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7 days ago

7 days ago

AaronWhlsmChtc reviewed Fashion Police Squad
You'd be forgiven if you played the first few levels of this game and thought it might be a fun, stylish spin on the beloved Boomer Shooter genre. Whatever fun this game offers quickly evaporates into an absolute slog.

The game's biggest and most glaring issue is its idea of difficulty. While most games of this ilk use well-placed upgrades, ammo, and health to give you a sense of just scraping by FPS expects you to enjoy its horrible enemy placement and relentless mobs. Let me explain.

Every enemy in the game has a specific weakness to certain weapons. Okay, lots of games do that. However, since enemies can only be killed in certain ways it means that while you're trying to eliminate one 15 more are spamming attacks on you and you can not do anything to mitigate the damage. There are no fluid dodges, jumps, or even covers to use. So if you're trying to take out an enemy that is only weak to your water gun you're getting hit with AOE attacks, bumps that knock you out of place, and even poison gas by enemies you can't touch with the weapon you're using. The enemy attacks also come with ridiculous ranges that will almost always hit you no matter how far away you think you are. Top this off with their placement being all but random and you'll find yourself dying over and over again simply because you had nowhere to go and no way to defend yourself. It's the worst kind of difficulty as it's not tough but fair rather it just relies on overwhelming you over and over again.

The game also features some light platforming that just feels awful every time. It's especially bad near the end when there's one long section that feels entirely unnecessary. Jumping in this game rarely feels like it's any use so these crammed-in sections just become a tedious way of getting to your next mob.

The reason this game gets a 2 from me is that it was occasionally funny (hit the gimps with your Belt of Justice) and the midgame boss fight was kind of fun. It was miles better than the last fight that simply goes on forever with these horrible sections in between each phase of the battle where you play as one of the enemies you've been shooting the whole time. One of which includes more horrible platforming!

If you love the boomer shooter genre, skip this. If you're new to it, skip this. The few funny jokes and one solid boss fight aren't worth the messy level design, horrible enemy placement, and its decision that having too many enemies is a good way to build difficulty.

7 days ago

AaronWhlsmChtc finished Fashion Police Squad
You'd be forgiven if you played the first few levels of this game and thought it might be a fun, stylish spin on the beloved Boomer Shooter genre. Whatever fun this game offers quickly evaporates into an absolute slog.

The game's biggest and most glaring issue is its idea of difficulty. While most games of this ilk use well-placed upgrades, ammo, and health to give you a sense of just scraping by FPS expects you to enjoy its horrible enemy placement and relentless mobs. Let me explain.

Every enemy in the game has a specific weakness to certain weapons. Okay, lots of games do that. However, since enemies can only be killed in certain ways it means that while you're trying to eliminate one 15 more are spamming attacks on you and you can not do anything to mitigate the damage. There are no fluid dodges, jumps, or even covers to use. So if you're trying to take out an enemy that is only weak to your water gun you're getting hit with AOE attacks, bumps that knock you out of place, and even poison gas by enemies you can't touch with the weapon you're using. The enemy attacks also come with ridiculous ranges that will almost always hit you no matter how far away you think you are. Top this off with their placement being all but random and you'll find yourself dying over and over again simply because you had nowhere to go and no way to defend yourself. It's the worst kind of difficulty as it's not tough but fair rather it just relies on overwhelming you over and over again.

The game also features some light platforming that just feels awful every time. It's especially bad near the end when there's one long section that feels entirely unnecessary. Jumping in this game rarely feels like it's any use so these crammed-in sections just become a tedious way of getting to your next mob.

The reason this game gets a 2 from me is that it was occasionally funny (hit the gimps with your Belt of Justice) and the midgame boss fight was kind of fun. It was miles better than the last fight that simply goes on forever with these horrible sections in between each phase of the battle where you play as one of the enemies you've been shooting the whole time. One of which includes more horrible platforming!

If you love the boomer shooter genre, skip this. If you're new to it, skip this. The few funny jokes and one solid boss fight aren't worth the messy level design, horrible enemy placement, and its decision that having too many enemies is a good way to build difficulty.

7 days ago

8 days ago

AaronWhlsmChtc is now playing Palworld

8 days ago

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