You know the game is awful when even the director is ashamed of it.

I heard numerous times before playing this game at how bad it was and I was still left in awe in how terrible this game was after finishing it.

I could name all the positive things about DMC 2 in one hand; I like Dante’s design, the music is alright, and I like the “Here’s your crown” scene. That’s literally it.

Otherwise, yeah, this game is one of the worst games I’ve ever played in my life. It controls worse than even DMC 1, the enemies are painfully easy to deal with due to the overpowered pistols, the bosses are obnoxious, auto lock-on is a constant annoyance, none of the weapons are interesting or fun to use, the story is a load of nothing, the characters are boring, the environments are dull and lifeless, and Dante can’t even taunt in this game.

I’m so glad that DMC 3 exists and that I played it before this pile of shit, because it makes me appreciate that game even more than I already do. I never want to play this game again.

While I don't love this one as much as Return to Dreamland, Triple Deluxe, or Planet Robobot, I still think that this game is an amazing step into 3D for the franchise.

The copy abilities feel great to use, the bosses are a lot of fun to fight with the newly implemented dodge roll mechanic, the world that you explore this time around has an element of disturbance that I really appreciate, and the game overall just feels good to play.

There isn't really much to complain about with this one. I just loved playing through the game and completing it felt worthwhile.

Not gonna lie, I expected to like this game more, but near the of my playthrough I just got really frustrated with this one due to the poor controls and frustrating enemy placement. It's not bad, and it has a lot of cool ideas, but I don't plan on replaying it all that much.

After playing through this game for the first time, I can completely understand why people love it so much.

I will say that there are a few things that I thought didn't hold up well. I thought some of enemies and bosses were really annoying to fight, especially near the end of the game (f*** Arkham), and the addition of different styles makes it a bit tedious to deal when trying to grind so that you can level each of them up.

That being said, I'm glad that this idea was introduced here because it adds a deeper level of combat that wasn't in the first game. It's one of the reasons why Dante feels so amazing to play as, along with his cocky attitude and the weapons he uses throughout the game.

And the story, while not groundbreaking, is also a big step up from the first game, as it introduces Vergil and Lady to the series, with the ladder character have a deep connection to the story of the game.

While not perfect, Devil May Cry 3 is a game that still holds up really well all these years later, and it's not surprise as to why this raised the bar for action games. I respect every bit of passion that went into this game and I can't wait to play more of it.

The SNES version of this game was much more in line in what I thought this game would be. I think that Super Mario Bros. 2 on the original NES had a good baseline for a great game, but I felt like it needed some polish on the controls and mechanics in order to become something I really liked.

Then here comes the SNES version giving me just that. Almost all of the levels are now really fun to play, I love the fact that you can play as multiple characters (even if objectively Toad is the best character in the game), and I find it really satisfying to be able to pick up and throw objects at enemies This version of the game is just all around loads of fun.

Overall, I respect the original for making a great basis, but if I were to play a version between the two, I'll take the SNES version any day.

This review contains spoilers

Mega Man X5/10

But seriously, I wished I liked this game more, as there are things to like about Mega Man X5. The bosses are mostly pretty good, the music is excellent as usual, the controls are tight, and the story is great, even if it is presented poorly.

That said, there are multiple issues that dragged this game down for me, the biggest one being the backtracking. Backtracking is something I don't like to do in Mega Man X games, and this game has a lot of it; you will have to go through every stage in this game at least twice due to how poorly scattered the collectibles are here. This is thanks to the addition of the Falcon and Gaea armors. I think on paper that these are nice additions to the game, but the problem is so much of the level design revolves around using these armors to get the collectibles in the stages.

And this wouldn't be that big of a deal if it weren't for two factors. The first is that the levels themselves aren't really anything special. They aren't bad (aside from Duff McWhalen's stage. Seriously who thought that level was a good idea?!), but they aren't really special either, and having to replay them multiple times just gets tedious after a while. The second factor is that you have to find the parts in the stages, which, again, wouldn't be so bad if you didn't have to backtrack through the stages multiple times to get certain parts. Hell, in Duff McWhalen's stage, the head part for the falcon armor is trapped behind a wooden crate, and in order to get said part, you have to ... beat Duff McWhalen so you can obtain his weapon, and then go through the level again until you can get to where the part is located and then blow up a bomb that destroys the wooden crate.... WHAT?!

And the story, while very well written, is also presented very poorly. This is partially due to the bad English translation, but mostly due to the game's usage of still images to tell the story. I loved the quality looking anime cutscenes from X4, so to see how much of a downgrade X5 had in terms of cutscenes is pretty depressing to me.

Overall, X5 isn't a bad game and has some good ideas, but the horrendous amount of backtracking and the poor presentation kill my enjoyment; a massive step down from X1-4 for me. Anyways, next is Mega Man X6, so wish me luck.

Edit: Oh yeah I forgot to mention it but Alia sucks. She breaks the pace of the game even more by constantly stopping you to tell you stuff you can figure out on your own. Thankfully, from what I heard, this is the game where she is at her worst, so I’ll see how she improves in the later games.

I gave this game a 6/10 back in 2022, but I felt like I was giving the game too much credit. Turns out, I was correct; this game got worse on a second playthrough.

I decided to play this game to give myself a break from playing Persona 5 so much, and I'm surprised at how much this game holds up.

Sure, it isn't perfect, as I do think there are some major problems like the bad camera, underwhelming bosses, and underwater world only being there for the sake of padding the game out(screw the submarine level especially), but I just find this game to be really fun to play overall. The fun level design, fantastic music, and great controls and moves for Pac-Man especially make this a great adventure.

I can understand why some aren't fond towards this game, but overall it's one that I had a lot of fun playing and I can't wait to get into the other Pac-Man World games

You know, I was planning on making a long review for each of these Mega Man X games I’m playing, but I don’t have it in me for this one. It’s Mega Man X7, what else do I need to add that hasn’t already been talked about a million times. Boring gameplay where auto lock on ruins all the challenge previous games had, a lame story, bad characterization for X, 3D gameplay that makes fighting enemies pointless, slow and lethargic menus and cutscenes, Alia is still a nuisance, ugly looking graphics, terrible stages, obnoxious bosses, and, to top it all off, the worst final stages of any Mega Man game (at least from the ones I’ve played): Palace Road and Crimson Palace. This game is worse than X6, and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.

If I had to give this game some positives … I mean it’s slightly better than Devil May Cry 2, because at least this game introduced Axl, has a pretty good soundtrack, and I can get a little ironic enjoyment out of some cutscenes. Overall though, yeah one of the worst games I’ve ever played. X8 better be miles better than this pile of crap or else I will quit being a Mega Man fan. /j

So I actually finished this game about a month ago, but I forgot to write a review on it, so here we go.

I was a bit worried going into Pikmin 4, as the demo felt heavy in tutorials. However, after playing the game, I can safely say that this is an amazing follow up to one of my favorite series (as you can probably tell from my pfp).

I wouldn't say this is my favorite Pikmin game, that honor would still go to the first one, but this has beaten the second and third game for me. I love how open the levels are and how there are so many treasures to do and collect. The caves are back and they are a lot better than they were in 2, where they felt a bit cramped for my liking and didn't look all that appealing. Here, each sublevel in every cave is unique and fun to explore. The challenge and vs levels are also really fun and challenge you to get the highest score possible. Personally, I would say that Pikmin 3 had a stronger challenge mode, but Pikmin 4 doesn't fall very far behind.

There are some problems with the game, like how easy it is overall due to the addition of Oatchi (even if he is very fun to play as) and the abundance of items and upgrades, and how auto lock on is pretty aggravating, but overall, Pikmin 4 is one of my favorite games I played this year and I am so happy that it even released in the first place.

I gave Hogwarts Legacy a chance, hoping to at least somewhat enjoy it as someone who hasn't seen the Harry Potter movies, but unfortunately I found this game to be really boring. It's not bad by a technical stance; I think the game looks really good, I enjoyed exploring Hogwarts itself, and broom riding was pretty nice. But I found all of the characters to be boring, the combat to clunky (especially since I don't enjoy having to press the right trigger constantly to even perform a basic attack), the missions to be tedious, and the world outside of Hogwarts to be uninteresting. I was tired of playing this game 6 hours into it, and I packed it in by the 10 hour mark; I have no interesting in finishing this game.

Played this game a second time for some reason. My thoughts haven't changed since I played it back in 2022; it's fine

Am I the only one who hates Cyber Peacock’s level?

In all seriousness though, really great game. I wanted to replay this before going through X5-X8.

I decided to replay the base game's tracks since I've been playing the booster course pass for the first time this year. I do think that Mario Kart 8 can be a bit boring sometimes since there isn't much incentive to come back to it as much as Double Dash, but there is no denying that Nintendo put a lot of effort into the tracks of this game. It was fun on Wii U, and it's still very fun now.

Normally I'm not a fan of open world games because of how uninteresting I find them to be, but Ghost of Tsushima is one of the exceptions. What mainly kept me playing this game was the fantastic combat system; it feels so satisfying to use Jin's arsenal to it's fullest, from the fluid sword skills to the vast amount of other weapons you can use to defeat your enemies. This game is what Assassin's Creed wishes it can be. On top of that, the game has a really compelling story with tons of side plots, a good soundtrack, beautiful graphics, and world that is mostly fun to explore and interact with. Ghost of Tsushima was a great surprise to me and I really loved playing it overall.