My girlfriend got me to play this one and it's honestly pretty fun. The abilities are fun, the variety is nice, and the atmosphere is charming. The biggest problem is the vast amount of unskippable cutscenes and just how short this game is. This game expects you to replay levels yet refuses to let you skip cutscenes you've seen multiple times before. It's frustrating and ruins a lot of the otherwise great levels in this game if you go for 100%. I'm sure if they fix this one problem then Peach can have a genuinely great game.


Replayed this one! I don't know if it exactly aged well and I still do seriously struggle with the overall "point" of this game in terms of its themes, but I do think this is an insanely important game and one that I'm really fond of

I'm not done yet, but god damn this is endlessly addicting

It's perfectly fine. However, the game failed to grip me. Everything I felt the game did right I felt I could have received in other games. Maybe I'll come back.

The best Zelda and I'm sorry - it isn't that close

Even though I don't think I'd list this among my favorites, there was a time that I did feel that way, and if I played it again, I may change my mind. There is a reason for that: this game is a masterpiece.

Extremely difficult to try to review in terms of "objectivity". Regardless, the game is a hugely influential masterpiece and has made me feel things no game can. At a very confusing time in my life, I discovered this game and I understood it in a way difficult to put into words.

A fun little horror game. Unfortunately, there are some really annoying sections of the game and it isn't exactly the most memorable game I've played. Regardless, still not bad.

I am so unbelievably conflicted about this game. What it does right is brilliant and genuinely some of the best things I've ever experienced in a game. What it does poorly, however, is unfortunately distracting. Regardless, I genuinely deeply respect this game.

A fun little mystery game. It's nothing exceptional, but it's not bad for what it is.

A fantastic indie game. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, I don't mesh as well with this one as I do with other indie platformers

An insanely satisfying and addictive gameplay loop

A really fun and charming little story game. Though the gameplay itself isn't exactly complex or deep - it doesn't have to be. The story is quick, entertaining, and emotionally effective.