fair it is the first one.

Really scratched that LoZ style itch but mixed my two favorite things, wolves and shinto religion. I liked this game so much that Ammy was one of my first tattoos. I will always have fond memories.

Fine I guess but wish it wasn't a rehash and super repetitive.

Still loved the game but boy was it rough. Every fight and boss felt like they were lazily thrown into the game. Usually a big fan of the quirk but not with this one. Travis a horrible husband and shouldn't fumble such a babe. Maybe the game was limited by the technical walls of the switch.

Didn't care about this version of the game only boobs tbh boobs are god