marble madness takes less than five minutes to beat, but over the years, i know i've spent quite a few hours on this game. the marble feels great to control, and being able to go at two different speeds is very helpful at times. the graphics are honestly great for the nes, and the music tracks fit the stages well and soothe the ears. all the obstacles in the game are very fair and easy to understand, and when you die, you get back to the action right away. i just love everything they did here!

i love mega man 1 and i have played through it sooo many times. the graphics may not be as advanced as later games in the series, and it may not have as many stages as later games in the series, but i just cant help but love all that is here. the enemy and boss patterns in this game are pretty simple but that simplicity makes it actually possible for someone like me to master, unlike later mega man games which sometimes went crazy with certain boss designs (shadow man from mega man 3 and slash man from mega man 7 are some examples). 4 of the 6 robot master weapons you get in this game are pretty useful in a lot of situations, while 2 of them are much more situational. this is a good balance in my opinion. the magnet beam is one of the best movement items in a mega man game to me, up there with mega man 3 rush jet. also, i think ice man is a cutie pie :)

super mario bros is legendary. the physics of mario feel more advanced than anything that came before it, so movement feels natural and satisfying. the level design is consistently great, with a good progression in terms of difficulty. there’s a good bit of variety to the enemies, and there’s a reason all their designs have stayed mostly the same to this day. this is because they are awesome, much like the music which is also awesome and iconic. no matter how long i play the game i never find myself growing tired of the music or the gameplay, so for all intents and purposes, it’s a perfect experience. searching for secret warp pipes, vines, stars, one-ups, and more just never gets old.

tetris for the nes is just amazing. fitting those silly little four-blocked pieces together is so simple yet so eternally satisfying and challenging to both the mind and the hands on later levels. the three music tracks in the game are all pretty pleasant to listen to, and some of the different palettes that the blocks take on can be quite pretty to look at as well. game a and b both have their merits and frankly, everything contained in this cartridge is perfection except for the fact that high scores don’t have any way to save, but we have the ability to take pictures in this day and age so that doesn’t really matter at all.

donkey kong for the nes is very good because it is fun to jump around as a silly little fellow on precarious construction sites, eventually culminating in the defeat of the titular ape, donkey kong. hammering fires and barrels and such is also very rewarding both in points and in real, lasting happiness. pauline is a nice lady and deserves to be saved so i reckon everyone should give this game a go :)